Sunday, February 11, 2018


Try to be open minded about listening especially to constructive criticism. You can feel like others are nagging you or trying to keep you in a box. But they really do have your best interest at heart. This can also be revisiting old projects or you can be very ambitious with this energy

You are particular how you want things to be , and you can be a bit snippy with others if they are too close to your bubble, or creating a bit of chaos in your life.New things are coming in or new situations are coming up making you a bit concern, because they sound to risky or the represent and end to a situation

Make sure to have a plan B because people may not repay the favor, or your not getting along with those in authority.  You get to see who your friends are . Today you benefit through the men in your life. This is a great time to get your flirt on
You are a stickler for the rules and a perfectionist at everything you do. That doesn't mean everyone else is going to follow the rules, or strive for the same professionalism. You might not be getting along with coworkers, because they aren't taking their job seriously today 

♌ #LEO
You may have to be more emotionally aware of your feelings , because you can have mood swings, or small things tend to irritate you.You have some great conversation that get you excited about things that are coming up for the week. Or this is reconnecting with friends and making plans for the weekend
People are listening to what you are saying even if your thinking out loud . They could take what your saying literally watch your words. You may have to learn to be more about others meaning emotionally connect, or be more in your present because your feeling stuck in your situation
This  isgood news happening or this can be growth with career, or a popular energy time with the social media . Certain challenges today could feel overwhelming. Your not ready to compromise when it comes to certain situations, or your being ask to make immediate decisions. Which your not willing to make   

Starting new projects or this can be making plans for this week. Your will power is strong and with it you are able to turn certain situations around, or focus on your health and well being. Your communications skills are powerful,and you bring something different to the table
You may have to have a different conversation in your head. You can take what other people say to heart best to stay off the comment bar today. You can feel like certain people don't have your back or you can feel like your be used

Your more  about your bigger picture, and your willing to make sacrifices for that  picture to come to fruition. You could have a humbling experience as certain things work out in your favor. Or this can be certain people giving you the chance or opportunity you need to help you move further with career

This is exciting news or a positive turn of events happening with career. This is a great time for career, or business growth. Or even getting a job with this energy. You might have to pay attention on how you treat others, or you may have to be honest with yourself

You can be more confident or more about the power of metaphysics. Through this energy, you are able to make positive changes in your life, or attract positive situations into your life. You can even be a bit fearless when it comes to what you want   

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