Friday, March 25, 2016


This week things will be going your way with projects and plans that you have. The cards indicate that you are the master of your destiny this week. So pick and choose carefully what you want in your movie.At this time you may reunited with someone , you haven't spoken to in a long time.Are your new friends followers of a particular guru whose guidance has made them better and happier people? Be careful not to give blind obedience in exchange for friendship and acceptance. Your strong points this week are the you are practical and deliberate in your action to get the results you want
You may have an admirer who sees you as their type.You are trying to work towards having more peace in your life. In the name of peace of mind, you maybe doing with out certain things or people in your life. You have an outstanding level of self control to do this with. A mastery over your passions leads to a major career breakthrough. You maybe a threat to someone in a establish position. I also see that you are thinking about making some changes in certain areas of your life . At this time just thinking
This is a good time for money for some of you. A bold move in regards to career or other(ex,court) may have a big payday. Money matters at this time will drive you to make bold moves. A new risky venture may make you wealthy! Mastering your moneymaking potential through patient diligence. A commitment to consistency pays off . What comforts you as you strike out to take on the world, another theme of the self-confidence. For some of you this week , you'll have a life altering experience for the better
While you are worrying about your goals or pursuing them. Focus on helping other people with their problems. Will allow your goals to open up better. Friendship for the sake of friendship should be the case and the lust for wealth is the thing that most clouds and corrupts this simple truth.A money situation is likely to get more hopeful. For some of you who are going through it . Now is a time to use practical solutions to pull you out of your emotional self.You are on the right path to total control and freedom 
For some of you that you aren't happy with a domineering parent, love or boss. If you are in litigation or a tense business negotiation and see a combination of these cards, look for a pleasant resolution to bring you the peace you so seek.The cards for some indicate a break up and for others new level of peace in a love relationship.If you have been thinking about building your own website or to learn about blogging, this is a combination that predicts success with the isolation that comes along with the creative period. I do see that for some of you , you are at a crossroads in your life in regards to love relationships
The cards indicate that some money coming your way will bring you needed rest, isolation or a relaxing vacation. This is a classic battle of control versus freedom.The cards show parents exerting control over their children or lovers quarreling over how much freedom is to be allowed in a relationship and other dynamic disagreements in life involving these themes.Watch your emotional self in regards to money because the lack of money. Maybe making you feel sorry for yourself. So you are not being alignment with energy in regards to abundance
Try not to watch where other people are at in their life because it will make you feel depress or even jealous. You are very focus at this time on your creative pursuits or your hobbies. The wisdom to leave behind excessive behavior produces a material security without the obsession for big spending. For some of you, you may get or receive a happy surprise with money. Shows financial resolution are coming up this week.This is a great chance to impress a boss or authority figure if you are working on an important project. Just be careful to try and work with everyone in a fair manner.
This is a great time for career and to receive recognition for your hard work. As you discover an interesting way to make money with all of the pull and persuasion that your unique outlook on life has garnered for you. A time to seize career opportunities as a way up.That a big project or goal that you want to happen maybe finished this week and it will give you great sense of accomplishment.You are absolutely on the right path and the only thing holding you back from success could be the people in your life who will not leave you alone to follow your own hunches.
 The cards show,you begin setting out on an adventure. You will have a fun time without it being so wild that it risks your personal security.You will find that elusive will power needed to diet, stay sober or quit a destructive lover to whom you are addicted.Careful with this energy for some of you.You are going to be paying dearly for pursuing pleasure at the expense of your responsibilities. The cards indicate, the peaceful outcome of change in your life will be beneficial over a long period of time.
Your current relationship or one that will soon arrive will be the central force of good feelings in your world.The cards want you to know that all the weight and responsibility you are carrying is worth carrying.For some of you the cards are acknowledging the you are helping others strictly out of love for that person or people. The cards are showing that you  are leaving behind manipulative people and other sentimental but unproductive attachments that might be in the way of you making money or otherwise succeeding at what you love doing 
Lots of discussion about your possessions. Perhaps there is gossip in the neighborhood circulating about you. The cards see, angry words all around and understand that the silence offered by this card will be your greatest weapon. To not respond to a verbal attack is the ultimate response because the attacker does not get the confrontation he or she so demanded. Careful with this energy and try not to be or play victim or have self pity. You put yourself in that situation for a reason. At this time look for the blessing, what is the lesson that is to be learned
At this time the issues are with money and the problems that happens involving. I feel also for some of you , your pride maybe your down fall. Shows that you are still going through trials and tribulations but your angels and guardian angels are protecting you. The cards show you benefiting through your love relationship in regards to money coming in. Also for some of you indicates an inheritance . Also this week you are going to teach someone a valuable lesson.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


This is a time for working on your self and quitting bad habits.I feel that also at this time  new love is coming into your life. Careful with this person this could be a bad boy or girl coming into your life.I feel at this time, you are getting along better with your relationship with those in authority, or with parents.I see some major decisions coming up this week, the cards want you to know that you are on the right path.Careful when asserting yourself with others because you maybe doing this out of spite.
Not the best enegy here when dealing with people.You diffently have to assert yourself with some of your relationships. Also watch for gossip because your words will be twisted save your text, and emails.I feel at this time the path you choose stick to it no matter what the cost. Your appreciation for what you have earned leads to even better self-control. I feel also this is a great time for love relationship, a new love relationships coming in. I feel these people coming in your life may have mommy issues or be really close to their mother.
Look for an unexpected windfall to have more disastrous consequences than benefits.You did very little to cause all of the endings in your world. You do not have to take responsibility for the weather nor for acts of a divine nature.You are refusing to make decisions as a way to manipulate others.A major upheaval in your life is in the works. If you are comfortable playing both sides now, circumstances will force you to take a stance sooner than would be convenient for you.
 Your are more in control of the destiny of the betrayal or loss of love than you may realize.Someone who was manipulative and responsible for the pain of this situation will avoid having to take responsibility.I feel at this time, it's a recovery period for you in regards to dealing with difficult people. If your still going through it with difficult people, the cards say this to shall pass. I feel also the decisions you make at this time will affect those close to you. Even if you are at disagreement with someone , you can still work towards a resolution
This week there could be issues over property matters , or issues with inheritance for some of you.Discussion over possession is coming up. Also I do see also problems with neighbors coming up. This week, for some of you someone from your past is coming back . The cards don't care for this person for you. Warns to keep this person in your past, but I feel for some of you . Your going to think about allowing this person back into your life
I feel for some of you this is a fun time for you to be single.For others it does indicate a break up happening. I feel also with this energy a favor that someone owes you . Will not be repaid, so take it as a lesson for next time not to help this person out. I feel that the actions or decisions that you make this week. Are done so more out of spite than anything, which maybe a lesson in itself.You are absolutely on the right path and the only thing holding you back from success could be the people in your life who will not leave you alone to follow your own hunches.
An event in your life will bring people back into your life. That you aren't getting along with or these could be old acquaintances.  The likelihood exists that a recent heartbreak will actually soon be seen as a blessing in disguise.You discover an interesting way to make money with all of the pull and persuasion that your unique outlook on life has garnered for you.  Your stubbornness is based on feeling that you are not getting your fair share in a relationship or business deal.
I feel that this week, you'll have an epiphany in regards to your own truth, or deeper insight into "why,the way things are ." You 'll have a better understanding of your life but wont be able to explain to others. Careful I feel at this time. For some of you, maybe using verbal warfare to get your with a situation. Or talking behind someone's back, or throwing them under the bus.Because this retaliation maybe  because you  are suffering about what was spread about you.
Your money problems maybe causing problems with your love relationship; for some bringing it to an end. I feel also this energy brings a new love relationship, but you maybe thinking about it. Because this new love is either long distance. Or your thinking about joining a dating site.In regards to dealing negotiations or the courts. The cards do show things going your way this week. Does show a moving forward energy with certain situations in your life
I see someone taking credit for your work or copying if your dealing social media.There is a dreamy state of wondering just how great your goals might be. Be careful not to indulge illusion without a balanced view of realistic possibilities.Try not to watch other people are doing or what they have because it's making you jealous. I do see that some of you maybe in a predicatment. At this time you are thinking about your next step so choose careful . Think big picture
This week , is a great week for career, or business because people are more cooperative and listening to what you have to say or sell them. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to being held back from taking charge of your own destiny. Quit blaming others and unleash your inner strength.You are battling with a liar who is powerfully convincing.This is a beautiful time for love and submittin yourself to your heart
This is a very social time for you .Also you are seeing what you want to see at this time. Not the reality of the situation. Look for love to be the issue and abandoning everything for it the likely outcome. This is  a great time for career, the cards show growth and leadership.A serious immaturity on your part has caused neglect to a situation that is due for a dramatic upheaval due to being radically out of balance from what is called for. Your behavior at this time will be under intense scrutiny and carry a burden.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


The focus is on love this week. Love maybe a bit fragile or more fighting than usual. Try to be self aware of what you are saying to the other person. Also don't watch what other people are doing because seeing where they are at . Instead of you seeing where you can be. It's making you jealous .That is negative energy that you are bringing to yourself that you don't need.  This week does show forces outside yourself  that you wont be able to control, careful this week 
This week you take your job very seriously and you are working on your performance at work.You may be inadvertently hurting someone by depriving this person of your company as you work diligently toward accomplishment. Make sure that you maintain the ties of love in order to have people with whom to share it all. I feel with certain people you may have to stand up for yourself or assert yourself with them. 
This week is a bit chaotic especially in the beginning of the week but also try not to allow this energy work you up. Because you may get some blessings from the universe.With this energy,I see surprises with money:income tax checks, loans or money that was owed to you. The cards show a peaceful outcome or solution that will be life changing. Your self-control is challenged by events in the outside world that you could never have planned for. The forces of chaos will take you out of your normal day-to-day existence, but will you really be that rattled?  
I do see the emphasis is on love this week so try to keep your feet planted with this energy. Also try to keep quite of the good that is coming into your life or your love relationship because I do see someone who's not happy for your good. Also with this energy , it's not going to get easy with people at work it's best to be passive at this time. Friends this week carry good advise and wisdom so listen to them.
A decision to quit drinking or doing drugs is imminent. The step of sobriety is a giant leap. I feel this energy you need to enjoy the moment while going through your process or focusing on certain areas of your life. I see also in the cards that family and friends make up your mind for you . Careful with getting everyone involve in your decision making because they will tell you what you should or should not be doing. 
A business idea you have could be just what is needed in your chosen field. A fortune could be bubbling over.  Look to find creative inspiration from the people around you  also the cards show starting a class in art field or business. I feel school or personal journey is going to lead personal growth and development or even break throughs .Also I see you teaching some a valuable lesson this week. In regards to career you need to trust your intuition because for some of you its taking you on a creative path
Not the easiest energy, I do see confrontations happening.I do see some of you playing with the idea of making changes. These changes are in response to your current situation and not wanting to be in a bad situation anymore. Or looking for change and deciding whether or not you want to make it happen.For some of you wanting to change is in response to your money situation and not being happy where you are at financially. 
I feel that this week your are more in control of your emotions or at least working on pulling yourself out of your emotional tar. I feel that you need to be selfish sometimes and help yourself and focus on your goals. This week energy for some of you brings hope into a depressing or gloomy situation. For others your focus on one particular goal but it's destroying everything else you have going for you. Try to find balance reconnect with your relationships before they break away 
Difficulties in love at this time, maybe even temporary separations going on this week.I feel with this energy that for some of you , you maybe working hard to save your relationship. Also people helping you out with a money situation or problem. I also see money solutions are coming up. Careful with money this week people around you maybe taking advantage of you. Make sure to read over everything even that beautiful fine print on the bottom.   
Careful with this energy because people maybe copying especially on the internet if your a blogger or people maybe taking  credit for your work at your job. For some of you, you maybe more focus on your business or your creative endeavors. This energy also brings growth with business or with career. For some of you love relationships may change or decisions are coming up in regards to love 
Your intellectual or artistic development or other experiments may actually be transformed .This week you may have an epiphany or you may receive valuable insight into your journey.For some of you , you may turn your hobbies into business ventures. The cards foretells, an interaction with one or more people convinced of the certainty and righteousness of their cause. Be careful to avoid letting them set an agenda that affects you, no matter how peace loving or open-minded they appear     
Major changes are happening for better for you so go more with the flow. At this time you need to be careful with what you wish for because it maybe overwhelming. I feel for some of you when your ready or on the right path. Answers that you were looking for  or change you were looking for will reveal itself. At this time silence is your best weapon because your attacker will not get the confrontation it wants.  

Sunday, March 6, 2016


This week you maybe stepping on other people's toes and doing your own thing. I feel at this time especially with work or a group organization you can get away with for now. I feel also friends or coworkers maybe critical of week. This would be a great time for small investment you make will have a big pay off. Also for some of you opportunities for new love interest to come in. This week you may teach some one a valuable lesson. 
Caution is needed with new money ventures or investment opportunities research them really good before jumping into it. I feel also money worries are happening at this time. For some of you thought of making changes with career or with starting your own business.I feel this is an exciting time for money and new source of money coming in. Try to keep positive with money this week  and give your money worries to the universe. 
Major decisions are coming up in regards to female family members or even mother.Also there is allot of gossip around you, either you starting it or them starting to spin their web of lies. Its best for peace of mind not to get involve in the gossip.Also someone in your life may not see your way on certain issues because the are stuck in their way of thinking. Try to be realistic with certain issues because some situations you are not willing to take responsibility for . You maybe down playing a situation.
I feel that there are power struggles with relationships especially at work. Also for some of you love at first sight can happen.There could be problems with a roommate situation let the situation resolve itself.I feel also for some of you thinking about ending a relationship with some one close to you like a mother figure , sister or even a daughter.This is a great time for career and the creative direction you are going in will be successful. 
Major decisions are coming in regards to career, and also career changes. Money worries and problems are coming up. Try to let go of the sense of lack . The stress that you are going through at this time is worth dealing with .Your current success something that others might try to take credit for, or you may find others insisting that you somehow owe part of your coming success to them.   Your stubbornness is based on feeling that you are not getting your fair share in a relationship or business deal    
The emotional connection that you make with your new friends will be deeper and more satisfying, although you will also be risking more of revealing the real you.You need to watch your  emotional self because its creating more problems for yourself. At this time shows people leaving your life also you may not be talking to mother at this time.In your next love relationship the cards indicate that you'll take this one much more seriously. 
A verbally dominant authority figure is taking the joy out of your life. Avoidance makes so much sense.Get to know new people espeicially in love . Because I do see what ever idea you had of this person maybe a big let down. Your current depression or sorrow is based more in arguments and disagreements than it is in a truly tragic occurrence affecting you.Look for a big improvement in a particular area of your life. Also you are making some major decisions that affect everyone around you
For some of you this week your money situations is causing problems with your love relationships. Your love life is ending one cycle and beginning another. It may not be easy, but the big change is predestined and will culminate soon. An affair could be over. An engagement could become a marriage. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to being held back from taking charge of your own destiny. Quit blaming others and unleash your inner strength.
You have to remember that you are more in control of your destiny. This week be a deliberate creator and pick and choose what you want in your movie. The presence of infinite willpower reminds you that the path you want to be on is a path that you can be on. Don't just dream it … be it! Your coming surprise has truly been earned and preparation for its arrival allows you to make the most of it. You manage to impress a very important person with a recent accomplishment. Often that person can be you, and the breakthrough will lead to a newfound level of self-respect.
Your self reliance and your pride can be your down fall or cause you problems, try to forgive and let go. Indicates that a good business or creative climate is impending and that a few other people with whom you are working will help get a project right and make it profitable. People in your life or family may have a big say in your life decisions or the choices you decide to make. There is a mutual attraction between a woman and a man that grows in intensity, as neither party is able to make the move. Unrequited love is often the subject of novels and theatrical productions.To be in love or never love at all
The cards want you to know that someone is coming back from your past and the cards don't like this person for you. I feel that  an event either in your life or this person life is giving you an opportunity to reconnect.A decision to quit drinking or doing drugs is imminent. The step of sobriety is a giant leap .A decision to go at it on your own has at its roots a desire to spite an old acquaintance or family member. Independence will not be as you imagine   
New money opportunities especially investment opportunities are more trouble than they are worth. Pisces should stay away from get rich schemes because hard work really pays off especially for the fishies.  Mastering your moneymaking potential through patient diligence. A commitment to consistency pays off with this card and underscores the control that can be grasped when we aim to control our immediate surroundings instead of trying to take on the whole world.This is a great energy for luck to be on your side