Monday, July 31, 2017



Second chances starting with certain relationships in your life. This can be opportunities that were not once upon time available to you all of a sudden become available to you. For others of you this can be unexpected turn of events happening with career or love relationship. So careful with how you treat people today and your partner. Because this can be endings by your hand 

This can be powerstruggles with relationships but not really. You can be quietly feeling some kind of way because what you want and what others want are incompatible. But at the sametime some of you are trying to keep the peace today. For others of you, you can feel restless with this energy. Because again you want to speak up but at the same time you want to keep the peace for peace sake. For others of you this can be you being to pushy with what you want 
For some of you this is a great time for networking or receiving good news. For some of you this is a great time for job interviews, or even winning people over. You can talk your way into and out of anything. For some of you, this can be people in your life causing blockages. So court can be difficult or people can be all or nothing over certain situations. You may have to be adaptable to this person

For some of you, you might not be getting along with certain people in your life. For some of you it can be difficult talking to you because your set in your ways of doing things. For others of you, you are not set on doing things differently or giving yourself another option. It's all or nothing kind of attitude. You do have a beautiful water trine happening today so it's up to you how you want your day to be . And it is Tuesday ,kisses
Careful with this energy, you can be frustrated with dealing with  certain people in your life. For some of you this can be power struggles going on. Try to cock those brains before you shoot that mouth off. For some of you this is a moving forward with projects or you creating your own beginnings with this energy. For others this is taking on a more leadership role or growth with career 

For some of you this is going out of your way for a friend or you can be trying to reach out to family with this energy. For others of you this can be making plans with family today. For others of you this can be thinking about  spending more time with certain coworkers and doing something with them. For some of you, you can be closed minded to a new way of doing things or other people's suggestions you tend to shoot down 
You need to pay attention on what your doing today because you can be accident prone. For some of you this can be truth revealed to you. Certain ways you've been feeling can be confirmed or denied today. For others of you this is getting to the bottom of things. For others of you , your money situation is dictated my your emotional self. 

This can be a great time for business or career wtih this energy. I feel your views or opinions may not be so popular so cock those brains and be aware of the company you keep. For some of you, who ever has to leave your life , let them leave, because your stuck in your way of thinking or doing things. Your not trying to give in to others or adapt to them.Now you know , you have an opportunity to practice self control  
You can be a creature of comfort today. For some of you this is sharing great ideas in regards to the home or this can be sharing a recipe that you use. For others of you this is making plans for lunch with the coworkers. For some of you, you can be very creative with this energy. Problem solving comes very easy to you     

For some of you, today can go by very fast .  It may seem that your on to the next fire , to the next fire and to the next fire. And each fire you have to treat differently and react differently to that person and their situation. This can be a draining day but do try to treat every situation differently. You are constantly being ask today to adapt to the situation 
Careful with this energy this can be a serious turn of events happening in your personal life or this can be with your love life. For some of you this can be you reacting to the changes around you. Because things can seem out of control or your control today try to go more with the flow . 
For some of you, you don't want to be over a situation. It's time to move on and your feeling this shift in energy, parts of you want too but the other half wants to stay in the past. For some of you, you are fighting certain urges and feelings today because you are more about the bigger picture and greater purpose  

Sunday, July 30, 2017


For some of you, this is the past revisited or this can be you thinking about revisiting past or even old projects. For some of you this can be thoughts of moving. This week brings about endings and new beginnings coming up. For some of you this is a second childhood coming up. So this is good news coming your way and this can be with a move. For others of you, I see love but tread carefully with new love because they may create boundaries with you.  Someone in your life could be putting you into crisis energy when there is really no crisis. For others of you, your dealing with manipulative individual

For some of you, I see plans for travelling . For others of you , I see allot of ideas going on but no action at this time. For others of you , I see success on it's way. I feel you may need to go more with the flow at work, or people at work can be inflexible or stuck in their ways of doing things. So they aren't open minded to anything new or doing things differently. I feel for others of you, you could be feeling regret over a past relationship. For others of you this can be reevaluating certain relationships or even career direction
For some of you,this can be growth with career. I feel that you can benefit through partnerships. For others , I see fulfillment as situations seem to go your way or certain things going on in your life seem to work themselves out. For some of you, you are mastering a specific area of your life, or you can have things under control at this time. For others of you this is the world working in order to make things happen for you.
For some of you, you can make real deep connections with certain relationships in your life. You can be more vulnerable at this time and more revealing about your deeper thoughts and desire that you don't dare tell anyone in your life, not even your MAMA. Lots of socializing going on this week . For some of you it's guilty by association . Careful who you hang out with .  For some of you , you are reconnecting with old friends or past love relationship.  For some of you, you can have a difficult time with others because of a generation gap or your on a different level than the other people in your life

For some of you this is creating your own reality. I feel for some of you this is time of growth with career, or getting a job. For some of you this is new beginnings coming up.For some this can be a fabulous week ahead. I feel that relationships especially love can be taking a turn for the better. And you and your partner could be getting really serious about each other. For others of you this is not knowing what you want in love and reaching out to past relationships. I see you teaching someone in your life valuable and even creating boundaries with this person .

For some of you this is good news coming your way , and this can be looking for an apartment, or even a roommate. For some of you this can be new love coming into your life or your current relationship going to the next level. For some of you this is dealing with court. For some of you this is seeing a light at the end of your tunnel .For some of you, you have wisdom and knowledge to share, because you've been there and done that. For some of you, a situation in your life can be come very clear to you

You take your relationships in your life very seriously. To you everyone is like family to you. For some of you there could be thoughts about reaching out to people from your past. For some of you this is travelling for work, but you could be thinking about. Or this can be a career opening but it's not close to where you live at this time your going to mull over it . For some of you , this can be a good time for business with this energy. For others of you, you are moving ahead in line for love or this can be a promotion. This week can get very busy so hold on
Stay positive good news coming your way.Make sure you keep your receipts , text messages , emails everything someone can be trying to throw you under the bus. I see confrontation happening .  Don't do anything at this time, that may cause you to regret that decision later. Who ever has to leave your life let them. For some of you, you can be seeing  certain situations or even your faith in things start to change, or give you a greater perspective on certain situations . For others of you, I see dating coming up for you
You need to trust your intuition this week. For some of you this is good news coming your way with certain situations in your life. Or certain things resolving themselves. For others of you this can be good news with career or business. For some of you this can be getting a job. You have allot of good coming to you so try to keep the energy humble. For others of you , your life is taking a turn and this can be for some of you doing more adult things, moving to the next chapter in your life, or this can be getting married. For some of you , I do see love but I feel this can be with an on again off again relationship.
You can be a bit quiet , and keeping your cards close and not opening up to anyone at this time. You can be more in your thoughts so careful because you don't like to be distracted when in deep thought. For some of you, you could be ask to do more for your career. I feel that this week that the focus is more towards career, or business. I feel that business or career can be very busy . For some of you this is your money situation turning around for the better. For others of you this is revisiting the past
You need to stay the hell outta your head and be more in your present. Try to be on the right side of the law with this energy. You can be giving your emotional life to much life. You can at anytime get a grasp of your reality and start to take back control. For some of you this is good news coming in or this can be traveling coming up.  For some of you, love relationships can be a bit fragile think big picture. Sometimes it's not always best to be right but better to try to understand the other. For some of you this can be different ways of thinking or doing things so try to be adaptable
You need to relax fishies , you can take yourself way to seriously or you may take your life a bit to seriously so try to relax a bit more . Not everything is crisis or so intense. I see the world working in your favor so keep it positive. I feel this is good time for negotiations or litigation . I see things that you want to happen working out in your favor. Your hard work and perseverance is paying off and you can be receiving signs or seeing positive changes happening this week



Love relationships can be difficult at this time especially the on again off again relationship. You may need to reveal your values and stick to your guns . Especially when it comes to what you want in a relationship. For some of you, your thinking about tossing in the towel , and for others of you this allowing this on again relationship back into your life . For others of you, you can't seem to agree on anything, so try to be the big person and compromise 

You can be judgy about certain people or you can be trying to put someone new in your life into a box , so they can make sense to you.You might not be getting along with the men in your life or family members. You can be a bit possessive with certain relationships in your life. For others of you what starts out as a friendly debate ends up being a fight. So be willing to allow other people to be right 
For some of you, it can be difficult for some of you to get along with those in authority. For some of you, you have  a fear of rejection or worries in regards to career. You can be more concern about what other people think of you. Don't go assuming with this energy and try to be about facts;not the conversation in your head. For others of you, you are assuming the worst and your putting the evil eye on yourself, stay positive 
Watch your emotional self. This can be your emotional tar bringing up the past,trigger words bringing up difficult times of your past, or this can hearing about a past relationship or someone from your past reaching out to you. Your consciousness is still not over the situation so it's time to put things into perspective and let go of this energy. Because this is an opportunity to remove a layer of onion skin so you can move. The past is only here to teach us so we don't repeat it.   

For some of you, you can go out of your way for others , or go above and beyond for others. For others of you this is revisiting past relationships and being able to make sense of the situation and heal from it and let it go.You need to watch how you speak to certain family members, or people in general. Because you tend to say the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. You can get nasty when voicing your real feelings. 
For some of you this can be receiving good news, or overcoming certain challenges with this energy. For some of you this energy can bring growth to your social media page. Or you can be very popular at work. For others of you, you have a deep emotional connection with someone in your life. It's almost like you can read there mind, or know exactly what they are thinking and what they are going to say to you 

At this time this energy can bring about money worries, because your not delving into certainty and instead your being impatient about what it is that you want, or your reacting to the moment. Expect there to be certain obstacles in your way. For some of you the past and is in the past. You had at the time to learn this lesson . For allot of you this lesson is not going to repeat so quit manifesting what you don't want to happen. Come to certainty that things will work themselves out  

Your a fighter and your are determine to get what you want no matter what. Even if it means going  above other people's heads. For others of you careful with that stinger, who ever has to leave your life let them leave. Or start changing your conversation and try to own your part no matter how little. Or try to let be okay with  how little loyalty they are going to give back to you. 

You tend to be very understanding when your significant other needs time to themselves or circumstances in their life  has change you tend to be very supportive .  For others of you there could be legal battles going on today. You have a difficult time being open minded to other people's opinion's and advice because you need to go and see it for yourself and have this experience for yourself. For others of you , you have this need to be right, try to listen   

For some of you, this can be coming up with money making ideas at this time you might not pursue, but definitely playing with ideas at this time. For some of you this is dealing with unusual relationship that doesn't make sense. Or this can be looking for love via social media. For others of you, you can meet new people through unusual way 
Watch your emotional self, because your pushing but no one is budging so try to come up with another way or just cut your losses for now. For some of you this is obstacles coming up , and at this time you have to go through the process. This can be things not going your way today. You checking out into your fantasy life because its more comfortable to be obsess about certain people or things than deal with your reality. Patience is needed and different attitude as situations come up is needed.   
For some of you this is a great time for business or career. For some of you , this is your luck kicking in. For others of you , this is a popular energy time with the social media. For others of you, you can inspire others or be more helpful in other people's lives. For some of you have great advice that others would pay for.  For some of you love relationships can be fragile or this can be  a turn of events with career, or your money situation 

Friday, July 28, 2017



This would be a great day to put thought into action. This is plans working out better than planned. For some of you this can be asking some one out and them saying "YES". For others people are more on board with your ideas or plans, and try to make it happen for you. For some of you, you are talking to the right people who can make things happen in your life. This a great time for job interviews

For some of you this is new love coming up today. For others of you this is a great time to delve more into your creativity or coming up with money making ideas. For others of you this can be some great insight into a situation. OR truth can be revealed today. For some of you , you could be curious about a new subject and learning something new

I feel this can be a creative for those of you in social media. This can be starting new projects with this energy. For others of you this can be changes happening all day keeping things interesting at work. For others you this can be random plans happening at last minute and going out with friends today. For others of you this is find a second source of income through the internet with this energy, or coming up with money making ideas
For some of you, you could be a stickler for the rules and calling people out when they do something wrong for not following the rules. For some of you, you could be a bit of a know it all. For others of you , you can be overthinking new experiences. Because they are having  you step out of your comfort zone so try to go more with the flow.

You could be initiating new projects with this energy. For some of you , you stand strong on your beliefs and its very difficult to tell you otherwise. You benefit through others. For others of you, you could be crushing on someone who might be already taken. You need to focus on whats most important and take care of you today
Not the best day for negotiations or agreements, you may want to read the fine print or ask questions. You need to open honest with this energy, you can be trying to be victim in a situation or you could be trying to get others to feel sorry for  you . There could be some miscommunication going on with this energy. Try to say what you mean and mean what you say.

For some of you, you could be intimidated by certain people that you work with . Your scared to say No, or speak up or you can be trying to avoid confrontation and just cave in to other people's demands. For some of you, you need to stop caring about what other people think.For some of you this is meeting new people and making new friends. People are attracted to your charming disposition. For others of you this is counseling others today
For some of you, you can be feeling sentimental today. Or you may be still holding on to certain issues from the past. Today you could have an opportunity for a second chance but you have to let go of the anger and be a bit more forgiving. Or this second chance is not going to work out. Because you'll rehash this situation. For others of you this can be reconnecting with an ex via social media
Who ever has to leave your life let them. For some of you , you could be fighting with the neighbors or the landlord might not be cooperating with you. For others of you this is getting involved in petty fights with others. So try to pick and choose your battles today. For others of you, you might want to stay off the comment bar today  

For some of you slow down your way of thinking today. Because your learning disabilities can come out a bit with this energy. So ask to take longer on test or try not to think so quickly with this energy. And reread your text messages and emails so they make sense or read them out loud so you can hear it. You might not be grasping or understanding what other people are trying to say to you. It's best to get a second opinion today

For some of you this can be a great time for media or social media , you can see growth happening and your numbers increasing. For others of you, you benefit through others today.For some of you this can be a sense of adventure today. People in your life can take you out of your normal routine, or this can be revisiting or reconnecting with someone from your past
This would be a great time to initiate health habits or dieting . For others of you this is starting  a new creative project with this energy. For some of you, you could be more about your spirituality.For some of you, change is happening today. This can be with the media or social media like growth or change with your money situation for the better

Thursday, July 27, 2017



For some of you there could be power struggles with love relationships and a bit of passive aggressive energy. So try not to play games with the heart because it's more like a power of wills, and we don't like the waiting game, because some of us can wait forever.  For others of you this can be surprise coming up with court, tickets, audits, or with loans that require further review
You can be dealing with the same energies as yesterday. You might not be getting along with the men in your life or family. You could say things that you may regret saying. Having problems with the opposite sex or not getting along with your partner at this time.I feel that you need to let go of expectations of other. Or the person in your head and be reintroduce to the person who's in your reality
You need to cock those brains before you shoot that mouth off. You need to be adaptable and open minded to other people's way of doing things or thinking. Let go of control and go with the flow. For some of you, the idle mind is the devil time today, so watch your emotional self. Try to create a routine for yourself today or try to do something outside of the home like take a walk. For others of you this can be dealing with property matters today. Or not getting along with the women in your life

For some of you this is travelling today or planning to travel. For some of you, you can be more about other people's wishes and needs instead of your own. For others of you, you could be emotionally restless because you want more growth and financial freedom. The whole process of getting there is irking you .  

There can be lots of communication going on today and making plans for the weekend.  For others of you, you can see things as a bit unfair or one sided with this energy. Not the best day for negotions or compromise because you are more about your needs and what's in it for me with this energy. For peace and because this month of Leo is about the EGO. Try to be more adaptable or compromising to others

For some of you this can be someone from your past reconnecting you on the social media . For others of you this is a second chances with certain promises that didn't go through they can still be on the table. For others of you this can be dealing with on again off again relationship. And you two can be on the outs for now or back on . For others of you this is dealing with your money situation or career, and it can be kind of slow with work.  

Watch your emotional self today, this can be a great time for you to delve more into the power of prayer. Or even tap more into the law of attraction. For some of you this is revisiting an old project or even revisiting past relationships. For some of you one of your many pots could be boiling today, and you can be more focus on that third , second source of income. For others of you, you might not be so forgiving as certain people reenter your life, and you could say exactly whats on your mind. Just be careful because they may not return.Choose your words wisely
You have a unique way of getting people to open up to you. For some of you people in your life can reveal to much so you could be receiving some good juice aka gossip . You need to watch your emotional self, this would be a good time to let go of your worries, and to delve more into the power of prayer or the law of attraction today. Or else this energy is going to ride you like a bronco on a Tuesday and it's Friday

For some of you, you have a difficult time grasping new things or understanding certain situations. For others of love relationships can be fragile . For some of you, you can be very creative and starting new projects with this energy. For others of you this can be more about your play so watch your spending.
Change is happening or talks are happening and you can be a bit indecisive or you might not be ready. So much energy in your tenth house. If your feeling restless you need to trust your body, yes. You could be feeling a bit restless or anxious. You need to let your body talk and let you know that change is coming hang in there.  For others of you this can be ending certain relationships in your life or thinking about revisiting certain people, best to keep the past in the past

Change is happening unexpected turn of events happening. You need again to allow people to voice their opinions or be open to a different way of doing things. I feel you need to listen more instead of being defensive. You need to watch your emotional decisions that you make, because sometimes we think were hurting others but instead we hurt ourselves. If you had an opportunity to do things differently today should be one of those opportunities
For some of you , you need to let go of old ways of thinking or doing things because you could be attracting more of what you don't want because of the emotional energy your putting out there thats what your attracting back. So careful with your thoughts. For some of you this can either be your truth being revealed, or this can be things coming to light that you didn't know about. I feel  that these truths coming out is going to bring a sense of peace so you can move on from the situation. Or you can see that what ever this person is trying to project is just  smokes and mirrors

Wednesday, July 26, 2017



The moon is in Virgo , at this time careful how you speak to others, you have a difficult time understanding certain situations or people could be telling you one side of the story and not the whole truth. For others of you this is not getting along with the women in your either you are being to critical or they are being to pushy with you. You do have allot of energy on that sixth house , you can be accident prone today because  your not paying attention to what you are doing, or your health could flair up 
A great time for communications, you can get your point across with this energy. For some of you this is getting your children ready for back to school , and spending as much time with them today. Or spending time with the grandkids . For others of you, you can be a bit more open with your significant other, or opening about yourself.

For some of you, you could be worried about other people in your life. For others of you this can be a worrying time for you in regards to career, or you are to concern about what other people think of you. Your not trusting certain people in your life or where you stand in regards to career. For others of be about facts you can be a bit gullible 

For some of you, you could be possessive of your new friendships , that one that is on your pedestal. As they could be doing things with out you today or making plans that don't involve you. For others of you, you can be to connected to a person or a situation that your making it your problem. For others of you this is resolving certain issues with family members

At this time you can be worried over debts or health or even with court.Today try to stay out of your thoughts. For some of you and idle mind is the devil's time so try to create a routine for yourself. And try to stay more in the present.I feel at this time you can be intimidated by a situation or an appointment that is coming up. Don't think of the worst you need to direct your thoughts to what you want 

Watch your emotional self . You can be possessive with your relationships or you expect others to do favor for you, and not complain about. Because your sitting here thinking about how many times you helped this person out.For others of you stay out of your head because the conversations in your head are making no sense. And they can drive a bit crazy or you can make so weird or impulsive decisions  
I feel today you need to be the bigger person in a situation and own your part in a situation. So you can move forward with this person. Today you can be a bit manipulative or play mind games with others, and it's just going to make you more upset. Because they aren't giving you the reaction that you want. So try to talk it out with this person. Because this person may not think they did anything wrong 

Lots to think about but no action will be taken at this time. You could be receiving some unexpected good news today which is going to allow you to move a little a bit forward with your goals. For some of you people could surprise in a good way. You may have thought you had someone figured out but than they do something pleasantly surprising in front of you 

You need to be more about others and big picture. This is a great time for business or dealing with the media or social media. In order for you to continue moving forward you have to stop fighting on somethings or you need to compromise a bit more. This can be unexpected turn of events with career, being more in your favor. For others of you this is getting a job or your hard work is finally paying off    


Not the best day to compromise or negotiations. Not everyone is going to agree with your way of thinking and doing things. Sometimes we have to be the example, and sometimes we need to pick and choose are battles with others. You can be very innovative with this energy, and very original with your way of thinking. For some of you this is business picking up, or situation at work turning around for the better. 


You need to be open to other people's opinion and accept their point of view. Sometimes we are going in the same direction but different ways of getting there. For some of you, you bring a different or a unique solution to a problem. For others of you, you can bring a different perspective and help others look a things differently.     

I feel that this is a great time to receive a boost of confidence or a job well down. Just don't go telling everyone because someone may cast doubt or say something, "that happen to me too", and take away your thunder. It's best to keep the good to yourself. If you see an opportunity to grow you have to grab and not be about what others will think. Because sometimes the universe brings things to our existence, and says "How bad do you want it". Time to grow how bad do you want it ?     

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


For some of you , you can be questioning certain things with career,you could feel like quitting with this energy. Or making certain changes in your life. At this time these thoughts can be just that thoughts. For some of you this can be a great time for money making ideas. You'll find that when you stay more in the present and deal with certain realities in your life. That things tend to work themselves out.

Somebody can be more in your personal bubble or not doing things; how you would like them to be done . This can cause some problems today. For some of you this can be you being very hard on certain people in your life. You can be a bit of a nag with this energy.For others of you this is thinking outside the box.
This can be things going your way today , try to keep the energy humble. You can be particular happy with certain good news and you can have more of a beat in your step. While others around may not feel the same way. For some of you certain obstacles are coming up or challenges can come up with relationships. For some of you, you could feel like you do everything in the relationship

For some of you property matters are coming up. Not getting along with family members , custody battles or dealing with roommates.North node is highlighted today in your second house, so this can be a good time for business, or moving forward with career for some of . Or you benefiting through others. For some of you this is seeing things differently and having a different perspective on certain situations in your life

Second house is highlighted today the focus can be more on your money situations . For some of you this is money coming in today, or even finding a job. For others of you , you can be nitpicking of others. Or even a bit nagging with love relationship or this can be with your children.Watch your emotional self because you could be fighting for what you want with this energy . This is change and you have to be more willing to be adaptable today

This can be good news coming your way with this energy. For some of you , your way of thinking is going to change. For others of you this is getting insight into certain situations. For others of you this can be a healing time for you in regards to certain situations. You are able to put certain situations to rest. For others of you this is  a positive turn of events today

You need to learn to see things all the way through. You could be feeling bored or over certain projects. For others of you, you have a difficult time grasping new things because you learn as you work instead of memorizing things today. For others of you self discipline is needed. For others of you this can be a fun energy time socializing with others, or revisiting old friends.  
For some of  you this is making plans to travel or travelling during this time period. Foro others of you this plans working out better than unexpected. For others of you this is new opportunities coming up with this energy. For some of you, you could be privy to certain information going on at work or certain projects. For others of you this can be stepping out of your routine today, or unexpected events  

This can be plans working out better than planned. For some of you this can be getting a job today or a great time for business with this energy. For some of you, you can be educating others with this energy, creating a workshop, or this can be more of leadership position in other people's lives. For some of you, you are going to receive signs in regards to your calling or career path

Watch your emotional self today, you can be a bit lazy with this energy and more about your play or a bit indulgent with the spending. For some of you , you could be overthinking certain situations or you can have a distorted version of the truth. So try to be more about facts and whats going on in your reality. Not the information your emotional self is feeding you.
For some of you this is getting a bit more realistic with your money situation, or this can be your business doing really well today. For some of you, you could be acknowledge certain habits or ways of doing things. You may acknowledge that you have to stop doing them, or maybe your revisiting an old habit and regretting that you did that action today. For others of you try to be honest with yourself
Careful with love relationships you tend to nit pick at this time or you could to judgy with your partner. For some of you, you can be to hard on yourself or to critical of yourself. You can a bit of perfectionist with career or with your work, or you can take what others say to you, to personally with this energy. For others of you this can be plans not working out the way you expected them too

Monday, July 24, 2017


Who ever has to leave your life at this time let them leave. You can be abit controlling with this energy. Or you can be going through a midlife crisis for some of you, and taking it out on your relationships. You can go out of your way for others with this energy. You can be more about big picture and think of others and what you can do to help other people at work or in your life. For others of you, you can be more of a guide and showing others how to do something
When you are playing around or being creative you can be inspired today. For some of  you this is connecting more with your inner child.Your communications skills are strong, so you need to be careful with how you speak to others. Because you can get snarky and hit right in the truth of things. And that can really hurt some people.

This energy is great for those of you in sales or if your promoting yourself to grow; now would be that time to have that talk with those who can make it happen. For others of you, you are very sensitive to the energies today, and you can read people and read a room. You could have some people in your life figured out today. This is a great time for media or social media with this energy. There can be lots of communication going on today
For some of you this is a popular energy time for you. You can be more in a leadership position with work. For others of you, you go out of your way to help out others. You try to stay out of other people's drama but you have the perfect advise. For others of you, you need to speak up and say whats on your mind. For others of you, you can be passive aggressive with parents or with those in authority. You don't like to be bossed around or micromanage today
This is a change of routine, or others not on board with your plans. For some of you, you can be training someone today, or helping someone out, or teaching someone about life from your own experience. You can be very competitive whether it be with those close to you, or with the people at work. You tend to want to be on top of your game, and even a bit nasty. Try to focus on you, and whats going on with you  

You can be more about your play with this energy. Some people or even random people really open up about themselves to you today. You are a very good talker and you can talk your way into and out of anything. This a great time for those of you in media or social media. For some of you, there could be thoughts about quitting your job or looking for other ways to make money
You need to get organize and form a plan today. You tend to take on too much and it can seem overwhelming or too much or you might know where to begin. Break projects down into smaller goals that you can accomplish or else you'll get burned out and not want to do it.For some of you, you have the perfect advise to give to others, for others of you , you are there for others as a listening ear and a healer.
For some of you, you could be questioning your path, you can feel unfilled with your career at this time, some of you. For some of you, you refuse to make any kind of decisions at this time.You prefer to wait as a way to see if you can get a better deal. You need to watch your emotional self today. You can get kind of nasty because of powerstruggles going, or people  not communicating with you , and  going ahead and doing other things with out you. Some people need to learn to practice couth  

I can see a few of you bring in something for others to munch on at work tomorrow. For others of you this is going out of your way for others and doing something nice for them.  For others of you this is being bored with love relationships or over certain situations with other people in your life.

You need to put yourself in other people's shoes because it might seem like your a bit sensitive. But you have no time to get emotionally dump on by others. Or if it's not about you , you don't care. Take time out today to help some one or to be sensitive to their strife. For others of you , you can be put on the spot and your not quick to make a decision. So this is going to cause problems with certain relationships because your not quick to jump.
For some of you this is taking care of family or even cleaning the house today and getting nice and organize. For some of you, you can be very idealistic with your family. For others of you this is a time trust your intuition. For some of you this can be ending certain relationships in your life, or this can be them leaving your life.For some of you, you are allowing your worries to get the best of you or anxiety because of unexpected news or deadlines your suppose to meet.
You can be more about the bigger picture with this energy. For some of you , you have very good time with this energy, you need to trust your intuition. This is a great time to get things done. For some of you this is good news that can finally put your mind at ease. Your worries seem to get lifted today. For others of you , you can feel a bit more secure with certain situations  

Sunday, July 23, 2017


This can be a difficult time for love relationship, or even for dealing with the men in your life. There could be power struggles. You have a difficult time sticking to certain promises or you can be second guessing your actions.Today your trying to figure out how to control a situation, or you can be to controlling with others and feel that awkwardness .

Your motto "Slow and steady wins the race." You have allot more patience and your not rushing certain things like business at this time, or this can be with diet and your persevering through. You do have Mars in your third house today. So cock those brains before you shoot that mouth. You can be saying snarky comments under your breath with this energy. So I wont be surprise if someone has something back to say to you, you've been warned. Say your moons are out of whack today
You might not be getting along with father figure or those in authority. Because you are hell bent on doing things your way . Even if it means going on above other people's heads today. Which can get you in trouble. You need a full out explanation of things today, "NO", will not suffice your curiosity. You could also be calling out on other people's bluff or testing other people.

This is a great time for things to go your way. You can find that people at work can be more willing to listen to your demands or wants. You are very quick to jump on opportunities to grow or if there are others ways to have a second source of income coming in . You are very quick to jump on it. Try to keep humble at work because there could be a turn of events that are going on in your favor
You have a Yod with that 8th house. Again your lesson is to confront and step out of your comfort zone. You can't avoid certain situations or people, these are your soul lessons. Because you didn't learn these things in your past life. For some of you, new situations or people are coming into your life. Or this can be a different way of doing things, and you may need more convincing

For some of you, you can be more about your well being and your health with this energy. You can be focusing more on the law of attraction with this energy, or delving more into your religion. For some of you, you are very determine right now to make things happen in your life. Taking No , for an answer is not good enough. You try to look for others way

Watch your emotional self today. I feel at this time if your thinking about a particular person in your life. That person could possibly , if not will show up today. Watch your way of thinking because you can be attracting some weird situations into your life. For others of you this can be second chances presenting themselves. For others of you this is power struggles with certain family members.  

Try not to force people doing things they feel uncomfortable with doing. This can be power struggles because you want to go in a different direction, or even do things that are not normal or in their routine. Sometimes we have to be the example and just do. Because explaining something may not be enough. For others this can be unexpected turn of events happening with your 9-5 job and you reacting to the changes going on. For others of you this is change , try to see that everything has a reason

You could find a new way of making money or you being starting a new business project that can do very well at this time. You can be very creative in your way of thinking , and your really good at problem solving with this energy. For others of you this is being trendy with the social media. You can find that people like what your posting up.

You can be coming up with money making ideas, you can be updating yourself with your career. You can be very hard on yourself. As others give you construct criticism at this time. For others of you this can be working smarter not harder. You need to listen to others. Because you tend to be stubborn when you think your right. You maybe right but this can be a different situation. So try to get the whole story before jumping to conclusion

You can be a great healer or mentor with this energy. You can be very resourceful with this energy.  Feel your confidence can be up at this time, this can be a popular energy time for you or this can be you getting a confidence boost at work. For some of you, you can figure out certain people in your life, and you can be bored with them. For some of you , you can be a bit obsess about the new people in your life.
For some of you this can be a healing energy, for others of you this is changing your way of thinking. For some of you this can be situations you worried about working out in your favor. So try to let go of your worries. This can be a great time for business or career. You can be a great leader at work, or this can be starting new health routine or working on your emotional self.

Friday, July 21, 2017



You can be a bit hard on yourself today, you don't like to disappoint others, and you don't like to look like the bad guy. I feel at this time you need to learn to compromise with others, instead of fighting with them. When you learning to stop fighting and go more with the flow, you'll see there way wasn't that bad. The lesson here is stop fighting and go more with the flow  

You need to watch your emotional self, you can be obsessive about certain things. Or you can be micromanaging certain people's lives at this time. You can be fighting with yourself . You want to be more relax and going with the flow. But at the sametime you want to control. I feel that you need to try to break out of your comfort zone. And allow others to control a situation and not think about the worst. 

You can be re evaluating certain relationships or career direction. You can have certain people in your life figured out, and you can be feeling a bit bored in the relationship. Doing things differently today produce a different result. And you could be happy with the results. For some of you, you are very creative in your way of thinking. And this can be starting a new project with this energy. 

For some of you, you are quick to help others with this energy. You tend to take more initiative when put in crisis situations. This can be you putting out fires in other people's lives or this can be putting out fires at work. You don't stand and watch today, you just help for the sake of helping. For some of you , you need to be at that place at that time, to do or say something. There is a reason for everything 
For some of you, you tend to gravitate to like minded people. For some of you this is playing with a group of like minded people aka Dungeon in Dragons kind of group. For others of you, you can be starting your own forum or group of like minded people who are interested in the same hobbies and games as you are .  For some of you this can be birthday wishes or this can be certain things work themselves out today 

For some of you this is unusual experiences happening today, and your way of thinking or looking at certain things differently. For some of you, you can be updating yourself with career, or even studying a particular subject that you are curious about.. For some of you, people in your life can be taking care of you, or even helping you out financially today 
You can be receiving some unexpected bills with this energy. There could be some fears or concerns happening because your not in control of the situation. For others of you , you have a difficult time trusting other people with your business or with your money.Watch your emotional self , you have a difficult time controlling certain people in your life. It's best to try to negotiate or compromise at this time. I feel that they are going rogue on you and doing their own thing, and you have no control 
For some of you watch your emotional self because you still have that same energy from yesterday. For others of you, you can be delving more into your spirituality at this time, or working on yourself to help create more peace of mind. You have the ability today to see right through the bull with this energy. You can get to the truth really quick . 
You are in the driver's seat today when it comes to taking care of your family, or even helping them deal with certain things. For some of you , you can be guided by your intuition. For others of you , you are very creative with this energy. For some of you, you can be in good spirits with this energy, or just in a good mood in general 

For some of you, you have no time talking to certain people. You can find yourself avoiding certain people or friends because they tend to bore you, or seem a bit fake, or you can be a bit put off by the relationship. Or you may not want to do things were you are invited too. But you will go out if things are unplanned and random .  At this time don't make plans because you are more than likely wont do those. 

Can be more about creating more equality or making everything in way fair at this time. You try to make everyone happy to do , by listening and doing what everyone else wants to do .  For some of you, you need to be realistic on what you can and cannot do. For others of you , you are more about your play  with this energy. For some of you, you may not feel like coming into work today, and being more in your fantasy world.  

You can see people for who they really are. You can be a bit repelled by your friends , friends, because you can see them for whom they really are. But of course your friends can't see that yet so you keep your distant at this time. For some of you, you can be more in a leadership position with career. For others of you this is sticking to your health regime or working on your emotional self.  

Thursday, July 20, 2017


For some of you, you can be revisiting old creative projects or hobbies with this energy. For some of you, you can have deeper understanding why some people in your life are the way they are. Or they can be explaining to you their boundaries and needs.  You are able to have a deeper emotional connection or understanding with others. For others this can be a great time for money making ideas.
You can be second guessing yourself or over thinking a situation with this energy. A situation in your life may not be so clear or it may seem more one sided or even someone else's favor. You can feel like some one else is getting the better end of the stick. For others of you, you can be asked to step out of your comfort zone, but you want to question everything instead of just doing. So this can be a frustrating time when  dealing with others.  

You have a beautiful air trine , I feel thoughts can be come things with this energy, I feel for some of you, you benefit through your partner. Or this can be certain situations in your life turning around for the better with this energy. For others of you, you are trusting your intuition and you can find that it will pay off.

You need to becareful what or who you are getting involved with . Because certain situations seem a bit confusing or make no sense. Try to get as much information as you can today. And if it still doesn't make sense, instead of involving yourself, just say "NO".  For others of you this can be thoughts becoming things, and unexpected events can happen for some of you. OR this can be sparks of miracles
You need to help for the sake of helping with this energy. Your emotional life can affect your health for some of you. Not the best time for negotiations or people seeing things your way . For some of you, you are allowing your worries to get the best of you. Let go of your worries and try to go more with the flow

For some of you, who ever has to leave your life at this time let them leave. For others of you this can be a turn  of events happening with court,property matters or this can be second chances with certain missed opportunities. For some of you, your faith can be tested with this energy. So try to work on staying more certain that things will turn out the way they should. There is a reason for everything

This can be unexpected turn of events with career, or with certain people in your life. Its something that  you didn't see coming with this energy. For some of you this is rehashing old fights that you still feel some kind of way about them. For others this is the past revisiting with this energy, and you are able to say everything that is on your mind.
You can be very generous and giving with this energy, you tend to want to nurture your close relationships with this energy. You can be dark in your way of thinking and can be having very depressing conversations with this energy. So careful with your thoughts with this energy.You tend to get heavy when you have conversation with others

This can be a great day for your luck to kick in. For some of you this is things going your way with this energy. For some of you, you need to watch your emotional self because you have a stellium going in your 8th house. So your thoughts can get kind of dark for some of you.For others of you, you take on other people's problems

You can be somewhat of a bit of a rebel with this energy. As you go above other people's head or even above the law and kind of do what you want to do today. For some of you, some relationships in your life are getting to deep for you, or someone is trying to put you on the spot with this energy. You aren't ready to give them an answer or to be that emotionally available to them

Careful with the art of intimidation or controlling others with this energy, this tactic is going to go so well , wheel it in today.For some of you when you get mad , you sometimes take it to the next level. And certain issues don't need to go to next level. For some of you this can be fighting with the men in your life , father figure or those in authority.

For some of you, you need to watch your of thinking. You can be a bit negative about certain situations going in your life at this time. For some of you this can be  depression happening . For others of you, you can be more there for someone else today. For some of you this energy is trying to keep the faith but it's wavering at the same time.Try to delve into certainty with this energy..  

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


You need to be careful with your giving nature because you can feeling like others are taking advantage of your kindness. Some is definitely not telling you everything and can be only telling you half truths today. Try to get the whole story before going out of your way for this person.
Your second house is not well aspected today with the Moon in Gemini. But the moon is trine Jupiter in your fifth house. So try to delve more in the power of prayer. Also play lotto win $5. You need to mull over the decisions that you make. For some of you this can be dealing with a parent or man in your life, or even a dominating women in your life. It's my way or the highway kind of attitude. So try to bend because you may regret your choices later.

You have a beautiful air this can be a great energy for manifesting or the power of prayer with this energy . You can find that thoughts become things. This can be a great time for the writers and for those on the media or social media with this energy. You can be spending lots of time socializing or communicating with friends today

You need to keep it humble today because you could have lesson in humility with this energy.  You may need to learn to speak and say what you want at this time. Even if other people don't agree with you. For some of you this is creating boundaries. For some of you this can be thoughts become things with this energy. For others of you this can be initiating new projects with this energy. Or make plans with family.  

You have a Yod happening today in your 8th house. You need to speak up when it comes to your feelings. You can see how you certain things seem a bit injustice or unfair. For some of you this can be a great energy time for you. I do see a turn of events happening in your favor. For some of you this can be with career, or this can be with karma kicking in.

You have a Yod going on in your fifth house with pluto in rx. I feel at this time you need to be careful how you speak to others. Because you can be a bit of a know it all with this energy.  You need to be careful how you delegate responsibility to others. Because you may be putting to much on another person with this energy. This you needing to be a bit more fair with others. Because you do have a tendency to make it all about you.

For some of you, you can be focus on health, and updating yourself with your career, or even being more mindful with yourself .  For others of you , you can be holding certain things in at this time, because you may find a situation to be unfair . Or this can be you trying to keep the peace at work or even at home.For some of you, this is a great time for communication or dealing with clients, because you are able to get through what you are saying to them. For some of you this can be starting a new book
You can be possessive over relationships or even over things or money with this energy. Not the best day for compromise or negotiations.For some of you this is a great time for career, you can be receiving validation for your career and the path you need to be on . For others of you this is a great time for growth with this energy. For others of you this is achieving certain goals

Opportunities with career, or making certain major changes in your life are coming up but your not so quick to jump at this time. For some of you, there could be talks about growth with this energy.  Relationship can be fragile at this time who ever needs to leave your life let them leave at this time. For some of you this is a great time for school and taking exams. For others of you this is updating yourself with your career

You are not set on taking initiative or making decisions at this time because you need more information. OR you need a reason , and a good reason to make certain changes in your life. You can be throwing your energy into your work at this time. And it's very hard to derail from your progress, so at this time no decision will be made at this time.

For some of you this can be a lucky time for you. For others of you, you can be following your intuition with this energy. Some of you this is a great time for business with this energy, you tend to attract money towards you. You can be more about big picture at this time. And going out of your way for others with this energy

For some of you change is happening today. And this energy can be bring up allot of the past , and past hurts. Giving you an opportunity to heal and move on. For some of you this can be people from your past coming up in conversation or reaching out to you. And your still not over the hurts.  For others of you this can be an empowering time for you and time to be moving forward with career.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


For some of you this is a great time for money making ideas. You can be a great asset to your career because you think out side the box, or you come up with clever ways to make money for them. For some of you this is a fun time to get your flirt on, as options are presenting themselves to you. For others of you, you are more in a leadership position, some people in your life can rely on you a bit more than usual. For others of you this is growth with career.    

Today certain people challenge you or put things into perspective, or you may have lessons to learn through others today. As they give you an opportunity to change the emotional self, to look at things different and to step out of your normal. But for some of you this can be more of reality of check , of what you do and how you treat others. So be open because both ways offers an opportunity to change
So much energy in your house. You can be a bit Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. People may ask "what's wrong?" Because you seem quite and withdrawn. But really your having whole other world going on in your head with tons to think about. You need to watch your emotional self because you take what others say to personal , and can be abit hard on your self.  

Something is happening your being your own worst enemy at this time. An anarchist almost, try to think about big picture at this time. For some of you this can be thinking about ending certain situations in your life. Like moving , separation or divorce. You have unconventional way of thinking or doing things and others may not agree.

You can be at a cross road in your life with this energy. You can be avoiding certain realities and you know that your avoiding certain realities because it's causing you to feel a certain way with this energy.  Your luck kicks in today when your helping for the sake of helping.  You need to becareful when speaking out of anger because you may say things that are true, but hurtful at the sametime
You can be a bit hard on yourself today or a bit of perfectionist with this energy. You take criticism really hard today so try to let it go like water off a ducks back. Try to stay in your lane and watch what you are doing. For some of you , you can be having an unusual experience or you can be having signs that this is your chosen path and you need to stick to this direction
You can be very sensitive to energy . So if someone is having a bad day or you walk in a room and it feels negative. It can affect your mood, and you may not know why you feel the way you do. So be more aware of your emotions and how you are feeling. If you are feeling negative step out of the room so you can see if thats you or there is a situation that went down, and your picking up on the aftermath .    

You have a beautiful earth trine going on to do. This can be plans working themselves out. This can be you getting to the bottom of a situation and coming up with a resolution. For others of you this can be a popular time for you on the media or social media. For others of you, you have easier time speaking your mind with this energy

Who ever has to leave your life at this time let them. This can be a friend with this energy. For some of you this can be a revisiting certain projects with this energy. For others of you this can be past issues coming up giving you an opportunity to let go of past hurts. This can also be working on the emotional self today

You can be very much focus on career, or certain things in your life. But the people close to you are asking for your time and attention, and you might not be keen on giving it. At this time stop what you are doing and give a minute of your time and listen. You need to learn to stop and go more with the flow of your life. We are not meant to just work, we are meant to connect with each other, and help each other grow.    

For some of you, you have a difficult time getting along with certain people in your life. You can feel that they are being to critical of what you are doing or watching you too closely. Which can cause you to make some kind of outburst or confrontation, watch your emotional self. Be the bigger person

You can be obsessed about a goal or your money situation at this time, try to change your focus on things you need to catch up on , or on things that are working out for you. When you step away from a situation , you can change your perspective and see that you may be worrying about nothing. For some of you this is a great time for business or career, and it can boost your confidence

Monday, July 17, 2017


At this time you are planning and contemplating, could this your escape?You think hard about doing some thing at this time. For others of you this can be ending a relationship or initiating certain changes in your life. Because these situations or people in your life are not helping you in your cause.For others of you this is an opportunity to recreate yourself
For some of you something has to give, because same old same old , doesn't work for you. Or its no longer making you feel happy. You are being asked to make some major changes, or necessary changes for your peace of mind. But you are blocking or being your own worst enemy when it comes to making changes. So at this time your going to sit on this, and mull it over
For some of you , you have a beautiful air trine going on today. You can be guided more by your intuition. This can be having a clearer picture on what needs to be done or being more certain at this time and knowing you'll have a positive outcome. For others of you this is playing lotto win $ 5 dollar ticket. For others of you mull over new money making opportunities before pursuing them. Because you may be doing more of the work than you planned to do .

Change is happening. For some of you, you have allot to think about at this time. Because it may be more towards career, or even not getting along with family members at this time. For others of you watch your emotional life, because certain things are not in your control. You can throw down some tantrums when you get home. This can be seeing others playing favorites or allowing others to grow before you. Or this can be people not keeping their promise and not following through

You can be more quite in your feelings because you don't want to offend others or get into any confrontations with others. You can feel a bit stuck in a situation or other people can seem a bit bossy today with you. For others of you patience is needed when it comes to what you want. Your mind can be more on what you don't have at this time, playing the waiting game today

For some of you , you can be seeing people from your past coming out the wood work with this energy.  For others of you expect the unexpected today. You can be receiving unexpected good news with this energy. Or you can read the hell out of people. You may have some people in your life figured out.    

To much water going on in your tenth so it's up to you how you want your day to be.I feel that certain people in your life can disappoint, or they may create boundaries with you. For others of you don't expect things to go your way today. For some of you this is major changes happening at this time, and you not being in control of the situation.
For some of you this is a great time for business, or this can be a great time to see some growth with the media or social media. For some of you, you can very popular and people want to hang out or plan things with you. For others of you this can be growth with career, and you can be put into a leadership position with this energy. For some of your friends stick up for you, or let you know that they have your back, and you love the loyalty    

Watch your emotional self , you want things done a particular way or you expect others in your life to comply with your plans or ways of doing things and this may not be the case. You can be getting yourself into petty fights which can cause some serious repercussions. So pick and choose your battle today, who ever has to leave your life let them. Things may not go as plan with school for some of you. So you might have to go and talk to someone for help today  

You have a stellium going on in your seventh house. For some of you this can be revisiting past relationships. Or they might be looking for you on the social media pages and wanting to reach out to you. You need to be sensitive towards others, because other people that you are dealing with need to be held with kid gloves. Nobody got time for that, this can cause problems at work or at home. As Miss Abby says"go home and cry in your pillow."

For some of you this can be a busy day with career or goals, and as soon someone needs help. It's like throwing a wrench in your day. So careful with how you react to distractions or people's mini  crisis today. Listen to others when they are talking to you because they may know more than you think. They bring to you growth and an opportunity to change or turn around your situation

For some of you this is a great time for business or career growth with this energy.  For some of you, you need to watch your emotional self,because you have a stellium in cancer in your sixth house so check your natal chart. Because your emotional life can flair up your health. For others of you this can be thoughts of past coming back with this energy. This can also be a bit of anxiety because you feel change is coming in  and you need to slow down and trust the process. Come into certainty today

Sunday, July 16, 2017


I see you making changes at this time. And the people in your life are in support of those changes that you want to make. For some of  you this is a creative ideas. You can be in a good head space with this energy.  For others of you this is a great time with career with this energy. For some of you this is dealing with court, or legal testimony with this energy. At this time I see some major decisions coming up the cards say go, but you might be still thinking about. This can be getting a job for some of you. But you may not feel ready too. For others of you I see fullfillment. I see you being in a better headspace this week. You have allot more patience for things and situations because your having a great week
I see a turn of events happening with this energy. I feel you need to watch your emotional self , you can be a bit nit picky with others, or on top of them. So try to give other people their space, or this can turn out to be a situation. At this time your not taking care of certain situations or avoiding certain things. This week those things that you've been avoiding maybe become more of a focus in your life this week. For some of you this is certain things being avoided because you may have to sell something in order to get a bill payed this week
You can be feeling some kind of way about certain people in your life , or certain people that you work with . You could feel like they are up to no good or they can be stealing but you can't put your finger on it. I see change happening this week. For some of you this can be a difficult week for change because it's going to happen very fast. For others of you this is relocating to a different state or country, and not having an easy time adjusting to your new situation. For some of you this is a new love interest coming into your life this week .

I see love for some of you. But this can be an on again off again relationship with this energy. This person coming in as a new love or old love . Is someone who is older than you.  For others of you this is a great time for career and business with this energy. I see allot of good happening but your not satisfied with what you want. Parents can be very supportive this week , or helping you out financially with this energy. I feel at this time for some of you, a decision may need to be made but your not very quick to make decision as a way to manipulate the situation.
I see travelling happening or plans to travel can be on. I see this can be a fabulous week for you. I see things going your way this week. Or this can be a fun time spending with family . I feel you can be more about your peace and enjoying your week. For some of you this can be creative breakthroughs happening. You can have your work put into an art gallery. For others of you, you could find a quick route to getting what you want this week. This is also a great week for those of you in media or social media. Because people are more agreeable with what you are saying to them .
For some of you this can be a life altering experience happening or situation going your way. I feel the energy can be giving to you, or others in your life can be very giving to you. For some of you this is new love coming into the picture. For others of you I see travelling happening with this energy. Yu may not being getting along with certain women in your life at this time. They may not be agreeing with the decisions or the things you are doing at this time. For others of you , keep it humble this week as you are not following a traditional path and things seem to be working out for you

You need to keep it honest on what you can and cannot do it . Your hard work and perseverance will pay off  this week. I feel there can be money worries at this time. So try not to take this out on your relationships. I feel at this time, you need to keep a paper trail of your work, or receipts of your text message. Because some one could be making up stories about you, or accusing of fraud and scandal. For others of you, you don't realize how important you are or your own personal power. You need to acknowledge it this week
For some of you there can be major decisions in regards to money coming up. Either getting a loan or loaning people money at this time. For some of you , you know your not getting that money back, or you might not even get a thank you . I feel this can be your way of controlling a person in your life through money so careful. For others of you, this can be a loan  for a house and thinking about moving at this time.  This move can be from a different state or country . For others of you this can be a turn of events happening. This endings coming up for you. This can be a busy time for you with career or with dating at this time. For others of you the cards want you to know what ever your thinking about doing to see it all the way through
For some of you, you can have a difficult time dealing with certain people in your life. Because they have different way of seeing particular situations or things. But you also can be teaching some people in your life some life lessons. For others of you, you can leave a situation or a relationship in the name of integrity. For others of you, you don't realize how much you affect others. For others of you, you can be helping others reach their goals. But you also need to think about putting that energy into yourself too.
You can have allot of good ideas and things you want to do but you may not act upon it at this time. For some of you , you can be giving your emotional life or your the voices inside your head a bit more life than usual. The cards are showing me, you can be your own worst enemy because your not taking initiative at this time, and you can be over thinking things.For some of you, I see travelling coming up at this time. And for others of you this can be endings and new beginnings coming up for you. For some of you , you can be thinking about quitting your job or ending a love relationship. For others of you, you could be thinking about dating at this time. I feel that despite you being all in your head this can be a great week
At this time you can be feeling some kind of way in regards to relationships or in regards to career. For some of you, you can be a bit more in your feelings than usual. For some you, you have allot of good coming and it can be to much for you, so watch your emotional self. I feel that some of you, may not be use to all this good. For some of you, you can find that thoughts become things. Something that you've been wanting can come to fruition this week .
People in your life can be turning your neck and have you thinking how ever they would life. For others of you others influence your way of thinking . For some of you this is not over the ex, or not satisfied or happy with the current one because your comparing this person with the ex. There is a beautiful opportunity to let go of the past and past hurts. This week you have an opportunity to put things into perspective and let them go. This can be a great time for accomplishments, or being dominate figure in your career.


You can be reevaluating certain relationships or new situations that are going on in your life. This can bring obstacles between what you want at this time, so patience is needed. At this time , its not a great time to initiate plans. For others of you this is a difficult time with love relationship or relationships in general can frustrate you. Because you need to figure out what you want from that person

Don't go assuming at this time. You are assuming things or not giving others a chance at this time. If they make a mistake than you can say I told you so. For others of you, you are more sympathetic to other people, or you can see that are having problems  that has nothing to do with the present. But they are bringing it into the present. For others of you this energy brings about a deeper understanding of why certain people do the things they do.

You can be wise to other people's games. Some people in your life had played the guilt trip on you , so many time. It no longer phases or their excuses are no longer valid anymore. For others of you, think about what you are getting yourself into . Because you can be a bit gullible as well, some of you.

Your tenth house is highlighted today. This can bring about change with career for better, or this can be a busy day with lots to do. And you can find your self having lots to do today. You can be very sensitive to other people's needs. This is a great time for customer relations. Because you can go out of your way for some today. This can impress the right people with this energy. For others of you, you inspire others today

You do have allot of good happening today. But I feel some situations or people you tend to rebel against and do your own thing. At this time your looking for fun or an adventure, and this can involve your wallet so watch your spending today. For others of you this is a great time to step into certainty because thoughts can become things today. For others of you this is initiating new projects, or being more aware of your well being or health.  

For some of you, this can be some unexpected turn of events happening with career, or this can be with relationships. For some of this energy can bring about second chances, or even bring back miss opportunities. This can be a popular energy time for you with or with the social media . Things that you say to others make sense today

You can be receiving confirmation today or your feelings can be getting validated at this time. You are able to let go of your worries and concerns when it comes to certain issues. For some of you, you might not be getting along with mother at this time. For others of you, you can feel like others are emotionally dumping on , or taking advantage of your good nature .

You have not patience for people today. Your not liking at the rate everything is moving. Try not to get on top of people or micro manage them by calling every second or you'll have problems with that person. You need to all everything to go through it's process. For others of you, you need to watch your emotional self , you can't control people and you can't control at what rate you get things, so this can  cause restless energy
You can be fighting some urges with this energy. You maybe a bit more fragile with certain people but secretly your feeling some kind of way. Your going to wait till they bring it up till you say how you really feel. For others of you, you can be trying to be good or well behave because at this time you can be trying to show that you can work well with others. Or this can be you trying to get your way by proving yourself to some one . Who's trying to prove you wrong
Stellium in your first house. You can be more with your thoughts at this time. Your not trying to express yourself but you are internalizing allot at this time. For some of you, you can be impulsive and ask others out with this energy, or even reach out to your past. For others of you watch your spending , you can step out of your routine today
You can be seeing some unfairness going on. On one hand you want to say thing, but on the other hand you don't want to get involve in the drama. Or this can be you picking and choosing your battles today because you want more peace in your life. You a bit more self awareness. For others of you, you seeing things differently from others, but don't expect them to see your way too. Because this is more of an elevated consciousness that is going on.

For some of you, you can have difficulties with dominating people.Because they want to understand you or they want to test you. Because they need to put you in a box so they can make sense or label you. Not allot of people are going to be on board with your ideas because they seem idealistic. Sometimes when we just start them than people can see what we are talking about. You need to draw them a picture today

Thursday, July 13, 2017



You need to be grounded or take things one step at a time. Because this can be promises being made to you at this time. Talk is cheap with this energy. For others of you , you need to reel it in when it comes to thoughts of future. For others of you this is a great time for the law of attraction. For some of you, you are being guided by your intuition and initiating them. This can be starting new business projects or starting new creative projects with this energy. For others of you, you can benefit through your partner 
You need to cock those brains before you shoot that mouth. You should keep your snarky remarks more to yourself. Because others can flip it and teach you a lesson. Relationships can be a bit fragile today. For others of you, this can be trying to figure out someone new in your life and testing them and seeing what you can get away with and what you can 't get away with. Because your curious about them. Because they can be more to themselves  
This can be a confusing time for you. Be based on what you know and facts not on what other people say to you. This can be others trying to get you to pick sides. You tend to be more about your play or your social life with this energy. Work can seem a bit boring with this energy. For some of you this can be changes happening with family members. Dealing with their drama or this can be good news from them and about them with this energy
At this time don't get guilted into things that you don't want to do today. This can be working over time or covering someone shift. Or this could be taking care of family responsibilities. Try to speak up because you need to do what makes you happy too.For others of you, you can be more guided with this energy, or delving more into your spirituality or focusing more on your well being today. 
♌ LEO 
For some of you, you can be more of an expert in your field and others look to you towards or for guidance with this energy. You need to watch your emotional life because it affects your health today. For some of you, you can be quite in your feelings because you don't want to speak up because you don't want others to judge you or resent you. For others of you, you are very stuck in your way of thinking and there is no changing your mind 

Even though you can dish it , you can't take it . For some of you this is dealing with property matters, custody battles or a move with this energy. For others of you this can be frustrating time for you so try not to take it out on others with this energy. For others of you, this is an opportunity to change the emotional self, or your way of thinking because you plateau so now this is change and its time to do things differently.or even think differently 
For some of you this can be new people coming into your life. This can be a great time for media or social media. I feel that friends or lovers bring an element of surprise in your life with this energy. For others of you this can be some unexpected good news with this energy. I feel this can be more of a social time for you, and you can be more about your social life with this energy . For others of you, you are to giving when it comes to certain relationships 

Moon still in Pisces forming a beautiful water trine . So this can be things going your way with this energy. This is a great time to work on your projects because you can see the bigger picture, and you are moving forward with certain projects going on . You throw yourself into your passions with this energy. For others of you when you help others you receive blessings today 
This can be a very good day for you, because you have sense of being on top of everything . For some of you this is great time for having more freedom to do what you want at work, or even to be in a better head place because of good news that you are receiving at this time.For others of you this can be a busy time with online business. For others of you, you benefit through others 
For some of you this is second chances with missed opportunities. This can also be people from your past revisiting you and second chances with them. For others of you this can be thoughts of the past and  not being over past hurts with this energy. You could be rehashing the past at this time because your still hurting from it . Until you learn to let go of these past hurts than you can have a peaceful relationship with certain people in your life. But you have to learn to let go of these hurts, and you have to learn to trust. If you can't do that let go of this relationship be done with it because you'll never let go of past transgressions 
Situations in your life are to familiar or you can hear about someone you don't get along with. This is an opportunity to change the conversation to work on letting go of past hurts . How do you know when your over it , when it no longer emotionally effects. Right now your allowing it to come up because it needs to be acknowledge and you need to let. For some of you , you have an opportunity to put things into perspective , forgive and move on 
You need to watch your emotional life because it dictates your money  situation today. This can be trying to be realistic and seeing what works and what doesn't work. And this can be with health and being realistic about what you can and cannot do. This can be with business and business projects and seeing what works and doesn't work. For some of you are trying to be realistic on certain situations or things that you want to do but at the same time your trying not to get carried way today