Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daily Scope for APRIL 1,2013

Maybe it's all the planets going on in your first but your still carrying that  great energy to get your way,  know that you can ask people for  favors or get your way with others
Today  is a good day to see things coming  your  direction,  you  could also see some things come full circle in your life

When it comes to business you could be hearing some good news coming your way,also this is a great time to remove the clutter from your life and work on the  energy at home
Today you  could be  in a playful mood with coworkers,and also this is great day to have the energy and the motivation to get things done, and also to work on your health

Today  you  can get a bit hot bothered with the heavy  flirting  going around , your mind may be on fun and adventure, and when can you go out rather than your priorities, but aren't get togethers priority ?

Today your home is looking more , and more like your sanctuary a place for you  to leave work, and drama where it should be outside, not in your world. You maybe  even a bit more quite than usual
Today you are out spoken and loving it , you could be saying whats on your mind with out a filter so try to think before you speak, because others maynot like what you say
You  could be thirfty shopper or  coming up with great ideas on  how to save, or fix your budget, also  you  can be thinking about starting new projects that may involve your home or  home business, but some of these projects may involve some paper work   

You may have worries  with certain situations going on  in your life today, but be  patient change is  sure to come and the situation will be dealt with


Today  with  the moon in sagittarius in your 12 th house your mind  could be a bit active, and this need  to go out and have fun could be on your mind, hmm know of any leos :)
The moon in  sagittarius in your 11th house  the  focus today is on your friends and  being the center of their world today
The moon in sagittarius in your 10th house brings about  this eagerness to please everyone, and I mean everyone, also you have this look at me attitude which  could be allot of  fun to watch  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pisces April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aquarius April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Capricorn April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Sagittarius April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Scorpio April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Virgo April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Leo April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Gemini April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aries April 01,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Friday, March 29, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

,Daily Scope for March 29,2013

Careful with who you associate yourself , you may not realize now , but they could be using you, or being a bit manipulative, they  could  be taking advantage of your empathy.  This is  a time also where people will be inspired by you, to the point of copying you, sometimes it's hard to have followers
Today  the flow of the universe works in your favor, also this energy today brings about endings possibly with relationships so becareful how the end will end, try to end things on a positive note

Lovers today may  have your back in what ever endeavour or idea you are going with, you have their support. For some of you , you  could be making a major life decision

With the full moon energy still surrounding the day, people maybe a bit edgy with you, so still focus on what's going on with you and do for you today
For some of  you today you can expect some kind of  a finicial windfall  or  finicial gain today,also  today you  may be doing a bit of micromanaging so try to give up some of that control and allow others to do their job
Today you may put your faith to the test and  give it to God and the universe all them to take care of whatever situation is bothering you. Also for some of you this energy will bring about  your creative vision, and your ability to create
For  some of you today , you could be picking sides when it comes to friends or coworkers, also for others you may be to focus to deal with other people drama

Your intuintion today will guide where you need,also today don't take responsibility for things that are out of your control.   

Today  you  may want to becareful because others may put you in a finicial bind.What ever you set your mind to , you can get Ask, Believe, and Receive
You may  have to  go through what seems like fire, as obstacles  bring about change, but you are ready to take on those obstacle because the end result is change
You are able to create your own reality,also you have control over how people perceive or what people say about you
Seize the day today , there is  great energy  to get things done and  for a feel good time with others TGIF

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Scope for March 28,2013

The energy is looking up for you , but still in the back of your head, your still doubting this  good energy keep it positive, this is your birthday month till the 15 of April when the planets start to leave you sign, so take advantage of the opportunities that are coming to you
You  are very confident with the energy today, also taking on some new responsibilities or being focus on learning you feel accomplished , like you really are getting things done
You could be a bit worried with some decision and crisis moments coming your way, in the end give to God and let the energy do what does, and you'll see everything work itself out
I feel that when it comes to your crush , you could be thinking about  the future with this person and what you would do differently in a  relationship with that person. Also  go  out there  and  get your hands dirty and make things happen  rather them wishing them to happen

There is playful energy around you today, you  could be making all about you today and not really wanting  to take care of your responsibilities
You  need to be patient when it comes to getting what you want, forcing others or nagging them may not get you anywhere today, try to be bit realistic when it comes to love relationships

The full moon is in your first house today the energy could  get a bit tense emotions may run high, so try to keep the emotional self ground, and calm

The full moon in your 12th house the  you maynot be able to focus on the task at hand because thoughts of the future or other matters may preoccupy your time
The full moon in Libra in your 11th house making it a bit of crazy day with friends so  expect people to pull you in all sort of directions, busy , busy, busy
The full  moon brings about great energy to be able to talk  your way into and out of situations , you'll see that you gain  the upper when push comes to shove
The  full moon in your  9th house  could have you checking out  mentally into other worldly issues that are more important, so try to keep focus and stay ground because I think I  saw the mother ship signaling for you to get away

Oh fishies the full moon in Libra in your 8th house brings about issues with others  you  could find yourself caught in the midst of a he said she said today, do try to remain calm and not thrash about like a fish out of water

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daily Scope by Marie Moore for March 27,2013

This is a day where you could be changing bad habits, and also seeing someone else getting the upper hand which may seem a bit unfair
Today you  could have an admire waiting in the wings that may ask you out for some coffee , also this is  a great day for money making opportunities to come your way
You could come up with a creative solution that will help you with certain problems or stumbling blocks.  Also the energy today you could be feeling on top of the world or like you have freedom to do what you want, remember I wrote "like"

Today you  can get some criticism when it comes to  not following the group, sometimes you have to do what feels right to you and not everyone else. Also becareful with people around you or your partner they could be pulling the wool over your eyes and there
You  could be learning some new ropes, or receiving a mentor that will help you and motivate you in what you need to do .Also you give someone much needed advise , like some good Doctor Phil advise
You need today to work out your emotional issues especially when it comes to love or feelings of abandonment. Also some issues in your life could  resolve themselves

No one can change your mind as you know exactly it is that you want today, you have this great self esteem and also are able to take control over an situation you find yourself in

Becareful with power tripping authority figures either they are having a moment or they are in some kind of  power trip stay out of the way, also outcomes today will turn in your favor

Something today could shake up your peaceful household.For some of you , you could be struggling with ideas or creative thinking

Today for some of you could be receiving unexpected  money or opportunities that could have you feeling a bit more confident or superior because of where you finicial situation or where you are going

You could be getting ahead of  yourself as you are more concentrated on the future rather than what's going on in the present.Also today you need to becareful because your ego maybe talking to you, which is also an opportunity to work on your ego as well

Today you can experience some material success ,decision today maybe difficult to make on your so be sure to ask your partner or someone that knows what they are talking about 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Daily Scope for March 25,2013


You could be all in your head, because  of  worry or things not working as plan, know  that things  are working out  especially finicially

The moon in sign of virgo in your fifth  house you  could be bit nurturing with your friends, and loving the energy that comes along with the fifth house, also your a bit more creative than  usual
You could be learning new things or on the job training that will have you a bit more confident, also new relationships such as friendships or love will show you some loyalty

Some changes or opportunity could have you thinking about the future or getting a bit carried away when it comes to the expectations of these changes, try to stay in the present and allow the blessings come to you as they come
Your  energy today is attractive meaning people will enjoy your company and positive attitude and  your charm, you are very childish and fun loving so try to keep it down because others may not appreciate your sun dispostion

You are on the right track today as doors open and things are looking up for you ,  your mind is on the money and work ; your confidence is high

You  need to let go of fears and doubts know that you can ask for help, and people are their for you have faith that  things will work out despite the obstacles you have to go through

For some of  you this is a start of new beginning or new project your starting today, you feel in control and are ready for the changes that are coming your way

Fears for some of you of the changes coming could have you thinking about past changes and  how  you were hurried, no worries follow your intuition this time around will be allot better
Careful when it comes to investing your energy  into someone else , you may find that you are being used, or lied to. New beginnnings with old relationships could also begin to heal
You are loving the relationships going on in your life that you may have a hard time concentrating on work, opportunities may come to you today but are they best for you right now ?
You have fears and worries plaguing your thoughts and worries know that the worst is almost over with  be patient with the energy and follow your gut

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pisces March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aquarius March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Capricorn March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Sagittarius March 25,2013 Weekly Horscope by Marie Moore

Scorpio March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Virgo March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Leo March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Cancer March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Gemini March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Taurus March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aries March 25,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Situations can get a bit heck  or events can move with  great speed especially when it comes to making decision before sure to take time and think about your options
Delays are finally over,full speed ahead. For some of you events or situation are happening to you all at once.This is  still a good time to clear the way for things that no longer serve you

The moon in leo in third house will have you standing up for those you love, or standing up for yourself and what is wrong with this picture.
The moon in leo in the second house you could be a bit over top when it comes to your spending, or a bit out there with that cavary taste of yours, so watch your spending habits if your trying to save

The moon in your first house today you are seeing  where others are coming from, listen as well before reacting emotional to what others are saying
The moon in leo in your 12th house , you  could be wearing your emotions on your sleeve, so people will know when your upset which is not a bad thing it means they'll be able to read you a bit better or know what makes you tick

The moon in leo in your 11th house you are all about friends and socializing too, no matter how much fun that sounds don't forget about work or other obligations

The moon in leo in your 10th house  you  could say what's  on your mind or not even come with a filter as people may aggravate you or do really stupid things, stupidity is  a disease, it's not been proven yet so be patient with others
The moon in Leo in your 9th house could have you standing up for what's right or have you on some moral  high horse, so get on your soap box and preach what's right and wrong
Moon in  leo in your 8th house could have you being a bit of  flirt,so things with coworkers or close partnerships could get a bit hot and bothersome
The moon in the seventh house of  relationship , you feel this need to take care of others even if it means to help them out  finicially so becareful because there's help and then there's to much help

The moon in the sign of  leo in your sixth house  could have you  bumping heads with authority figures or with those in control, do all you can to bite your tongue to get through today   

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This is a mental day today you could be a bit trapped in your head, and allowing the negative thoughts to creep, it could be a slow day which allows you time to mull things over but the energy will pick up so  enjoy the silence before the storm

Nurture yourself and others, forgiveness, compassion and some understanding need to be demonstrated today so you can  show those haters how to love show people love today
Your mind is on the money today wether it be how to save or how to make more, you'll have some decision to make on what to do with your money. Also this is a good day to come with creative solutions with your money situation as well
You are in the right fram of mind for long term plans, and happy times are starting to come your way especially today. Friendships or love relationship could get a bit closer , as you forgive others or end conflicts
Today you may hear some good news when it comes to your finicial, or you may meet new challenges. Also  this is  a great day for  receiving money or new career opportunities
Be patient with people and timing you  could be a bit off, also there is a need for balance and compromise in your life. You need to try to focus, and communicate your vision with others, or those  you work with

Enjoy the little things today, don't allow yourself to take on so much at work because it may cause some stress which will affect your health. It's important that you nurture yourself and don't sweat the small stuff
You be turning into a work alcholic try not to get to overwhelmed, and ask others for help, yes ask because others wont know if you don't . Also for some , you could be ending a difficult  stituation, so embraces the changes that are comming your way
You  could be comming into some life changes, in regards to career or  current work situation, also this is a good to work on healing yourself and relationships, just a suggestion, but it's a great time to move on

You could be having a good money day either at work or as  a gift, also this is a good day to get your  finicial situation in order, also this could be a time for change, the life changing expeerience, and spirituatl transformations
This is  a great day to challenge yourself, you could be coming to an end of a situation, clearing the way of things that no longer serves you , and seeing the humor in a situation
There could be news of exciting new endeavor, use your originality and creative energy to start new  projects.  Also there is a need to have more fun or an adventure, anyone up for a car ride :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


You could be grabbing the bull the horns, seizing the day as you are learning or ready to learning  how everything works, you are very curious and open for new experiences today

You  could be leaving a bad situation or relationship, and being more focus on your needs and what makes you happy, have  faith that you made the right decision, in the right direction

Today allow the energy to move you don't force things to happen, because you  are going through some positive changes today, or you maybe witnessing postive changes happening in your life today

The energy especially the emotional energy is very positive and bright out look as things are beginning to look up for you both mentally and in your reality, positive opportunities may present themselves for you,so what are you waiting for

Relationships either love or friends could take a turn, this is something that has to  happen, both of  you have to  go your seperate ways and deal with your own lessons and experiences, but as for you  then energy is very much on your side people are on your side, this is a start of a new beginning
What ever time you have invested on be it , work, school or relationships know that it's time well paid, you could be reaping the benefits of  that investment today
Becareful your mouth could get you in trouble or hot water with the hand that feeds you , you've been warned minor obstacles are in your way but this is extremely temporary so don't sweat it . This is mostly a mental day so try to take it easy on the emotional self don't allow what others say or do , or how you feel get too, or obsess about it
OOh lala loving energy is the air today, could  make you feel like a kid again or  your mate could inspire you when it comes to creative endeavors, right now they are your greatest support

You are feeling more in control where your finicial situation is concern give you a bit more confidence. Today is  a busy day for you  don't feel overwhelmed by the work load take it one step at a time.
You are embracing , and even attacking the road blocks that may block you from what you want or from even change especially when it comes to you and your money making potential, out  of Capricorns e way or else some one is going to  hurt

This is a great day for a change in career or for some kind of promotion, change is knocking on your door , could have you celebrating a bit early as change for the better is comming your way

Today you  could be romanticising the past , don't allow this energy  to last to long because you feel a bit  of anxiety or doubt playing with your head slow but surely things are happening in your life, for the better

Monday, March 18, 2013


Your energy is aggressive meaning you'll get things done today, if you want something you'll go out and get it  which is  great, as you are knocking on doors be patient, because this is something you want  so it takes bit of work and patient to watch the seed to grow into plant
You could be developing a new mentallity or a new belief system , as the old way of thinking or doing may no longer be working or you need a new way of thinking that works for you

You may need to change your way of thinking when it comes to  a personal relationship in your life, this could have  some concerns as you try to  be open minded, release this obstacle in your  life and open yourself to new experience and to people that want your friendship. When people comeback to us , it means that we have healed from this relationships, even though the concious person you didnot  heal but your subconcious your sould did
Anxiety and worries may be creeping up on you today especially when it comes to relationships, or falling back  on bad habits, know that  you have a listening ear that will help inspire you to get back in the right head space and give you the motivation to continue to move  forward 

You  could be picking  an organization or a person over your obligations to your family or to yourself, putting the ego first will  cause a chain reaction around you so becareful today with the choices you make especially when it comes to self gratification
Careful with the energy today, it could be more of a mental trip meaning  you will allow people or situations to affect on  emotional level, don't get yourself  stressed out because of others actions, the only thing you can control is yourself  and how you handle yourself, choose the higher road today 
New opportunities or changes may present themselves to you, especially  in the finicial sense making you think more about the future and your future finicial situation

When it comes to career you could be thinking about getting a career in something you love to do,also you have chance to get a project done that will  bring great relief and bring about a ripple affect of  change in your life, possibly a new chapter
Even though nothing grand is  happening today, you have allot to be thankful for today, as you are comming out of  a negative situation or leaving a person know that it's a blessing, it's a sign of  change

You may need to scale back a little today, meaning in your hectic schedule and busy work day don't push yourself because you already done all you can, you can't push yourself no more
Your ideas that come to you today  and that you share will be appreciative and possibly use. Nagging  people today may remind what you need to accomplish or finish up today
You could be very influential to important people in your life , this will give you  new level of emotional satisfaction , also  you may need to take new defense to an old idea

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The moon in  gemini in the third house making you very expressive and saying whats on your mind,you  may need to focus on what's going on with you and not what 's going on with others
The moon in gemini in the second house you need to save some money aside for a rainy day,  this could be a good day to earn some extra cash
The moon in gemini in your first house , you love communicating and expressing yourself, and now that mecury is direct all systems go, as others will understand every word you say today

The moon in gemini in your 12th house , you may not  express your feeling nor  carry your emotions on  your sleeve, people will have a difficult time reading you, so make sure you tell them you are offended because they may not know
The moon in gemini in your 11th house makes you a mover and shaker when it comes to making things happen with your hopes and wishes, and also making new friends

The moon in gemini in your 10th house , you  could feel a bit bored at work if your not challenged

Looking at all the good happening to you can only predict the good that is going to be comming your way, feel blessed not stress

Make sure that you have all you ducks in row because  some one  could be trying to throw you under the bus, don't worry  this will be revealed to you  from the  gossip line
All eyes are on you today, but you may not like all the attention, the energy  could  drain you so try to be quite  and  sneak away for  5 minutes so you can get back your energy
You  could see some changes happening today , especially with mercury direct situations or your job  could start to  get a bit busy

Be patient with the  energy and with others , you  do have people that  you can go to for advice,  you  may need to make some big decision that are yes life changing

You could be getting into some healthy habits, the energy around you is changing for the better and also  new changes are comming forth possibly today  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Aries March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Taurus March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Gemini March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Cancer March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Leo March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Virgo March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Scorpio March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Sagittarius March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Capricorn March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aquarius March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Pisces March 18,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Thursday, March 14, 2013


You could be receiving some news or advice that you might not be wanting to share with others, because you are unsure of others reaction to the news, or  may not want to be talked out of it

You could be feeling a bit overwhelmed with ideas  you are throwing about and playing around with ; wether it be with others or yourself don't allow theses brillant ideas or creative flow overwhelm you
TGIF, you could be  feeling a bit unorganized or out of  your routine which will cause some tension especially  with the higher up, try to have a cool head with things start to get out whack or not making sense today 

You if you want something to happen sometimes you have to go out there and do it yourself, watch your hard work pay off today, and if doesn't know that someone was watchng and liked what they say

Careful with the spending you might get a little carried aways especially if  your trying to save money that idea could go out the door today
Your mind is  diffently focus on  money  today especially money making opportunities may present themselves but it may not be something your looking or really passionate about

A very action day for you as you are trying new things or situations that could change your way of seeing things or thinking

Follow your head today instead of your emotions, so you can get a clear view especially with your intuintion , and peace of mind
Your best bet today is to watch a situation unfold rather than getting involved you could be emotionally attached to the situation or  you are not choosing to see both sides of the picture, for now just let the cards fall where they may
Expect plans to change or try not to expect to much out of  a situation or person today because they could or the situation maybe disappointing, don't put all your eggs in one basket

Try to reach a compromise with your partnership or  love relationship especially when it comes to things you want to do or are passionate about

This is  a fun day  for you  especially when trying to cram so much on to your funlist or to do list you  could  find yourself the center of attention

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today you are large and in charge taking the intitiative regardless with what other people might think, you are just looking out what's best for you and those you are responsible for

The energy with others is rather off so  try not to get involve in all the he said she said drama, or you could  find your words being misconstrued when it comes to people take caution

You could be  greeted by small obstacles early on in the day , make sure you have a plan B, and if necessary a plan C don't get mad , but laugh for the planet Mercury is playing with you

When it comes to the past and the future, you cannot fear the  future or the opportunities that are comming your way , you  could be overthinking things now


You could be  worried about certain ppeople in your life right now, or feeling a bit uneasy around take this time to try to nurture the relationship with as little blood shed as possible

The energy today is  about making  changes and grabbing at opportunities that may come your way or you could be thinking about new ways to save money, some people could nag you into doing what they thinks is best for you but it's your life and your choice
Some things should just be left alone, pick and choose you battles today, other than that  the mind is  focus on the money and also some money making opportunities could come your way

You could be stepping back , or stepping away from someone as you  may already they are not  being up front with you 
You could feel like time is not on your side today, or for some of  you  it goes a bit more than time like a another person in your life  feeling this need for control and only so much you could do , don't be complacement
As you teeter along your way to the quick swift wind of change , know that there are somethings or people you cannot control but knowing you , you'll find another way to get your way
There could be some peace of mind as  you  figure out your finicial situation, and  nurturing your mentalself through meditation and other spiritual workings today

You  could be  fustrated by time , things don't seem to be moving fast for you or are you to close to notice?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


You could be moving forward with new ideas, or new experiences bringing you more confident and a different  frame of mind, and a more positive mentality

You be challenged by past situations , coming back to  haunt you, not to worry  it's just  something you need to take care of , and you'll find your world  in perfect order again
Today you  could be  putting your foot down and taking your stand when  it comes to certain people or situations, ultimately resulting in a positive situation, even if you don't see it now

The moon in aries and mars in aries, try to remove the me, me,me, from  your conversation and your   frame of mind  

You are pretty head strong when it comes to  following your own drummer, the past could get to you today, as you drift in and out thoughts of the past, but all in all a  productive day for you 
The moon in aries in the 8th house  and mars energy in the sign of aries brings about some adventure and new experience with your partnerships

The moon and mars in the sign of aries in your seventh house, giving you the ability to say what's on your mind and make you a bit aggressive especially when it comes to  getting your way, I feel sorry for the person that said "NO" to you today
The moon and mars in your sixth house making this a productive day as you have the energy and extra  energy to get things that need to be done , done.

The moon and mars in your fifth house bringing about your adventurous side ; your fun side you can't help it , all you want to do is play
The moon and mars in your fourth house could bring about  your jealous side , as you take your relationships or you could be taking things a bit to seriously which is a good thing because things will get done, but no one likes to be boss, but Capricorn's don't mind to be the boss

The moon and mars in your 3rd house turning your words into action, so this is a good thing because at least you mean what you say

The moon and mars in your second house brings out  the shark in you pisces making you a bit aggressive when it comes to  work or when it comes to making money 

Monday, March 11, 2013


Your mind could be focus on money , and saving money today, which could make you feel overwhelmed with worry or anxious energy 

There is definitely a shift in the energy  today, that could have you thinking differently making things that you want to happen , happen ,oh yeah

You could see changes happening today, that will be more in  your favor even though these are not the big changes you are hoping for at least they will give you the recognition and attention you deserve

You could have some doubts or concerns that are stopping you from making plans or  continuing on with your plans, take time during this mercury retrograde to meditate on your thoughts and ideas

You are trying to get to the bottom of things today as someone may not be telling you everything , or you  could be thinking about cutting someone off

This is  great energy for recognition and some positive finical changes to be made in your life today, opportunity knocks just be ready for it

You are all about the team work even though you 'll be pulling your weight  more than others be patient with other people around you

I feel that today people close to you  could be concern  for your well being or maybe a bit  worried about you, so it may seem like their  being nosy but you could be a bit closed off to the world and not even know it

Today you  friendship dynamics could change , new people  could enter your life while other ones  grow closer, a great day to really know someone

Your focus is on the home today or  it could be on yourself so get positive and have faith, you could be thinking about someone from the past today

Loyalties may change, or you could have change in heart when it comes to certain people in your life , you could feel disconnected, well remember it takes one person to pick up the phone :) just saying

Looking back on the past today, while you  should be staying in on the present you could feel a bit lethargic with the heavy energy some of  you are carrying, but stay in the present during this slow process as things are happening behind the scenes 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


You  could  find peace and  love with your closest relationships today , the new moon in your 12th brings lots of  creative energy and subconscious energy to light

You are very nurturing towards your relationships, and your ideas, you  could be getting in touch with  your intuition  or gain insight into  new ideas or projects

The energy  could  get you  very busy and overwhelming, make sure  you  have a paper trail, somethings maybe revealed to you especially when it comes to work

The energy is  very  strong with  new moon in Pisces in your 9th house, could bring about your spiritual side today also this is  good day for the law of attraction

The new moon in your  8th house  could bring about your sense of intuition  also with so many planets in the 8th you could see some changes going on especially at work or with your partnerships

The new moon in your seventh house of relationships, people  could help you today especially  with your career and networking .

The new moon in Pisces in your sixth house, all  eyes are on you so put your best foot forward and show others how to get things done    

The new moon in your fifth house brings out your fun , loving  creative side and could even make you a bit eccentric and over top, how fun

The new moon in your  fourth this could be a loving energy surrounding you and family members so enjoy the energy  and sop up all that love

The new moon the 3rd house could bring about some intuitive energy as well as creative energy too

The new moon in your 2nd house this  a day  where  you could be very blessed when it comes to making  money or being able to attract positive money situations in your life

Enjoy the energy today lap it up, it 's going to seem like luck is on your side, you could be in for some happy surprises today  

Aries March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Taurus March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Gemini March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Cancer March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Leo March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Virgo March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Scorpio March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Sagittarius March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Capricorn March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aquarius March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Pisces March 10,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Friday, March 8, 2013


You are  very courageous with the life choices you are making today, could cause some positive changes as  you look at all the good you have done
Taking risk with people in your past, you  could be going through a learning experience with this person or  going through changes

Your mind is on the money, or thinking about making more money, you have people that are interested in helping, you just need to save your money
With all your patience for some  of  your frenemies you could be  letting go  or thinking about letting go old friends, with allot of looking back or moving on 

You could have  a  very  busy day with to much  going on , this is  a good to allow your intuition to guide, and to listen to your dreams

Today you  could be  receiving some good news or  answer to question you've been wanting to know, this will make you feel relieve and more in control

You maybe feeling limited by your actions, or what you can or can not do , be patient with this energy or person and try to come to some compromise

The energy is  just right to feel balanced and fulfilled when it comes to love sleep on it for now, some one could proposition you  for love and want to move further in your relationship today

You  resolve some issues with friends, it will be like starting a fresh slate try to develop some kind of  trust or just give them a second  chance

Your intuition is strong today, make sure to nurture yourself , and  give yourself time  to get back your energy  things are looking up for  you as you are leaving  bad situations

You  could feel really good about yourself as you hear some good news coming your way , you'll have this energy like if you put your mind to it anything is possible  

Have fun today as the energy is bring you dose of light hearted fun, and  things are starting to look up for  you as people  around you let you know they love you 

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today is  a busy day so try to keep your head straight, and yourself organize, for some  of you this is  a great time for call back or signing contract bringing about some much needed cash flow into your life

You could be connecting today with someone from your past, that may have an opportunity for you to make some money, or start a project with them and they need your help

Some of  your  relationship or just one ; you  may  want to question, also  today for some of  you there could be career opportunities or advancement, this is  a great day to see positive changes, or to feel positive energy

We are almost out of the woods with mercury in retrograde the energy could get a bit hostile for some of you especially with the office politics or the cliques that are forming around you, please ignore them
Don't over think things today, you could be  missing out on a fun experience that will bring out some inspiration and creativity in you, also  there could be some  things that are going to come to light

Allow things to happen in your life, don't fall  for the what ifs , I feel that you'll be pleasantly  surprise with the little things that happen to you today, considering them blessings

You  could be offered some money making opportunities at work, or you  could be offered to make some extra cash at work, it  could be a bit stressful but do try to give yourself time for yourself to destress

You are good frame of mind creatively to start or thinking about starting something new like anything new you have to nurture the seed and watch it grow
With the moon in your 3rd house you  could have some great ideas going through your mind,also  with the moon in the sign of Aquarius careful not to second guess yourself

With the moon in aquarius in your second house  , you could get very creative on how to make  money, or how to save, but also  you  could  really into spending on gadgets today like that new smart phone

The moon in your first house, try to remember where you put stuff today as the energy may make a bit forgetful, and also very creative in thought

The moon in your 12th house makes you very creative also pay attention to your emotional self because it might steer you into negative thought such as worry, or overthinking

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Daily Scope for March 07,2013

Someone in your life could help you  out in regards to looking for work, or job openings in your job, don't allow the worries to affect or ruin your day

Your happy thoughts today can lead you  to peace of mind and positive ways to manifest things or conclusions in your life

New experience brings together , you and your coworkers , allow the energy to do what 's it's going to do let down your guard because you'll find some positive experience in the mundane today

Friends or frenemies may be an issue  as they may play the blame, or delve in the he said , she said thing, this will have you emotionally frazzle but could it be sign that you need to make some changes, sometimes mercury retrograde will show us things that we are not aware of.

You  take on some much sometimes especially  when it comes to others, if  someone ask you  for help today think about it or sleep on it before you  give your answers

The energy today is about  change  and new experiences, for  some of  you this could be a new way of thinking  or a new beginning especially with a message or  a phone call

Allow people or situations to be over, don't allow yourself to get emotionally  sad about it, because  you have new positive  changes coming into your life, and today  you'll see some signs of  the positive changes to come

This  could be  a mental journey,  or  a lesson to be learned that will put  you in a state of a peace of mind, opportunities will be knocking today that will make you feel very confidence

Some worries are  going through your head especially when it  comes to  coworkers, you  could be letting go    , or changes that are coming up soon

Positive beginnings bring about great energy and manifesting , this is time to go with your gut, and to nurture yourself

This is  a great day to  hear call backs from interviews or job opportunities making you feel happy and confident , and bringing a blessed day to you 

Take it easy today with the energy , this is  time where you are mentally  frustrated and emotionally , go through the emotions ; try to balance your emotions by giving yourself  some alone time, a time to meditate and leave the  negative emotions alone. It's not going to change your present, and it's not going to help your situation either 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Daily Scope for March 06,2013

You  maybe feeling a bit worried especially  with what others are thinking today, you  could  have a  change of  mind, or  could be influence by others

You  could be learning something new at work today but it may cut into your play time with others, you'll like the sense of responsibility even though you have other obligations that are more fun

For some  of you  relationships could be  some what difficult remember to listen and if you have to  get the other space , during mercury in retrograde things will not get resolve wait for cooler heads

The moon in Sagittarius in your  sixth house  will give  you the extra edge at work, you  could be a bit competitive, this is a good day to show off your skills

The moon in  Sagittarius in your  fifth house brings about  your flirty , fun side today , it  could  get a bit hot  for the lion crowd, nothing wrong with  flirting
The moon in  Sagittarius in your fourth house could make your home feel more like your sanctuary, you  may  even want to  decorate or focus your attention on home and family 

The moon in  Sagittarius  in your  3rd house you  could be a  bit fast today, so  don't forget the little  details along the way

The moon in the sign of  Sagittarius in your second house  you  get a  bit frugal with your money, or find really  great deals today

The moon in your first house bring about  your  much more lively persona today,  others could misread your aggressive fun behavior , easy tiger

The moon in your 12th house you  could have a very active mind today, try to keep your thoughts organized or get organized because it  could lead to procrastinate

The moon in the sign of  Sagittarius in your 11th house brings about your fun side especially with friends, of  course it's all about  you today, you could be the center of attention

The moon in  Sagittarius in your 10th house putting on the bit of extra something, something to impress the right people, hopefully that extra something, something  makes you shine  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daily Scope for March 05,2013

If you need assistance all you have to ask, people are their willing to  give you a helping hand if needed, and vice versa so are you, loving energy and  support are on your side

You  could be privilege to some information today , do try to keep it  to yourself, for it was for you ears only 

Today  starts off with it's fair share of  minor problems, but not to worry  later on new experiences or talks about new beginnings await you, making feel a bit more in control of  your situation

Great feel  good energy is  coming at you today, the start or thinking about starting new project, but of  course during this time  you  have to put in the work and make things happen today, and  you have the motivation to do so

Busy day is on your way, as with a new way of doing certain things in your life, or  new rules to  follow today, you  could be looking on the  good  ole days as well

There could be some doubt or unwanted fear today, when it comes to someone else in your life, as their motivates maybe put into question

You are almost fed up or  getting there with some in your life or your job,  you  could be thinking about walking away  or  giving up on this person or  situation

Some new plans may seem a bit far fetch or  could be just talk , meditate or sleep on it , to see if these plans are feasible

People maybe taking  you  a bit to seriously  be careful with your words because you maybe playing with someone's emotions

This is  a day  of brain storming and reflection, you've done all you can do to put what you want out into the universe now it's just a waiting game, focus on your spiritual self today

Today  you  may have to  confront past relationships as they  could be  waltzing back into your life like everything is okay let the past be the past , not that simple for you

Great healing energy may come to you  today  thanks to all those planets in your first house this could be a time where you are going to let go of  past hurts or  work through them today, bringing peace and a sense of confidence into your world which some of  you have not seen in a while 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Daily Scope for March 04,2013

The moon in scorpio in your  8th house  brings about  the emotions, you  could be more of  an observer and listener than a participator in others drama

The moon in scorpio in your seventh brings out the charmer in you, and  a great time to get your flirt on 

The moon in scorpio  in your  sixth house this will bring out the workaholic in you , expect to see some over time or talks of  you coming early, oy 

The moon in scorpio in your fifth makes flirting with everyone so much fun, plus  you have that scorpion charm to make  you light a room 

Today the moon is  scorpio in your fourth house making  you very nurturing and concern for others, but don't be surprised if they are worried and concerned about  you too

Today 's moon in the third makes  you extra charming and  that feeling there something about you that people can't resist  but wanting your attention, is that a good thing or a bad thing ??  :)

The moon in your second house this is  a great time to just  be focus on making that money honey, because saturn in retrograde and the moon in your second house of scoprio wants to get that money, even if it means picking up other's hours
The moon in your sign today this could be a day  where  people want to talk to you and be all about  you, poor scorpio when will you ever get away

The moon  in your 12th house you 'll be there for others even when you do like them today,  or haven't spoken to them  in  a while  you'll still help them out  regardless

The moon in your 11th house making  you  work extra hard especially with your  goals, hopes, wishes, with the extra you are sure to make some head way or just  get the right person's attention, the  squeaky wheel always get the grease   
The moon in your 10th house making  you  treat some of  your business conversation like a chess game because you want to say and do the right thing, don't worry  you  will , you have lots of charm today

The moon in your  9th house could bring about  your spiritual side , this need to  deal with  the esoteric, and the mysterious side of life intrigues  you 

Pisces March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aquarius March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Capricorn March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Sagittarius March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Scorpio March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Libra March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Virgo March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Leo March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Cancer March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Gemini March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Taurus March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Cancer March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore

Aries March 04,2013 Weekly Horoscope by Marie Moore