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You may want to watch ego, help for the sake of helping. This can be someone accidently taking away your thunder or receiving credit for everything that you do. Sometimes we need to just allow others to have their moment.
You can have friends making things happen for you. This can be friends setting you up on a date or going out of their way for you. You benefit through the managers at work, and they can be promoting you or helping you grow. This can be someone repaying a favor
You might not be getting along with the women in your life, or you might not be getting along with certain water signs at this time. You may have to be more adaptable to whats going on with them, or they can be feeling used by you at this time.Careful today when asking others for favors
You can be psychically connected to certain friends or family members. Or you can have an emotionally deep connection with certain relationships. You can be more about your play, or you may have to step out of your routine and do something different. For some of you, get the hell outta of your head
♌ #LEO
You may have to get out of your head. This can be delving into bad habits . You can have a difficult time dealing with the elephant in the room, and have a tendency to avoid rather than face and deal with it . So you can go on with the next .
You have lessons with relationships. You may have to put yourself in other people's shoes and be more thoughtful or more about what's going on in other people's live and stop talking about yours. You may have to watch your actions with others because everything is cause and effect
Watch your emotional self today because you can feel like something gotta give, or you can be feeling to make necessary changes because you are more about your freedom. This can be a much needed change in your routine or things can start to move forward in certain areas of your life
You may not be able to escape the little details , you can be unprepared or forget certain paper, or this can be more paper work that you need to fill out today. Try to come prepared. Some people may need more of your attention even though you rather be about your problems at this time
This can be a great time to see eye to eye with others. You can be a great mediator or have an easy time partnering up with someone who sees your vision or understands your way of thinking. This can be a great bonding experience you have with friends, or you can benefit through your relationships
You can see some positive results when you stop doing what is normal for you. Start to do certain things differently, and you'll see you may get a positive or different result . You can see sparks of miracles as you step off the hamster wheel and embrace other people's ideas or new way of doing things
You can have a bit of tunnel vision and focusing on what you can't control or what is wrong. Step back and focusing on the things that make you happy and the things that you can control. You may have to be more open minded to new ways of thinking or philosophies, or you can't teach an old dog new trick. Be adaptable and open minded.
This can be opening your mind to a different new way of thinking or you can be moving up in the ranks at work. This can be a time of emotional growth , or this can be a popular time with the social media .You are allowing certain situations or where others are going to affect, so this is going to create more of what you don't . Don't focus on what others are doing or what is not going in the NOW
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