Changes are coming to you as everything today seems like a process but also know this process is a learning experience, and for the better
Today brings about changes in your life as new messages or good news today, people from your past may reconnect to you, we only have one week till mercury retrograde so you could be experience some of this energy already
Love relationships maybe the focus today, and new ones may be in the works for some of you
Have faith and meditate on certain things that may be revealed, they could be nagging at you today as well, be careful with your thoughts and not harbor on the same old thoughts because it could get overwhelming
Have courage that everything will work out the way you want you today, there could be a few minor obstacles but know that everything will work out
Let go of unnecessary fears as new beginnings or new experience could make you feel accomplished and in control of your situation
Your confidence soars today as loving energy is coming around bringing support to new experience making you feel very child like
You could have some changes or hearing some new when it comes to family or an addition to the family , also you good find out that you have a secret admire, enjoy the attention
You could be making plans in regards to your finical situation especially when it comes to your home , also you 'll find support from other people especially those who are higher up
You could be a bit upset as things are coming to light about a current relationship, also for some of you this week you could find yourself involved in long process that will be more of a life lesson
Sometimes blessings coming out of bad situations, no that a situation is ending because your lessons there are over and new ones are coming for you soon
You are feeling fierce and confident today but Debbie downers could be surrounding you , don't allow their fears to affect you
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