Sunday, July 31, 2016




Relationships can be fragile this week or change this week. Love opportunities  are available to you this week. Also with this energy I see ultimatums happening with love relationships.  I do see this being a fun time for love relationships and that you are dating at this time. I feel for some of you , in regards to new love that you may feel a real connection with this person . Or you may have knew this person in past life. I don't feel like this new person coming in that you feel that strong connection has to be a love relationship. This can be someone you connect with instantly and have an instant friendship with . I feel that certain relationships in your life are making you look  at new directions or different avenues to go too.


Watch your reactive self with this energy. I feel that at this time, you may say what is on your mind because you allow things to build up and the Rhino in you comes out charging;CHARGING BLINDLY into anything that it in it's way. So be a bit self aware do try to express your feelings and how you feel.  Also with this energy try to keep your mouth shut if you can . Because your words will get twisted . And it will be a game of she said he she said with this energy. I also see some apologies coming  out and this can be after everything is said and done this week. I do see for better or worst, your words are very powerful so careful what you say. The tongue is the most powerful weapon because we can't take back hurtful things


This week looks like a positive week for you. I feel in relationships in general that you'll be making deeper connections with others. I feel this is going to be a fun energy week for you. I do see a separation with a relationship but I feel that this person in your life is going to be reaching out to you . Or trying to make time for you this week. I do see that you are not going to socialize with a certain group of people . Also for some of you this can be quitting your job, or a particular group. This week expect the unexpect this week but in a good way. You may find recognition or money incentive or even a raise for your hard work. I do see things you want are going to go your way and be more in your favor this week


This week is going to be a fabulous week, your not really try to be involve in any drama. I feel that you are more focus on work and career. Try to create more emotional stability in your life. I do see for some of you . What ever situation you are going through at this time. You may have to go through it or deal with it a bit longer. I do see some good news coming your way this week in regards to work. I do see at this time positive talks about moving forward with your career, and for some of being promoted. The cards to give you hope. You can have what you want but you have to put the work in order to get it .


Things that you wanted to come into your life but haven't happen may happen this week.I do see at this time positive good news coming in. For those of you with business projects or creative projects this week it will prove successful. Try not to pay attention to the negative things going on in your life. Work on putting them behind you or focus on other people's problem. Watch your problem resolve themselves out . Change is happening this week. I don't feel like you'll notice though because you are going through it this week.This is a great energy to receive love energy from others. Especially if you been feeling lonely lately this energy is almost over.


I feel this is better energy week for you. I do see you focusing more on your career. I do see your financial situation getting better this week and money improving. I see some of you thinking about turning a hobby into a business venture. Your creative juices are flowing with ideas this week so be sure to jot down your ideas. This energy indicates that what you love to do will make you money. Also with this energy , it shows that it is going to be a busy week for you. That you should ask for help and delegate to others certain responsibilities. Make sure you speak up this week instead of doing everything.    


I feel this is a great week for you emotionally. Either money is improving or things are going your way this week. The cards do indicate this being a good week for you . I feel at this time you are more focus on you. I do see you trying to be more on a saner path this week.  At this time your following your intuition, and you don't care what anyone says about it at this time. You are moving in this direction and there is no stopping you. Also with this energy you are more focus on your goals and dreams with this energy. You are in doer mode at this time, and more certain about what you want this week.


Relationships in general are going to change this week. I feel this is a great week for collaborations or business partnership. I feel for some of you , you are married to your career this week. For others of you, I feel that if you need help financially someone in your family will be more than willing to help you out this week. I do see you have ups and downs this week but the cards do indicate that you are protected from the bad. I do see some major decisions are coming up in the direction you are going into with career. I do see for some of you , your career path is being guided or you are being give opportunities. That  you never thought about doing . I do see for some of you love becomes the focus this week. I feel that your love relationship may get a bit more serious. But I do see both of you may not want the same thing or your not communicating your needs at this time.


Delve more into faith consciousness this week , I do see money worries coming up.  I feel for some of you this week if you do go into  faith consciousness. Things will be made clear to you . Definitely showing me , that you'll benefit more through faith and meditation.  For some of you this can be a week were you delve more into your spirituality and tapping more into that New Moon energy this week. Or truth maybe revealed to you with some situations in your life. It's going to give you more closure or more understanding of your situation. Or someone around you knowing your situation can point it out to you. I do see allot of reevaluation and assessing certain situations. I do see some major decisions coming up for some of you . Others of you are more playing with ideas than anything. But the cards want you to know that you are on the right path at this time. And you should go for it, but I feel that your going to think about it some more


I feel that someone in your life might give you an ultimatum and that you may think about what they are saying to you at this time.  This is a great time for those of you in social media, or even at work receiving recognition at this time for your work.  I do see a real estate investment going sour. Or something with a roommate resolving itself out this week. Property matters are coming up in the cards this week. I do see if your in litigation this week or court case is in regards to money matters. This week it's going to be more in your favor. For some of you winning money in the matter is showing up this week. I do see some major changes happening but if you don't act on them then you might not get what you want


I feel  at this time for some you , you are thinking more about the past this week. This can be because someone from your past has reached out to you. Or you maybe hearing some news about them. At this time for some of you an ex is coming back into the picture. I do see opportunities to reconcile a relationship this week. I do see a allot of good news happening to you. For those of you in social media this is a great time for you. This is a great time for those of you in business and career. You might be a bit more busy than usual. I do see the energy turning around for you this week and working more in your favor. I do see you mastering a specific area of your life.


This week money situations are coming up and giving you worries. Let go of your worries your money situation is going to get better. I do see your money situation is going to bring about endings in your relationship.So try to own your part for you spending the money instead of blaming the other person. Fishies don't like money problems but it happens . All you can do is delve in to your faith and try to be more grounded. I do see power struggles coming up in your relationships. Also with this energy I do see positive changes coming up this week with money.Or money opportunities coming up this week. For some of you , I see you getting help from others to grow with this energy.I do see the your partners money situation is getting better or business partner. The wealth is trickling down to you.    

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