Tuesday, February 28, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


You can be more about your needs, and not aware of the needs of others. Toot toot slow the train and acknowledge those who need you now. When it comes to relationship you need to watch your emotional self. Because your emotional self can talk you into commitments or things you don't want to do . Don't let people guilt you . 

Watch your emotional self today , you can be a bit quiet and repressing your true feelings to a situation. For some of you things can come to a blow because this is a built of things that you been bottling are going to come out . For some of you can have a deep emotional transformation through certain situations. For others of you delving more in the occult but seeing things happen 

With this energy you can be having fun in a group meeting or meeting new people in general. For others of you, you can be doing your own thing. You might not be listening to others or taking their needs into consideration. What seems petty and stupid to you is important to others. For others of you control issues are coming up with those in authority and you might be a bit passive aggressive 

For some of you today expect the unexpect with this energy. This can be a random phone call from some one you haven't spoken too, or friends can decide to make a lunch date with you. Today is breaking from your routine.  For others of you disagreements with siblings and family members can come up .  

♌ LEO 

Watch your emotional self because you can be dealing with power struggles or disagreements. For some of you , you can be more in your head at this time, and this energy can get a bit restless today. Try to throw this energy in your art or working out. Also try to get a second opinion before making quick decisions based on your feelings that your feeling today

You can be good with money situations, or getting all your accounts or paper work in order today. You can be very good at handling your partners finances as well. For some of you situations in your life can see over whelming, you can be dealing with old debts, or trying to come up with money at this time to get what you want so you can move forward with the next process. Or you can be having disagreements with family over your money situation or even with relationships. OR they may not agree with the direction you want to go  


Change is happening,and this can be more by your own hand, and this maybe in regards to relationships. Some relationships can be fragile at this time and can be coming to an end. Try not to be on top of others at this time kind of let them do what they are going to do , good or bad, it really has nothing to do with you. Sometimes people don't want to change to complain


Watch your emotional self today. The energy or people can be testing you at this time . For some of you certain people like parents , or like those in authority may have a powerful gimmick to control you with, like the all mighty dollar. They can make the head do what ever it wants, and your not going to like it one bit. You know you have to conform to their ideals in order to get what you want.   


For some of you, you can be moving in a different career direction, for others of you, you could starting over in certain areas of your life. For others of you this can be a surprising change of direction. For others of you this energy is really out of your hands and taking risk now is a must. For others of you careful driving you could be accident prone 

For some of you expect the unexpect with this energy. With this energy, you know what you need to do at this time and your going to do it today. You have more of a take charge energy today. You are a great communicator and you can get people on Team Capricorn.


Watch your emotional self today for some of you. For others of you making changes doing things different. You could be starting over in certain areas of your life. For others starting new projects and taking risk with your money .  For others of you playing catch up at this time with dead lines, and rushing through things


Not the best energy for business it can be slow with this energy. For others of you making some changes so much needed changes.This can be a stressful time for  you, for some of you, you could be making yourself sick. For others of changes with career can happen for better or worst.  

Monday, February 27, 2017



MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live

You want to be impulsive and say what on your mind but lucky for some of you, you are restricting those impulses because you know it's not going to do you any good to react. Today you are able to see big picture.  For others of you, thoughts can become things  with this energy, or prayers can be answered today


For some of you, you make sense of other people's situations. You could find that you can be a gifted counselor with this energy. Or for some of you certain people in your life make sense of your situation. Help you come to a better understanding of whats going on or what you want out of life. For others of you, you are a really good motivator and can amp people up or get them excited about what you are doing


What you want may not be what others want with this energy. Try to compromise and find a middle .For some of you, you could feel trapped in relationships at this time, because the other person may have the upper hand or may have more say so. Don't allow this part of ego to get the best of you and ruin your situation. Try to see big picture you have a job which is not easy to get anymore and you have a relationship which can be super hard to get. See big picture


This can be a difficult time dealing with family or those in authority, you can feel restrict with home or work today with this energy. Others can seem a bit bossy or trying to control your situation. You can be very independent with this energy, and wanting to do your own thing. There could be no sense in talking to you today but do listen to what others have to say .

You are very passionate about what you want . Your very uncompromising today and you want your cake and eat it too. So there is going to be allot of fight going on. For some of you, you could be receiving good news with court. For others of you, your hard work and perseverance is starting to pay off.


Try to slow your role today because some of you aren't making sense or seeing straight with this energy. Certain situations or even outburst can come out today. Just preparing you for today. For some of you, you know what needs to be done at this time. For others of you surrounding yourself with things and people that make you happy


You can be more about your social life with this energy. You can feel very strongly over something that is going on or something that you are involved in. You can be stubborn in your way of thinking or thinking the other person can not do it . You are taking control over the reins and putting yourself in the driver. I feel your assertive energy can be very intimidating to others. So they may not feel like opening up to you . Try to step back and let the other person open up to you.


For some of you this is a time of really starting over in your life. So be careful with this energy try to stay on the right side of the lay. What ever challenges you are facing or obstacle they are there to change your way of thinking. For some of you , you could be fighting the energy, and eventually realize you may have wanted to do things differently. For others of you this energy brings about emotional transformation


You can be very much to yourself today, and the focus is more towards family and home. You can be a bit more in your head than usual watch your emotional self . For some of you, you may get not so good news that comes out of left field today and can ruin your whole day if you allot it. For others of you certain truths can be revealed today that may floor you.


With this energy you can be having a weird day or making sense of certain situations that are going on with this energy.  For some of you , you could be trying to make order out of chaos with this energy. For some of you, you can be about money making ideas with this energy. For others of you thoughts of moving can come up.


This can be a good time for business and career, or manifesting things that you want. For some of you, you can find that your thoughts become things. A great energy for the power of prayer. For others of you watch your emotional self . Situations at this time could be ending and it's more by your own hand or your reactive self so own your part in that situation.


Today you have the physical energy to get things done, for some of you finishing up projects today. I feel with this energy, you have a good understanding of what people are looking for . For some of you this is a great time to get along with better. Because you have a better understanding with whom your socializing with others. For others of you this energy can be coming with creative ideas for media or social media.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


You could have way of doing things that you have always been doing. Well today you need to try something new because it might not be working anymore.For others of you , you could be trying new ways of healing or new age healing techniques. For others of you searching for a spirituality or a new philosophy that works for you  


You might have a difficult time getting along with others. At this time , for some of you could be meeting new people, and you could be shy , or you could be dealing with loud over the top people. You might feel like you can't control them with this energy. For others of you , you are allowing certain relationships in your life have more of a say whats going on , and how were going to play this game, setting up the rules for you with out your say so 


Allot of indecision at this time. For some of you dealing with difficult people in your life. Trying to figure out your options at this time. Watch your emotional self with this energy, you can be a bit moody with this energy.Also you can pick up on other people's energy   


For some of you , you could be receiving some unexpected good news today. For others of you over coming fears, or dealing with difficult situations that you don't want to do deal with .  For some of you, this energy can bring about emotional transformation. Try to be open minded to what others are trying to teach or what they are saying to you. Because this gives you an opportunity to change. 

You have some positive news that you can be receiving today. For others of you benefit through travelling with this energy. For others trust yourself today because it leads you to great opportunities. For some of you, you been through those in authority or good news with court. Or benefit through the men in your life.Your hard is being notice by the right people 


For some of you expect the unexpected but in a good way. I do see surprise happening. For some of you benefit through others like partnerships, or love relationships. This can be a busy day with career, or with getting what you want at this time. Playing by other people's rules benefits you today. You can see the rewards happening or others may tell you. 


Unexpected turn of events can happen with this energy. You need to be patient with others and with your situation at this time.Rather than pushing people find something else to focus on at this time. Expect delays and obstacles today. For some of you this is truth being revealed with this energy, or getting to the bottom of things.      

Watch your emotional self today, don't expect anything to goes as plan with this energy. For some of you a great time for career and business. For others of you, you have common sense aka rare sense kicking in and helping you towards your goals , or what you want. You need to learn to compromise and bend to others with this energy. You can have a bit of tunnel vision so try to see big picture


You need to becareful how you speak to others because this energy brings cause and effect. You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. That seems to be your lesson is to put yourself in other people 's shoes and make it about them. For some of you, you could feel a bit stuck in your situation or relationship


Watch your emotional self today , you may receive news that you don't like or want to hear. At this time put the prayer on it, if nothing is signed there's still chances situation can change. You can stay mad all day with the new that you might receive.Today you may want to try to do things differently. Especially with the way your handling certain situations        


For some of you, you need to learn to keep moving forward. Keep certain people in the past because they have nothing new to say.For some of you, you could be reading people today and not even notice it. I feel with this energy , you can be very intense with your way of thinking so much so you make others uncomfortable   


Your still dealing with the same energies from yesterday watch for mood swings at this time. At this time you prefer to be more to yourself. I feel you wont be able to have that pleasure to be to yourself. You could find others being more on you or relying more on you to do things for them. You can feel restricted with certain relationships, but this could be the moon talking with this energy. You needing to be more flexible with others   



Major decisions are coming up at this time with love. For some of  you, your love life can pick and you could find yourself dating allot with this energy. For others of you the ex coming back into the picture, and being stubborn and slow to change. For others of you in love relationships currently for some of you this energy can bring major changes with love. So treat your mate kindly this week. I feel there are some turn of events coming up that are out of your hand with this energy. For some of you , I do see you trying to keep the peace or have better self control this week when dealing with others. For others of you this week can be a fabulous week or this week can ride you like a bronco on a Tuesday, like a Rhinestone Cowboy. So it's up to you this week how you want this week to be

I see some of you up for promotion this week, or this week be interviewed about your contract being up at work. I do see at this time positive talks can happen for some of you. I feel your communications skills for interviews or job interviews are very strong. For some of you, you can be a bit introverted or depress this week so watch your emotional self. I feel that money worries can come up with this energy, or custody battles can come up this week over money. For others of you , this can be you going through a recovery period and starting over in certain areas of your life. Or the start of you healing with this energy. The cards at this time are seeing some of you take it easy this week. This could be the body making you sick and making you slow down a bit more than usual. So listen to your body this week at this time.

I feel at this time you can be creating your own reality with this energy, or doing more of your own thing. I feel also this is a great week for growth with career, and for some of you this can be money incentive from career coming in this week. For others of you, your money situations seem to turn around at the last hour. For  some of you this is a time of relocation to a different state or country this week. For some of you this can be a lucky energy time with money. For some this can be a promotion or getting a job this week. For others of you this can be luck with gambling, or lucky in love with this energy. For others of you trust your intuition because it's showing you how to shift your energy and to create a better alignment so you can attract more positive situations in your life.


Your not quick to give with this energy, you could be ask to give out a loan or cosign on a loan for some one. But your not so quick to do so . Certain relationships or friendships can end because you can't get over what they done. Or you can't get over they didn't pick you and pick you over someone else. For some of you new people coming into your life and holding your hand and guiding you during this period of time. So they have a reason and purpose at this time in your life to be there. For some of you this energy of positive things flowing into your life. For others of you can be very giving and helpful to others especially with work.

You need to work on letting go and moving on from past hurts because they can be causing blockages with certain areas of your life. For some of you the world seems to work more in your favor and with what you want. This week you are very good at problem solving. You can see situations or things unfolding at this time but you may not wanting to say anything. As to not offend others or you might feel that they might get snippy with you. If they need your opinion they will ask just to play safe. For others of you , you have changes you want to make at this time these are ideas are more thought than action. For others of you, you could be feeling some kind of way because your not getting the recognition or attention that you want. At this time the universe could be teaching you humility


For some of you, you are still being dependent on others to take care of you. But you could be neglecting or not appreciative of others who do things for you. At this time show that you appreciate them this week. I do see self pity and feeling sorry for yourself. Be open to the help that is being given to you and try to work on pulling yourself out of this funk.  For others of you, you can be procrastinating with this energy , and not focus at this time. For others of you this energy brings out your creative side this week. I do see this being more of a lucky energy time for some of  you. For others of you , you could restless with this energy and feeling the need to change but it's more thought than action.

This can be a busy week for you. I feel at this time money coming in at the last minute especially if you need it. Good news with loans with this energy. For others of you this is good news with court in regards to money. I see you mastering a specific area of your life. I feel also don't be spiteful this week towards others because you could find yourself shooting your own foot this week. This week I peaceful negotiations or a great time litagations to go more in your favor. At this time with certain people or situations you might not be feeling and go more with the action of giving or being their but your heart is not in it. This is a good energy time for you in regards to business this week

At this time I see allot of thoughts and ideas coming up with this energy.For some of you having a difficult time letting go of certain people or issues. For others of you,you need to let go of guilt over a previous or a situation from years ago. People change and people can forgive with time. For some of you , you have tunnel vision with what you want. So it's difficult for you to change your mind with this energy. For others of you, you can receive spiritual messages that were only meant for you. So others wont be able to understand these messages that you are receiving. Watch your emotional self because you have trust issues with others especially with the opposite sex. For some of you , you may need to speak up once and for all .


I feel with this energy money is coming in at this time for some of you. This can be income tax, money incentive at work or even a portion or a raise. For others of you, a second source of money is coming this week. At this time you have a difficulty letting go of the past. I do see old friend or lover coming back into the picture, but your not so quick to allow this person back . For others of you new love opportunity coming in at this time. For some of you the lesson here is humility because you are looking for respect, and appreciation . You might not be receiving it so this humility you continue to do what you do out of goodness of your heart. Because you love doing what you do

At this time you can be over a situation and doing your own thing. For others of you walking a different path at this time . At this time you can be still going through trials and tribulations this week but the cards say strong. The recovery period is coming soon. Your commitment and hard work pays off for some of you. For some of you, you could find an ex of yours have moved on very quickly with this energy.  At this time their happy,be happy for them, and work on moving forward . For some of you, I see you losing a battle but quickly getting up and doing battle again.


I feel with this energy brings thoughts or plans to travel with this energy. For others of you this actual travelling going on this week for you. I do see you, love life entering or ending a cycle for better or worst. With this energy follow your hunches because they could lead to opportunities with this energy.  This week stay on message with the reality you want to create with this energy. For some of you , you are moving in a different career, or doing what you love to do with this energy.


With this energy, I see second chances and apologies coming up with this energy. For others of you careful with loaning out money because you may not get it back with this energy. For others of you lucky in love with this energy.  For others of you this energy brings about relocation but this may take some time adjusting to your new normal. For others of you adjusting to your new normal this may take awhile. For others of you change is happening with this energy and it will be out of your hand. You can be allowing more positive things to come in to your life, and even being more about your moral compass in the name of peace. You are less about your pleasure seeking ways with this energy  

Saturday, February 25, 2017




Great energy to tap into the law of attraction. Your not communicating your needs and feelings at this time, so don't expect others to understand what you want. For some of you , you need to learn trust your intuition. For some of you this energy can be challenging because its suppose to show you . What you need to work on through the challenges with others. So instead of reacting listen to what someone else has to say to you. Because this is going to help you change the emotional self. You can be high strung today try to relax and go more with the flow.     


With this energy seeing is believing at this time. Don't believe what other people tell you. Be about facts and be realistic with certain expectations especially with others. For some of you lessons to learn from friends or with others. The lesson here is to bend and compromise with others. Difficulties with women can come up with this energy. For some of you the ending of certain friendships  


For some of you stay off the social media pages and the comment bars,or get a second opinion with your comments. For others of you, you benefit through the women in your life. They may go out of their way and do something nice for you, or you benefit through them financially with this energy. Disagreement with family members can come up with this energy


This would be a great time to get your juju, your voodoo or santeria on; watch the secret. Watch your emotional self with this energy. For some of you , you could be delving more into your creativity with this energy.For others of you a bit more in your head about future plans and what you want to do . These are just more thoughts than actions. For others of you parents or someone older or who's been there done that can offer you much needed advice


For some of you this energy can create epiphanies for you or you can feel inspired to make some changes with the emotional self or with the health. For others of you, you are a bit more curious about the occult.For others of you, you need to confront issues that you have been avoiding , face certain problems. For some of you this energy brings endings and new beginnings, but before you can move forward you have to close certain chapters with the past  


Very powerful energy going on with relationships today, because of the part fortune conjunct with the north node opposing the solar eclipse. For some of you relationships in your life can provide great clarity to certain situations or what you need to change about you. For others of you this can be a difficult time with certain relationships. Try to be considerate about other people's feelings and what they have or had done for you in the past.


Watch your emotional self with this energy becomes it can flair up health problems with this energy. For some of you , you have an opportunity or you may be invited out by others, or make tentative plans for get togethers. For others of you thinking about reaching out to old friends with this energy, or see what they are up too via social media, creeping on the pages, oh yeah  


Certain  situations that weren't clear to you before are made clear with this energy. For some of you , you can be spontaneous in your actions, and you could surprise others and scare yourself with this energy. For others of you thinking about making certain changes in your life. At this time you are just waiting for someone to do the wrong thing so you have your excuse to leave.


Emphasis on family and your personal life. At this time you are all about your family and whats going on in their life. For some of you in the thick of their drama with this energy. For others of this can be about property matters or dealing with child custody issues.  At this time certain restrictions may have you making necessary changes to give you more freedom in your life


Watch your emotional self today to much water. For some of you, you could be guided by your intuition with this energy.  For others of you, you are way to in your feelings to see straight this energy can cause anxiety . Try to be in the present and more about facts and  what is really going on instead of being about whats in your feelings. Try not to think about whats not going on right now. This would be a good time to delve more into the law of attraction and delve more into your spirituality with this beautiful eclipse.Give the brain something else to do  


For some of you, you could be a bit in your feelings today especially in regards to future , and with what life has dealt you with . Try to change that conversation because we always get what we want maybe at different times.For some of you, you can be a bit eccentric in your way of thinking so careful with your spending and be realistic on what you are actually going to do .


For some of you this can be a time of reinventing the self. You can receive some unexpected news or wrench to get thrown in your day to disturb. You can have mood swings with this energy. You can be thick headed when it comes to certain things or people. Because you have problem seeing clearly at this time you want to see what you want to see. And not the reality of the situation. Stable relationships no longer seem stable. Because there needs to be change or more adaptability to the energies.  

Thursday, February 23, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live
MOON IN AQUARIUS ♒  not the best place for the moon causes temper tantrums.observant, more talk than action


Today the part of fortune is in your 12th house great time to get your juju on . You can be more quiet and in your feelings wtih this energy. Very intense emotional energies today so careful with relationships in general. You can be very impulsives. For some of you this endings with certain relationships. You could have a disturbing dreams about others 

For some of you getting closer to new love relationships or potential love relationship.Watch your emotional self today. There will be powerstruggles coming or heated arguments because you want to be right, but sometimes your answer is not the only right answer. For some of you, you can be focusing more on changing the emotional self, or turning a positive corner in your life 


With this energy you have a better understanding of others and what makes them tick. For others of you, you have the ability to allow others to be their own unique self. You are able to bring that out of them and allow them to embrace their true self.  This can be a very creative time for you as well as a fun time socializing with others. For some of you being a bit spontaneous and being out and about today 

Mercury in aquarius is forming an air trine today. For some of you this is a great time for trusting your intuition. With this energy you can expose whats wrong or expose hypocrisy in others. You can be fault finding today. IF you don't like someone and they are in your radar . Your quick to call them out today. So careful with this because eventually this energy comes back to you. You are right but all you can do is stand back and allow others to notice themselves. 
♌ LEO 

For some of you, you could be learning for others. People are going to give you the tools you need to help you grow or to change your emotional self, but it's up to you to use them. For others of you, you are given information that can be life changing for you. Or this can be news that can  really turn your life around, or even give you an opportunity to start over your life somewhere else. 

At this time not the easiest energy can cause anxiety or depression. Because you want to do things or make changes, but your not taking those physical steps . Try today when you start think I should do this , I should do that or I will, just start doing it . You can be a bit more in your head today and thinking or overthinking about certain situations that you cant control. You did all you can do now let go.    


For some of you can think outside the box, or be a good problem solver. For other of you are very original in your way of thinking or doing things.Certain people or things can make you very curious. You could be even a bit interested about a new philosophy or even a culture. For some of you , you could be crushing on someone because they seem so mysterious to you. 

Trust your intuition with this energy, you can have money making ideas with this energy. For some of you, you can find thoughts become things with this energy. For some of you this can be a lucky day. Try not to focus on the things going wrong and focus on other people's problems. Watch certain situations resolve themselves out. 

A great energy time for those of you in media or social media. What ever band wagon your on it's going to seem like you are the leader of that band wagon. Sometimes this is a good thing or a good attention to have others times it can get you in trouble. For some of you, a busy time with social media communicating back and forth with others, or texting others today. For others of you making plans for the weekend. You can find your schedule for the weekend might be very full with lots to do 


You might have problems with back and feet today careful with being on your feet all day. You have an easier time going with the flow today. Try to be flexible with this energy, because you don't want to give in to certain people's demands. For others of you not the best time to give out your opinion. Your way of thinking maybe a bit traditional for others, and not everyone is going to agree with your traditional ways of thinking. Be more open minded to the new information and a new way of doing things   


Watch out with the mood swings with this energy. Today you initiate change this bring endings or new beginnings more by your hand with this energy. Today you bring a different perspective to someone else's situation. For some of you , you are able to see big picture right now. For some of  you , you say exactly whats on your mind and this can feel freeing , if not liberating to you  


Not the best energy for business; it can be slow with this energy. For some of you, you need to think about bigger picture , what it is you truely want. Because relationships especially love relationship can be difficult because you have to bend or compromise. Or you might be bending allot more than the other person. So of you might feel the need to jump ship. Try to step back and focus on the real emotion there, because it may not have anything to do with them, but whats going on with you personally and emotionally. What is the real feeling and the real reason you are upset? 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


This energy can be grounding to some of you. For others of you, you have the energy to run errands and get things done. For others of you can feel accomplish. Also with this energy you can be unpredictable in to others so careful with this energy because it brings about major changes.  


You are very convincing in your conversation. You can even convert others to your way of thinking or doing things. For others of you this is a great time for online dating with this energy. For some of you this can be good news coming your way with this energy. For some of you, you could feel stuck in your situation or there could be powerstruggles with others at this time.     


Careful with this energy, because you can be very nit picky with certain things or people or even fault finding with others.For some of you, you could be renovating the house, or upgrading certain items to make them better. For some career may seem a bit unstable or even relationships can seem a bit unstable and you could be worried with this energy. Try to let go of these worries because you can be obsessive about certain people today


For some of you the focus is on your money situation. You could be turning a corner for some of you with money. For others of you could be quitting your job or growing with the company or delving into a new situation. For others of you change is happening and today you might need to adapt to the new situations because they are out of your control. 

Watch your emotional self today , you could be restless and bored and looking for something to do , but at the sametime not doing nothing about it. We all been there. Today self discpline is going to be needed to get things done. You could be over indulgent with this energy, and you are more about your play and your social life with this energy.   


Watch this energy because you can dish it but you can't take it. So becareful how you judge and nit pick others because someone else in your day will do the same to you. I'ts best to not be so open about your opinion unless asked. For some of you, you could be chasing away certain relationships. Because you have revealed to much of yourselves or told them to many of your secrets. The lesson here is to stay and be okay with being vulnerable 

Health issues or career problems can come up with this energy. For some of you , you could be questioning or judging others with this energy. For some of you, being unhappy with career at this time . For some of you a great time for career because you stick out more. For others of you, you may meet new people with this energy. For others a great time for job interviews or dealing with media or social media. There is just something about you today  


For some of you this energy can be dealing with restriction what you can and cannot do. For some of you, you need to learn to go more with the flow. For others of you allow others to take the lead and control the situations. For others of you , you need to learn to move on. For some of you watch your emotional self because you can be a bit obsessed over certain situations.  


Difficult energy with personal or home life careful with the men in your life. There could be fighting with them. For some of you certain situations are calling for you to change. You may start noticing this through your emotional self. If your feeling negative about a situation start looking inward start being honest about what you need to change about you than work yourself out. Look at what you need to change about your situation. Today be observant because something needs to go at this time 


Watch your emotional self today . For some of you this is receiving unexpected news that throws a wrench in your day. Or you might be put into crisis mode where you have to clean up other people's messes. Watch your emotional self because this can ruin your whole day. Try to not allow your first reaction to be a negative one. 


Watch your emotional self today everything is cause and effect with this energy. For some of you, you can be guided by your intuition with this energy. For others of you are reacting to your impulses and can be nasty. So knowing this slow down your way of thinking stay out of your emotional self. You have so much water in your second house this would be a good time for prayer, or delving into your creative side. Or even helping others with this energy. Try to be patient with those who are younger than you or with children.  


For some of you starting to create health habits for yourself , for others of you having the energy to get things done with this energy. For some of you can be more obsessed about work or career and getting ahead. You are determine with this energy. For some of you starting a new business venture or coming up with new money making ideas

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


Careful with the earth signs in your life. There could be powerstruggles or fights that can happen with this energy. Because your trying to be patient when it comes to others, or your trying to be sympathetic . You might be tired of them leaning on you so much for support or hearing the same story over again. Today you might create your boundary or explode on them. Patience and creating boundaries with others is needed today. If they leave that fine , they will be right back  


Be open and bend today, and bend. You seem to be refusing another person's opinions or see a situation in a different way. After all the fighting is all said and done, what the person was trying to say or even a different way of doing things is going to make sense. So instead of fighting the energies or fighting with other people. Try to understand where they are coming from.

For some of you this can be a day of your mind being blown. As certain situations or even conversation lead to a new way of thinking or new way of doing things. For some of you, you can even see certain patterns and you are able to stop these patterns from happen or at least be better prepared for them. For some of you this is a great time to take initiative at work. Or to get certain things done , like fix other people's lives or get them more on the straight and narrow path.  


For some of you, you could have an emotional connection to a situation or a new person in your life. You could be questioning where have I seen this place before or it could feel familiar. For some of you, you know exactly what you need to do to make things or to get your way. You do well with crisis situations today.

Expect the unexpected today with this energy or even with the people in your life. Some people could surprise you today. Or you can hear from someone you haven't spoken too in a long time. For others of you careful with those in authority because you don't like to be told what to do . Or it could be the tone they take with you that can get you reactive. This feeling of being rush and someone needing something done now can get you reactive.  


Not the easiest energy today especially with dealing with others. Try to communicate your needs with others. You can't control others or fix  them instead plant seeds and walk away. This energy brings about changes with relationships. Because your not willing to change certain things about yourself in order for the relationship to work. Since last year this has been the energy of emotionally changing the self . So take this opportunity to whom who ever is making you reactive. It's time to look at you and start making some changes with you. Because it's causing blockage and mental unrest for some of you. North is getting ready to enter your 12th house which is all about being humble


This energy brings a deep emotional transformation with the self especially with the emotional self. This is a good thing because this can bring self realizations or a removal of onion skin that you can let go of . For others of you the focus is towards home, family and your personal life and putting out the flames in that area of your life.


For some of you people could be asking you for advice with this energy. For others of you, you could be like a jack of all trades with this energy.  For some of you this energy brings about a major turn of events that can be out of your control. Try to go with the flow today. For some of you this energy is about endings and new beginnings.


You can be accident prone today or forgetful with this energy. Try to slow down and slow your way of thinking because you are in a hurry for everything and it's not helping you to get things done. For some of you, this is a great time with career. You really do have a mind for business, this is a great energy time for negotiations with this energy.


Change is happening today with this energy. A turn  of events can happen with this energy in regards to home and personal life. With this energy, watch your personal or physical energy because this can be a busy day. You can over exert yourself, so try to take five minutes and do nothing or meditate. Today everything is rush , rush , rush.  


Remember everything is cause and effect. So make sure to really be self aware of your actions. For some of you this can be the straw that broke the camels back. Or your going to say whats really been bothering you or on your mind. And your going to see how this was all a big misunderstanding or this can blow up in your face. So tred lightly , and you get more with honey than you do with spit and vinegar.  


Careful with the earth signs in your life, they could be stirring up trouble or even be in some kind of drama with this energy. For some of you they could be taking this energy out on you. It's best to ignore and not let them bother you.For others of you certain situations call for drastic changes at this time , and this could be by your own hand. For some of you other people may have to get involve to help you out.  

Monday, February 20, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


Today you have a beautiful air trine for some of you, you can see thoughts become things. You can be more action orientated with this energy. Or  even see sparks of miracles happening with this energy. For others of you this energy brings changes with the home, roommates, property matters can come up today. With this energy try to listen to what others are saying and try to see their way of thinking


For some of you, you can find thoughts become things. You can find good news happen with this energy. Careful with love relationships there are disagreements and misunderstandings with the women in your life. There can be powerstruggles with this energy as well. For others of you this energy brings about change. Even change with career path can happen

You have allot of energy going on in your 11th house today. You can expect the unexpected in regards to the people in your life. You could be hearing news about changes going on with career, or the people you work with .  For some of you careful with the decisions that you make today.

This is a time to stand up to your fears, or do things you think you couldn't do. This is a time of taking back your power and feeling empower.  You can feel accomplish like your getting things done and taking care of your personal business with this energy. For others of you a great time for career and business this energy brings growth.

♌ LEO 

For some of you , the focus is on home or property matters, for others of you picking up extra hours at work . For some of you, you could have the physical energy to get things done with this energy. You don't do well when other people are being emotional or dumping on you. Today you may want to surround yourself with positivity and you can be very happy or playful with this energy


With this energy this can be a very social time for you. You could find yourself calling more of the shouts. Or you can find yourself being more of a leader with your social group. For some of you others are inspired by your creative way of thinking or your originality. For some of you, you can be very creative and coming up with money making ideas.

With this energy you can be more to yourself or more in your thoughts with this energy. For others of you changes with personal life or with family are coming up. For some of you, you can be unreasonable today because you need this need to be right. Or you are feeling some kind of way because your looking at the past. What past dictates when certain situations come. At this time try to give others benefit of the doubt


For some of you the north node in your 11th house is highlighted. You could find a friendship may turn into something more than friendship today. But for some of you, you need to becareful because your picker maybe off with love. So date and watch for red flags. The lesson here is to bend and not be willful


For some of you watch your emotional self with this energy. There could be difficulties or powerstruggles with the men in your life. Avoidance is best at this time. Because this person doesn't want to be fix.  For others of you, you could  be receiving positive attention among friends. For others of you being trendy on line. A great energy for being creative or working on the social media. At this time for some of you , you could be doing things on the fly


You need to watch your emotional self. Wrenches can get thrown in your day and you may not like what others say but it doesn't mean you have to allow to ruin the rest of your day.  For others of you expect the unexpected. I see turn of events happening with home ,family or property matters. You are going through changes today and turn of events. Watch your emotional self today


With this energy , it's a time to take initiative with certain things in your life. This is a time of moving forward for some of you. Or the beginning of a new chapter.  For some of you, you have an easier time explaining yourself with this energy. Or other people may understand what you are finally talking about because it's clicking on their side, the gears are working , the eyes are open


This is a popular energy time for you. For  some of you not a busy time for business today. For others of you receiving allot of attention because it's your birthday, so your birthday week extravaganza begins. For some of you this can be energy where you benefit through others. A great  time for growth with career. Money or career can start to turn around for some of you. Birthday wishes can come true

Saturday, February 18, 2017


MONDAY NIGHT 10PM EST PRAYER SESSION http://www.youtube.com/c/mrsmoreful/live


At this time you are creating your own reality with this energy and staying on message. For some of you there is a possibility of a move coming this week. For others of you major changes are happening around your giving or around a mother figure in your life. I feel for others of you an ex is coming back into your life. For some of you a new person entering your life that you feel a strong connection towards. Because your soul recognizes that person from a previous  life. With this energy you are more of a risk taker with your goals. 

This energy brings about good news with this energy. For some of you , you have a strong will power with this energy. You are able to stay strong with your commitment to the self. For some of you, you are more focus on your career, or waiting on the income tax check this week. I do see money coming in at this time so patience is needed with this energy. For others of you, you are trying to keep the peace with relationship. And maybe more going with what they want to do so you don't have problems with them. For others of you parents or those in authority will be giving you praise for a job well done  


I feel with this energy, you can be to much in your head. For others lots of communication going on this week. For others of you careful with certain people in your life. Because your dealing with a manipulative person. Or this can be someone throwing you under the bus to make themselves look better.For some of you, you can be the manipulative because you have what someone else wants. So your making them jump at this time or taking advantage of the position that there in. Remember everything is cause and effect. For others of you need to do allot of convincing with this energy; bring out your receipts.

I feel great energy coming up ,good news is coming. But you love what you are hearing but your feeling overwhelmed or your over thinking this new situation coming up. Try to go more with the flow with this energy. I feel for some of you a possibility of a pregnancy coming up, or something life altering but for the better is coming up. For others of you emotional you are in great spirits and can be starting new goals or projects with this energy. For others of you putting all that energy into your career or to getting what you want with this energy. For others of you certain people are trying to take credit for your work 

♌ LEO 

Money is coming in a this time. Also with this energy you can be putting money back  into your business. Just be realistic with your spending and your expectations with business. Also remember I see money coming in, but also for some of you I see money worries. If you can pay your bills and have money for your gas than your fine. Try to get out of the thinking of lack with this energy. For others of you , you need to trust your intuition this week. For some of you have to be more self aware of your emotional self, and acknowledge your actions towards others. 

For some of you reevaluating certain relationships or even questioning certain relationship. For some of you , you could have karmic lessons with certain people in your life. For others of you creating your own reality and sticking to it no matter what. For others of you issues are coming up with love relationships or possibility of a new love relationship but your not sure if your ready or want to make a commitment at this time. For some of you benefit through business partnerships or partnerships in general. For some of you, you still have emotional connections to past relationships and have a difficult time letting go or moving forward with these relationships

I feel at this time you could be over certain relationships in your life, or even questioning certain relationships at this time. For some of you dealing with trust issues, or seeing old patterns come back. For others of you, you can already predict the out come of this situation. If you had an opportunity to do things different what would you do different? I feel at this time your waiting and biding your time to see what will happen next. For some of you thoughts of moving or quitting your job can come up but these are more thought than action with this energy. This week you are at a yellow light and contemplating 

For some I see travelling coming up this week. For some of you this can be visiting family or going back home. For others of you certain relationship even career can be fragile at this time. For some of you this can be a fun energy with lots of socializing and partying and a bigger hang over, CHEERS!! I do see opportunities for love but this is someone from your past that you still have a strong emotional connection with . I do see frustrations and being over certain situations so before you take your ball and go home. Try to stick it out till March the energy should be less annoying . For others of you, you have difficulties leaving situations or people in your life because you have a strong emotional attachment to  them

For some of you I see money opportunities or other sources of income coming up. For some of you this week the focus is on a man in your life. Doesn't have to be a love relationship. I see you more involve in their life or their drama. For some of you, you need to be more in the present or get a second opinion because someone could be manipulating or guiliting into feeling sorry for them. For others of you , you are too focus on one particular area of your life. It's creating unbalance with the rest of your world or creating problems for you. Try to step away from the situation and focus on other areas of your life, or areas that you can control or make you happy 

For some of you change is happening this could be with court, property matters , or a move. For some of you, you could be supported by others or someone in your life who cares about you. For others of you this can be you supporting someone in your life. The cards are saying for some prayers may get answered this week.For others of you someone from your past is coming back. But your not sure if you want this person back. For others of you a great time for dating and new love coming into your life. For some of you, you might need to get a second opinion because your intuition seems a bit off

I see money coming in this week for some of you, this could be income tax money, and for others of you this could be with business.  I feel at this time you can be given ultimatums with money or with career. At this time you have allot to think about this could be in regards to career changes. I feel at this time as above so below. You don't want to do anything rash because you might be spiting yourself instead. I do see emotional stability happening this week. You can be more at peace with your situation and going with the flow. For some of you, I see love opportunities happening this can be with an ex because there is a strong emotional connection. Or this can be with someone new that you have a strong emotional connection with 


For some of you this is a great week bringing emotional stability. For some of you this is  your birthday week or month. For others of you this is receiving your income tax because I see money coming in this week, or this can be your business growing at this time. For others of you , you benefit through partnerships. I do see travelling coming up for you or long distance communications happening this week. For some of you , you could be making new friends with a Pisces or Cancer sign or this can be a potential love interest. For some of this is money making ideas coming in , and jumping on to these new money making ideas.