Tuesday, November 22, 2016



A busy energy today, you may be all over the place so getting organized or trying to is needed. I feel with this energy, you could be a bit more chatty than usual. More focus on making plans for the holidays with this energy, or your mind on the holidays. I feel also with this energy, you could be to one particular person or friend in your life that you really identify or spending more time with them today.


It's best to keep your problems to yourself today. Because you are doing somethings at this time against other people's advice and you know that they are going to throw their hands up . Lecture the hell out of you today or possibly give you a tongue lashing because you should know better. For some of you this reconciling with someone you shouldn't . You are going against everyone's advice


Careful with this energy, you are not making the best decisions today . For some of you repeating the same situation  so try not to make the same mistake. For some of you , this is a time of starting over in certain areas of your life. For others of you can expect the unexpected from others, act surprise. OR you might be surprise and not in a good way, hopefully it's in a good way


With this energy, you could feel the weight when it comes to taking care of others in a particular relationship. You could be ask to do more for this person even though you don't want too. It's okay to say no because you are establishing boundaries.  


With this energy power struggles can come up and instead of looking for a peaceful resolution . You can be emotionally manipulative with this energy;just to get your way. With this energy you may be remorseful or feelings of regrets with the choices that you made in your life. Your looking back at the past a bit more than usual. But the past has something to teach and something for us to acknowledge. So try to be an outsider looking in at your own past


With this energy, brings about emotional epiphanies at this time. Your reality or the reason for things happen in your life is making a bit more sense to you. Listen to your dreams and or your intuition tonight you could be receiving message from spirit world. For others of you, you are being guided by your intuition today. This is a good energy for musicians, artist, or psychics.

I feel with this energy, you have an opportunity to travel or thoughts of travelling are coming up. For some of you, you might be getting the energy to study. For others of you , you have an opportunity to do something different with your routine.If your not doing nothing with this energy, your mind could be very restless today. Try to channel that energy into something productive like working or focusing more on your well being.  


I feel with this energy, you could be more into the holiday spirit. Even going out of your way for others. Or even spending time driving around picking up stuff for the holidays.You are one of those signs who are very excited about Thanksgiving with this energy. You can be very creative as well with this energy. You could be in charge of an art project going on at work for the holidays.    


With this energy, you are focusing today on your close relationships.  I feel with this energy, you are being asked to change your way of thinking or doing things. Because what ever it is that you are doing or not doing is no longer working for your situation. I feel at this time, the changes you are being asked to go through is not the easiest thing. For some of you this could be dealing with certain addictions and working on those. Power Struggles with family members can happen today    


You have a very good understanding about how the world works. Especially those people in your life you don't particularly get along with you are able to figure them out. You do have major changes happening today and this could be in your relationship sector. You could be very focus on work and career, but sometimes people in your life will start acting out. Especially if your not giving them the time and attention that they want. So try to give them a moment of your time


You are chatty kathy today. You might be involved in some good gossip or involved in some kind of drama around you today. For others of you , making plans for the holidays and getting those last minute trimmings may have you very busy today.  Also some changes can happen today this could be in regards to court , government paper works, or with school with this energy or even with licenses so try to keep the energy positive today


You need to watch your emotional self with this energy you kind of say what ever is on your mind  today. You  might not be getting along with certain people in your life. With this energy, your emotional life isn't happy because your home life or personal life is not a happy one at this time. Also with this energy you take things that others say to you very seriously. Your not in a playful mood with this energy. Watch how you speak to others today

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