Wednesday, November 29, 2017


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You can be a little fighter today. You don't have to be , other people seem just get on your nerve or don't do what you want. Now that you know this you can slow the train down and acknowledge other people 's feelings at this time. This is a great time for career, and moving forward with career. For some of you this can be good news happening 

You can be feeling some kind of way about certain people in your life.For some of you, you want a certain amount of respect or you could be waiting for an apology. And this might not happen, or you can be feeling used. At this time , you may have to get out of your feelings and be more about the picture  
You tend to want to do your own thing, and not listen to what others are telling. For some of you this is not getting along with the men in your life or those in authority. I feel it's more of a respect thing, or you just don't like to be told what to do .  You need to be careful with the decisions you make it's best to get a second opinion today

You need to watch your emotional self, this can be plans being broken or people not going along with what you want to do. The focus can be more about family at this time and spending time with family. Or making plans to visit family members. For others of you this is common sense kicking in.  
Relationships or certain decisions can be difficult to make because you are set in your ways of thinking or doing thing. For some of you , you can be more about your freedom. For others of you, you don't want a career where you have set hours, or the pay maybe an issue. You nee to watch your actions and your reactive self today, this be DARK PHOENIX MODE, she may have to be restrained 

This can be common sense kicking in. Or this can be you in a better headspace because things in your life are looking up or this can be good news happening. For some of you this is a good time for business or career. You have lessons to learn from others 

Watch your thoughts, because there are events happening that are out of your control, or have nothing to do with you. But your getting yourself involved or this can be your too emotionally invested in certain situations. It's best to step back sometimes and just be an observer. For some of you, you may have to relax today or give yourself a bit of emotional break 
 You can be very focus and making things happen and getting things done. You can count on your opinion or judgment to make the right the decisions today, or you may know what needs to be done. Watch your emotional life, you can be very closed minded in your way of thinking, or you can be too opinionated for others. 
You might not be getting along with the men in your  life. Some times , you have to allow others to have their experience and see for themselves. For some of you , this is a great time for media or social media. For others  of you, you can be very creative and original in your way of thinking 
This can be thoughts become things today, or this can be sparks of miracles happening. You might not be getting along with the men in your life or dominating women. It's best to wait for another for cooler heads to prevail, or you may have to be more adaptable to other person in order to keep the peace 

You need to be careful with what your saying Yes too. For some of you, you may have a hard time saying NO to certain people in your life. When you are focus on your goals or your career, or even just focus on a project. Things tend to just manifest in your life 

You can be feeling stuck today, or you can be frustrated by your obstacles or how much work you do. My motto if I have to think about it , I'm going to get upset. So it's up to you , be the deliberate creator in your life and learn to accept your situation, and don't intrigue every thought that comes in your head . Be selective when it comes to your thoughts , and choose to be more about peace with certain situations. Because you chose to be in that situation  

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