You want to be impulsive and say what on your mind but lucky for some of you, you are restricting those impulses because you know it's not going to do you any good to react. Today you are able to see big picture. For others of you, thoughts can become things with this energy, or prayers can be answered today
For some of you, you make sense of other people's situations. You could find that you can be a gifted counselor with this energy. Or for some of you certain people in your life make sense of your situation. Help you come to a better understanding of whats going on or what you want out of life. For others of you, you are a really good motivator and can amp people up or get them excited about what you are doing
What you want may not be what others want with this energy. Try to compromise and find a middle .For some of you, you could feel trapped in relationships at this time, because the other person may have the upper hand or may have more say so. Don't allow this part of ego to get the best of you and ruin your situation. Try to see big picture you have a job which is not easy to get anymore and you have a relationship which can be super hard to get. See big picture
This can be a difficult time dealing with family or those in authority, you can feel restrict with home or work today with this energy. Others can seem a bit bossy or trying to control your situation. You can be very independent with this energy, and wanting to do your own thing. There could be no sense in talking to you today but do listen to what others have to say .
You are very passionate about what you want . Your very uncompromising today and you want your cake and eat it too. So there is going to be allot of fight going on. For some of you, you could be receiving good news with court. For others of you, your hard work and perseverance is starting to pay off.
Try to slow your role today because some of you aren't making sense or seeing straight with this energy. Certain situations or even outburst can come out today. Just preparing you for today. For some of you, you know what needs to be done at this time. For others of you surrounding yourself with things and people that make you happy
You can be more about your social life with this energy. You can feel very strongly over something that is going on or something that you are involved in. You can be stubborn in your way of thinking or thinking the other person can not do it . You are taking control over the reins and putting yourself in the driver. I feel your assertive energy can be very intimidating to others. So they may not feel like opening up to you . Try to step back and let the other person open up to you.
For some of you this is a time of really starting over in your life. So be careful with this energy try to stay on the right side of the lay. What ever challenges you are facing or obstacle they are there to change your way of thinking. For some of you , you could be fighting the energy, and eventually realize you may have wanted to do things differently. For others of you this energy brings about emotional transformation
You can be very much to yourself today, and the focus is more towards family and home. You can be a bit more in your head than usual watch your emotional self . For some of you, you may get not so good news that comes out of left field today and can ruin your whole day if you allot it. For others of you certain truths can be revealed today that may floor you.
With this energy you can be having a weird day or making sense of certain situations that are going on with this energy. For some of you , you could be trying to make order out of chaos with this energy. For some of you, you can be about money making ideas with this energy. For others of you thoughts of moving can come up.
This can be a good time for business and career, or manifesting things that you want. For some of you, you can find that your thoughts become things. A great energy for the power of prayer. For others of you watch your emotional self . Situations at this time could be ending and it's more by your own hand or your reactive self so own your part in that situation.
Today you have the physical energy to get things done, for some of you finishing up projects today. I feel with this energy, you have a good understanding of what people are looking for . For some of you this is a great time to get along with better. Because you have a better understanding with whom your socializing with others. For others of you this energy can be coming with creative ideas for media or social media.
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