Monday, June 26, 2017


Tomorrow Pallas moves into the sign of Taurus
Pallas a secondary planet moves into your second house of money. For some of you this energy is going to ground you and help you make better decisions. For some of you, you have the ability to see things all the way through. For others of you , your not quick to jump into anything new unless it was your idea. Your more likely to plan things out at this time, so nothing is going to take place till probably when Pluto goes direct after September 21st. Because your more cautious

Anything new that you start today, you'll see it through all the way till the end. Even relationships your not so quick to leave them. For some of you, if it doesn't make sense to you chances are your not going to do it.For some of you , you don't like to be told what to do, or others give their two cent of what you should be doing with your life, because your not going to listen. You can be fixed on doing things your way so this can get you in trouble at work  

Still have that stellium going on in your second house of money. Your money situation is dictated by your emotional life.For some of you, you have a difficult decision to make today. You are being ask to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. For others of you, you have to learn to speak up when it comes to getting what you want

Change is happening today around family , or the home life. And it can be difficult for you going through changes today. Because they are quick and you have no control over the situation. So you can shut down today or fight to get your way. For others of you, certain relationships now maybe a bit fragile for now. Because your not getting along with certain family members at this time. You are being ask today to confront  certain conversation that you've been trying to avoid  

You can be stuck in your way of thinking, you have difficult time putting yourself in other people's shoes because you want to be right. For others of you, you have a difficult going with the flow with certain things or situations, because these weren't plans that you made or benefits you. Or your not in control of the situation. For others of you, you can be stepping on other people's feet or breaking certain rules or traditions, because you could be on to something , but you might be worried of what other people will say

For some of you, you can be delving into something that interest you like , like a particular subject, or you can be learning something new about a particular culture, for others of you this is being excited about learning something new at work. For others of you this can be thoughts of going back to school, or you can be obsess about someone in your life. This can be a new love interest

You need to quit worrying and the hell out of your dam head. Jupiter is in your first house , it's direct so you have to delve more into certainty at this time. That everything will be alright, and not allow your emotional life to set in your mind what will be. Your the creator not your emotional self. Tell those little voices of doubt and worry to shut up. Instead those worries and doubt it's your body telling you change is happening , we don't know what it is but something in your world is changing now for the better  

You need to watch your emotional self with this energy. For some of you this power struggles with others. For others of you this can be you taking things personally or you can be a bit more sensitive to certain subjects, or even certain conversation can make you relive a part of your life that you don't even want to revisit.For others of you not many people are going to be able to understand your way of thinking or doing things.I feel you might receive to many questions today  


Change is happening not the easiest time with love relationships , there can be powerstruggles going on at this time. For others of you , who ever has to leave your life at this time let them leave. For some of you this can be more emotional today than what is actually happening in your reality. For some of you this is changing your emotional self, or this can be looking at yourself in a differently light. You might not be ready to admit certain truths about yourself, or look at your own ugly at this time  
Lots of energy in that 8th house but I feel it's for the better. For some of you this is taking on a leadership role with career, or even with family. For some of you this is getting a particular area of your life in order. For others of you this is new beginnings and your life turning a corner for the better. Your luck can be activated when you help for the sake of helping or give back

Watch your emotional life today, you can be still upset over past issues for some . For others of you, you  can be hell bent on getting your way , or you can have a difficult time to listening to others, because you think your way is right. For others of you, you can be a bit accident prone. So slow down your way of thinking. You can plant seeds and make suggestions or just be an example today because some people are stuck in their way of thinking and doing things

For some of you, you can be over your head with certain things and check out of your reality. Try to face your problems deal with them . For others of you don't believe everything you hear, and don't allow your emotional life to create stories that aren't there. Be in the present today. For some of you this is a great time for business with this energy. For others of you this can be things you wanted to happen start falling into place for you  

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