Monday, May 15, 2017




TUESDAY:For some of you, a great time for business, or the energy to get things done. You can be more logical in your way of thinking. What you say now makes sense to others. For some of you, you can be showing off your expertise in certain areas of your life. For others of you, you could be put into a leadership position or handling a crisis situation

WEDNESDAY :You need to trust your intuition with this energy. For some of you, you know what people are looking for . You can see certain things becoming trendy. This energy you are very giving to others. You can see your kindness being rewarded with this energy

THURSDAY:For some of you , you can experience certain restrictions either with money or with responsibilities. For others of you, people in your life could be setting these restrictions on you or controlling your situation. For some of you, your conversation skills are very strong. You tend to be more realistic in your speech is probably why everyone is listening to you more


TUESDAY:For some of you this energy calls for quick decisions but your not so quick to make decisions or move. For others of you this is change and you are not ready to change or move forward with certain things.
WEDNESDAY :For some of you, you need to be careful with testing others, or pushing others into doing what you want. Practice restriction with your mouth, cock those brains. Because this can cause a bad turn of events with this energy. For some of you, you can be stepping on eggs shells with a dominating figure in your life. Or you can be intimidating to say what's really on your mind.

THURSDAY:For some of you, you can be more focus on your work. For others of you this is making strides with career. You have an easier time going more with the flow because you see how this is more towards your advantage. Also watch your emotional self, because you don't like to be told what to do , and you tend to like to do things your way so try to be flexible. This can bring powerstruggles over money with relationships


TUESDAY: Not the easiest energy for some of you,because the challenges that are presenting themselves today. Are giving you an opportunity to change your emotional self. For others of you this is changing the way you do things. For some of you, you have to be open minded to do things differently.OR even not put yourself on a schedule, or allow someone else to take control over a situation

WEDNESDAY :For some of you this energy brings about endings to certain situations. For some of you this is quitting your job or thinking about quitting your job. For some of you this is being inspired by others today. You can find helpful information through the social media. OR this can be on the job training or privy to certain information
THURSDAY:For some of you, you can be felt taken advantage of by others in general. You can be giving more of yourself and not receiving any thankyou. Help for the sake of helping. For some of you expect the unexpected , you can benefit through others. Or people in your life may be revisiting you and coming out of the wood work

TUESDAY:With this energy you can be closed minded for some of you, in your way of thinking. For others of you at this time. You want to change but at the same time you don't . For others of you, you want a certain amount of loyalty or consistency with certain relationships. For some of you this is positive changes happening.

WEDNESDAY :For some of you, you are able to see through others and what they are doing. For some of you, you need to learn to trust others in their words. This energy can be working on your fears or trust issues with others. You have a difficult time seeing bigger picture. So try to step back and look at the situation as an observer.

THURSDAY:For some of you this is a great time to delve into faith consciousness, have certainty. Even though your vision may lack detail;it can still come to fruition.For others of you this is truth being revealed. This can be with someone you were crushing on and hearing all the horrible things they've been up too. OR would have done to you. For some of you, you can be more honest in your speech towards others, and say what's on your mind. And others can appreciate it for it

TUESDAY:For some of you business could be picking today with this energy. Or this can be a positive turn of events with career or money. For some of you, there could be confusion in regards to the expectations of others, or what you thought they were going to do . For others of you this energy brings an unusual turn of events in regards to career or with business
WEDNESDAY : For some of you, you can appreciate the little things in life. A great energy for delving more into your creativity or art. For some of you, you have an opportunity to clear on certain situations with others. This is going to be an opportunity to create new beginnings or second chance with this relationship. For others of you, you have a window of opportunity to put into reality you envision.

THURSDAY:For some of you not wanting to face certain issues or face certain realities going on in your life. There could be power struggles with relationships. For some of you this can be uncomfortable for you to sit there and listen to things that your not doing right,or how you affected the other person.

TUESDAY:Don't make promises you can't keep with this energy.For those of you in media or social media or even writers this is a creative time for you. And people respond well to what you are creating or presenting for them. For others of you try to be realistic when speaking to others. Because your giving others something that really isn't there, or it's not really the situation.Don't glamourize a situation. For others of you, you can see straight through to the truth and you are wise on to others

WEDNESDAY : For some of you, you are stepping out of your routine and you feel empowered, or like, "why haven't I done this before? " For others of you, you are being a bit more self reliant, and showing more independence with this energy .

THURSDAY:For some of you, you can enjoy what you are doing today. For some of you, this energy brings about endings because of previous grievances. OR your not willing to change your way of doing things, or thinking .For some of you, you may need to accept the way things are.

TUESDAY: Change is happening today. For some of you this can be with relationships in general and not getting along with others at this time. Because they aren't showing loyalty to you. For others of you this is creating change in your life. For others of you come into certain and be sure to know exactly what it is you want. Because many different directions are going to present themselves to you

WEDNESDAY :For some of you, you are taking charge of certain areas of your life. For others of you trying something new or stepping out of your comfort zone. For others of you, this is breaking your routine. This is an excellent time to recognize the difference between the conditions that have shaped you, and the needs that are your own. It is likely that some of the expectations that you attempt to fulfill are a product of your past or of someone else's need for you and may actually hinder your own development.

THURSDAY:For some of you, you have a many directions you can go into . You have a difficult time picking , or you can be over thinking your options or the changes you want to make. For some of you, you can be sharing unusual experience with someone else and it's going to change your way of looking at things


TUESDAY:The power of wills because more apparent today.Pressure can built up can propel an issue into the open and an extreme position can leave you unwilling or unable to compromise. For others of you, you need to trust your intuition with this energy. You can find your way out of any situation

WEDNESDAY :For some of you, this is a self realization about how being quite and introverted and to yourself can create miss opportunities. Or even create misunderstanding between others because you assume.For others of you, this energy brings about new beginnings or the start of projects with this energy. For others of you this is management keeping their promises and you starting on the job training. For others of you, this is a good time for business.

THURSDAY:For some of you, you could be making difficult decisions at this time. Certain situations, or people just don't belong together, but your going to try anyways to make it work. Because this is your lesson and your journey. For others of you, you are making changes because you are looking for more purpose or something more meaningful


TUESDAY:For some of you, you could be focusing on making changes today. For others of you try not to fix other people's lives . If they aren't ready to change just listen don't fix. For some of you others could bail out on you last minute. Make sure to have a plan B with this energy. For others of this is not having patients with others making mistakes. For others of you please don't do anything that will be shocking to someone else because you can be caught off guard by their response.
WEDNESDAY :For some of you, you don't do well with rigid schedules today, you might even move things around to give you more free time. For some of you this energy brings about new experiences. Or even talks of these new experiences, and you could be very excited about things to come.

THURSDAY:For some of you certain people in your life could put in a position that you don't want to be in or make decisions that you don't want to make.Not the best day to deal with others. If you get angry with other people. Take the energy and put it towards something productive or physical like working out.

TUESDAY:This is a time of learning so it's okay to make mistake with this energy, don't give up and don't frustrated. For some of you, some people in your life can leave your hands tide, and you don't really have a decision in the matter so it can be frustrating. For some of you, you have the energy today to focus and get things done.
WEDNESDAY : This is a good time for business, trust your intuition today, you have the physical energy to complete a task today. You have an easier time focusing on your goals. For some of you this can be an energy of taking care of loose ends or closing certain chapters in your life . For some of you this is a good time for court .

THURSDAY:This is such a beautiful energy day for you. A great energy for negotiations or good news. For some of you certain things that you do at work or with business are becoming second nature to you. That this is going to help you in the future. For some of you challenges that you go through at this time.Is to teach you how to handle them in the future. This is a good time for business with this energy.


TUESDAY:For some of you, you may like being on schedule and like your routine with this energy. Pulling your life together wherever necessary can happen with relative ease.For some of you the decisions you make now are in your best interest for the future. Be more open to a new way of doing things or adapting someone else's beliefs.
WEDNESDAY :The focus is on your seventh house opposing your first house. For some of you, you need to learn to compromise with others. This energy is going to show you through the challenges of others. What you need to work on in order to be closer to your true self or in order to change the emotional self.

THURSDAY:For some of you , your subconscious is bringing up issues that you need to look at . The thing is you may have a difficult time noticing that or even acknowledging . Because this is something that you need to acknowledge no matter how traumatic or how guilty and made you feel. It was part of your experience. It help you come this far but it may no longer be useful or may no longer have nothing to do with who you are. Pay attention when in comes out and use this time to change the emotional self.


TUESDAY:With this energy you can be an example for others; for others you can incorporate your spiritual values aka morals into your reality. For some of you, you have allot of good energy coming your way. Or doors opening up for you more than usual. But with all this good energy, you might not feel ground, and can feel a bit out of sorts. Use this time for meditation to ground your energy so your not feeling erratic
WEDNESDAY :For some of you, people in your life may point out to you what you need to change about yourself. OR you could see certain relationship for what they really are and create boundaries with those relationships. For others of you, your not falling for certain people's begging or pity stories.
THURSDAY:Watch your emotional self , you can be a task master with this energy. For some of you this is a good time for business with this energy. For some of you , the challenges or experiences that are coming up . Are showing you a different way of looking at things, or that you may need to change your way of thinking.

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