Be more self aware, someone can be pulling the wool over your eyes, or they can be a bit more street than you. You can get talked out of your money , or talked into things you don't want to do . You have a better understanding of certain trends going on , or you know what others want . Great energy for those in sales
You benefit through the women in your life or through teachers or mentors. They can be expanding your horizon or opening you up to new possibilities. This can be a great time for doing well in school. Friends can provide a different perspective to certain situations going in your life
This is a time of growth with career or you can find that others in your life can be a bit more dependable or have your back . You understand what people want or you can understand what your client is looking for. You have the ability to win people over or get them on your side of an arguement
Someone in authority or a parent can show their loyalty towards you or can go out of their way for you. You may even be making allies or friends with those who are older than or those in authority. You can feel love and appreciated at work or with friends.
♌ #LEO
You can be taken out of your routine today, or friends can come out of know where to pop their heads in and say HI . You can be at the right place at the right time. You take advantage of unusual situations or someone else's misfortune you can benefit from.
Unusual experience or even conversation can help you have a better idea or appreciation about certain things , or help to put things into perspective. This is a creative energy time for you, you can be updating yourself with your career, or you can be excited about new things that you are learning .
You can be stuck in a rock and a hard place with certain people. You can feel a bit self defeated today , but tomorrow is a different. If you can work on your confidence or your self esteem a bit , you do have the power of persuasion on your hands. You can get your way with other situations going on in your life
You can be coming up with some new ideas for your business or social media pages. This is forming a deeper connection with your friends, or even a deeper connection with your lover. Your intuition is on so follow your hunches, you can be hit with creative inspirations, or you can share some impactful thoughts or words of wisdom with others.
Watch your words or the games that you play with others because it can backfire or create an awkward moment . You need to be careful with the social media, or your need for control . You may need to dial back and try a different approach. When getting others to do what you want.
You need to let your work speak for you. Keep your cool , or this can be the idle mind is the devil time, and you can be picking fights with others. You might not be getting along with neighbors. When you go more with the flow, and you are more about your peace, your luck will be activated
You can be walking on egg shells with certain people in your life or you can be avoiding them all together. For others of you, be more self aware when your pushing others, because your actions have consequences. You do have good news coming your way, this can also be growth with business, or dumb luck kicking in
This is a popular energy time for you. All eyes are on you today, yes. This is receiving recognition for your work, or even money incentive or a gift for your hard work. This can be growth with the social media. Stay off the social media or watch what you write or post. Not everyone is a fan
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