Monday, August 22, 2016



You need to watch your emotional self , because you might be fighting with the women in your life or female friends. I feel with this energy, you can be a bit sensitive about your feelings, and you may not be communicating what you want. And assuming the other person is going to be understanding of you . Or understand where you are coming from . Try to tell them what you do and don't want.

Moon in Taurus is conjunct with the part of fortune in your ninth house. The moon doesn't do so well with this sign. So careful with outburst and mood swings.As above so below with this energy.I feel with this energy you might feel like others are asking to much of you, or you might feel used with this energy. I see you doing all the work but the others person not carrying their weight


Moon in your sixth house is forming a beautiful earth trine with the north node. This is a great time to move forward with career. I feel that with this energy you might be setting some trends at work, or others may inspire to be you. I feel this is a great time for business to pick up today. Or this is a great time to take action and get things done. Your in a better head space to solve problems in your life


You are all about being out and about with this energy. You are very social with this energy, and a bit more ambitious when it comes to your career.  With this energy you may have a dry sense of humour. You may find other people's horsing an amusing or down right immature. You might even get very offended over the comment bar. Or other people's remarks or comments. You might even take them personally,YIKES!! Let there comments be like water off a ducks back today


  You need to watch your emotional self today. You have a beautiful water trine with Juno, so your emotional self dictates your money. You have a beautiful earth trine today. It's up to you , you can be a great headspace today and allow yourself to go with the flow. Or this energy can ride you like a bronco on Tuesday. Like a Rhinestone Cowboy. For business just keep your emotional self positive or delve into faith with this energy


I feel with this energy , this is a great time for those of you in social media or with business today. The Sun in the sign of Virgo puts allot of emphasis in your relationship sector.  I feel that people may be a bit unexpected and there can be surprises with career. I feel with this energy people just may surprises. You may think a situation is going to go one way and than everything works out


You have a beautiful earth trine with your 2,6,10th house. You might be a bit of perfectionist at work or with what ever goal you set your heart on. You tend to want everything to be perfect with this energy. This is a great energy to get things done, you are focus and ambitious. You do have a stellium in your sixth house of Virgo. So the focus can become more on self help, daily routine or you might be do the opposite of that and be over indulgent affecting your health


You have the Part of fortune conjunct with Pluto forming an earth trine with your Moon in Taurus. I feel with this energy things , your way of thinking is going to be change, and you might have new perspective or philosophy with this energy. Your way of doing or thinking is going to be changed for ever. The moon is in your first house, try to not allow the wrenches in your day to upset you to badly


I feel there is good news coming your way today, or things have a way of working themselves out. Because you are more at peace with this energy. I feel with this energy you do well in groups or organizations. For some of you, you mesh right into other people's conversation or with new groups today. For some of you an opportunity to make a new friend or just talking to acquaintances today.


I feel with this energy you have tunnel vision in what's going on with particular situation or person in your life. That any other interference may cause you to get defensive or snappy. Try to be about others because they are just reaching out to you.  I feel for some of you the focus is on career. I feel that with this energy opportunities to grow are going to present themselves to you. I feel that others have your best interest at heart so try to be open mind today


I feel with this energy this is a great time for those of you in social media with this energy. A great day for career, or business or even socializing. You might find allot of attention is around or you might be planning get togethers with friends. Because you want to be out and about with this energy. You have an opportunity to change your of thinking or try something new but at this time . Your playing with ideas and intriguing other people's input


I feel with this energy you prefer to work along with this energy. I feel an debts or legal matters you have at this time. You might find answers to get yourself out of the situation. I feel with this energy you might feel accomplished when you get things done by yourself with this energy . Or you might even feel a bit empowered with this energy because you probably didn't think you could get it done.  

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