Sunday, October 9, 2016




Major changes are happening this week. You might be complaining about one particular problem this week.But you have so much good so it's difficult for others to sympathize with you. Or others may think you've gotten allot out of a situation but your still complaining.  Try to look at all you have this week and be in more of a place of appreciation. For some of you, you may lose a battle but it's not over , you will do battle again with this energy. I feel also for some of you, you are able to blame others or circumstances on some of the problems surrounding you.


Life altering experience is happening this week for the better. So at this time go with the flow with this energy. I do see money improving but at the sametime money worries. This is a great time for contracts and negotiations going your way this week. Also this is a great energy, for those of you in litagations things working out for you. This is a great time for career, and your work should set standards. Of how to do certain things for  years to come. This week you are creating your own reality just keep it positive this week. And accept the reality that you created. So watch your thoughts because thought is a form of energy.


This is a great time for love relationships. Your love relationship is going to bring more stability into your life. For some of you, more confirmation that your lover is here to stay. I feel also with this energy, for others of you new people coming into your life. For you , these people are younger than you and offer you more stability or emotional support as friends. I feel your relationships this week , give you strength and the emotional stability you need. I feel for others of you, that you are still dealing with power struggles at work or with certain family members.


For some of you , an end of a good time in your life is coming this week. Change is happening whether you like it or not. The problem is that you are having to emotional process everything really fast instead of taking your time . Sometimes we have to make time for us to emotional process are situations before we can move on. You do have a life altering experience happening this week. So watch your emotional self because this can be a fun and fabulous week. Or this energy can ride you ,like a pony on a Tuesday. Like a RHINESTONE COWBOY, GETTY UP. So it's up to you , what kind of week you want to have. Some of these changes are coming from because it's aligned to what you want. So some of your situations are no longer in line with what you want


I feel major decisions or changes are happening this week. I feel at this time you are not making any decisions at this time as way to gain control . For others of you things are up in the air right now, so your just thinking about things. Either people around you or the energy is very giving to you. I feel also with this energy, you are getting rid of things in your life that serve you no purpose. Or you might be thinking about ending certain relationships in your life. I feel for some of you the focus is on father or thoughts of father are coming up this week.


Watch your emotional self this week , because I feel this is in the result of change, and not having any control with certain areas of your life. At this time go with the flow allow it to happen don't fight it.I feel positive situations are coming up. I feel for some of you , this is a win in court, and for others of you a promotion. I feel for others of you , your money situation is going to change for the better. For some of you , business will start to pick up this week. I feel also with this energy, you need to watch your spending with this energy, as well .


I feel with this energy, you benefit through other people with this energy. For some of you , a great time for networking, and for others of you making alliances for your business or with work. I feel for others of you, you are being asked to choose sides at this time. I feel at this time, you might be stubborn in your way of doing things. I feel with this energy, you might not be getting along with certain people in your life. Over powerstruggles or certain things you want done, in the way you want it done. Positive changes are happening with money this week. For some of you , this can be contracts being signed. Or having a government job for some of you.


At this time someone from your past is coming back and the cards aren't to fond of  this person. So try to keep this person in the past. I feel for some of you, you are going to think about allowing this person coming back into your life. For others of you , you might get obsessed about someone from your past or a situation that is going on. I feel at this time, you are a bit more in your feelings than usual. So you may want to do things at this time that are not in your best interest at the end of the day. Remember everything is cause and effect. I feel  for others of you new love present themselves with this energy. But you might not be ready to date just yet


I feel with this energy, you need to follow your own hunches , they will lead you to opportunities with this energy. I feel also with this energy, a great time for a second source of income. For others of you, money opportunities coming your way.I feel good news is happening this week with what you want. At this time it's more talks than action but moving in the right direction. I feel for some of you , love opportunities become available for you. For others you , people in your life maybe critical or opinionated about what you are doing


I feel for some of you, you might have a creative break through with this energy. Putting you into your work , is whats going to draw others into what you are doing. I feel this is a great time for recognition at work. For others of you a busy time for you with work. For some of you, I see the burden that you are carrying is worth carrying. I see trust issues with love relationship. But this could be your own hang ups with love as well. So what is the true feeling, and where is this hurt with love coming from? I see thoughts of travelling at this time , over property matters or business. For others . thoughts of moving to a different state  or country as well.  


Major events are happening, but at this time, it may seem to good to be true. So you may research before delving into the next chapter of your life. For others of you , you benefit through partnerships with this week. A turn of events is happening but it's more in your favor. One persons misfortunes is another person's gain, this week. I feel also with this energy that you might be thinking about moving in a different direction this week . For some of you, new love opportunities are happening . For others of you, reconnecting with your lover this week. I feel for others of you, good news is coming your way, and also a great time for business or career with this energy


I feel at this time , people from your past are reaching out to you, but your not so thrilled about it . I feel also money opportunities become available to you. This is a great time for money this week. I feel for some of you a second source of income is coming in. I feel with this energy, this can be you benefiting through partnerships or collaborations with this energy. I feel at this time watch your spending, because you are trying to keep up with certain people around you. I feel for others of you, you are dealing with trust issues. And for some of you , you have allot of good happening but you don't know how to deal or feel with also this good  

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