Thursday, June 30, 2016



Moon in the sign of Gemini change is happening. Watch your emotional self  today. This energy may cause some depression. Because change is happening and you need to be more like the mutable sign you are and go with the flow. This more of a time of figuring out your real values. Because at this time your emotional values are changing


With this energy you love and enjoy the connection you have with those who are close too you. Great energy for having fun moments with your friends. Also for some of you making plans to travel can come up with this. What ever situation you are going through at this time you have lots of love and support


You need to watch your emotional self because you are allowing others to get to you. At this time you  are not open to suggestions which can be a good thing today. At the sametime your not seeing the bigger picture in a situations.


It's best to keep quiet today , because you may create such a public display of your disdain, oy. Also with this energy this brings about changes today so try to be adaptable to the changes going on. Careful with what you say to other, cock those brains before you shoot that mouth off


Endings and new beginnings are coming up today.Your communications skills are so power, how powerful. You can sell ice to an Eskimo. A great energy for getting your way , job interviews, sells and negotiations.


You have a beautiful water trine in your 2,6,10. Watch your emotional self today because this energy can ride you like a bronco on a Tuesday, like a Rhinestone Cowboy. This  energy also dictates your money situation, so keep the energy positive. This is a  great day to tap into your faith and the law of attraction


Today by delving into projects or doing things that make you happy will allow you to have personal self discovery today. Watch your emotional self because with chiron in retrograde it wants you to let go of some past hurts and begin to heal


Today chiron in your 12th house is forming a beautiful kite energy.  This would be a great energy time to stay positive. You are very optimistic energy great energy time for the power of prayer with this energy. Careful with your giving mood because it may land in the bread of shame. Than turn eventually down the road to resentment


You are very giving with your resources, time or money today. The moon in your second house, you might want to pick up more hours at work. For some of you thinking about creating a second source of income to help you feel more emotional stable. The mind is on the money today


With this energy brings about a busyness to you , and also shows that you are keeping your promises. This is a great energy for those of you growing your internet business, or business in general for some. This is a good day for money coming in and staying in


With this energy you are very ambitious at this time and in a better head space. Your focus is on growing in the company, and for some of going back to school. So you can get a license to create more job stability . When it comes to career, you stand out more especially with those in authority will appreciate you


You get allot of fulfillment today when your helping others. Watch your emotional self because some lessons can come from helping others. So help because you aren't' expecting anything in return. Don't be surprise if some people do turn on you. For help that you've given them in the past. Don't over react just let it be a lesson and let it go

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