Try to be about facts and what is happening in the now. You can be forgetful or your head can be somewhere else. You can be making healthier choices, or working on the emotional self, or working on that summer body
You have advice that others are willing to pay for, or you can make total sense. For some of you, just see where the day takes you. Try not to stick to schedule or make plans today. You can benefit through your partner or your parents can help you out with bills
Don't give others an excuse to kick you out or fire you. Expect the unexpected from others, because buttons can be pushed . For others of you, your life can get pretty interesting today. Or this can be some random happenings with love or some really good flirting going on
You may need to create boundaries with certain relationship, or you can be more focus on your career than making friends with everyone.Certain things that you over looked or put off are now coming more to your attention. You can be privy to information that you didn't know , it was happening or going on
♌ #LEO
You can be stuck in your way of thinking, or you can be judging new people coming into your life or suspicious of them. Try to bend like the palm tree I know you can be. You can be more about your play or you prefer to work in a postive , so you can be a bit upset or annoyed at those who are sulking.
You can feel like certain people in your life especially family members are blocking you from expressing yourself. The little changes you make either with yourself or towards your relationship will have a big impact today. This can be good news in regards to your personal life, or dealing with property matters
You can be very creative with this energy, this can be starting new projects, or you can be inspired by what you see on the social media. You can be more about the bigger picture, and wanting to something for the greater good. This can also be a great day for thoughts to become things
You enjoy having intellectual or deep conversation with friends or that potential someone that your thinking about letting into your life. You can be inspired by what you see on the social media, or you can be making friends with people who you typically wouldn't hang with
This is finding interesting ways to make or save money or promote your business. This is making some emotional changes or being more about your peace, or having the energy to get things done and feel productive. This can be reconnecting with people from your past
In order to get along with your significant other or to keep the peace with family , you need to learn to compromise and patience. Not the best day for communications, you need to cock those brains before you shoot that mouth, or don't go assuming
This is change happening today for better or worst, there is a reason for everything. This can be a move happening, or this can be the straw that broke the camels back, because you take things way to personally. This can be family members butting their nose into your business, or giving you unwanted advice
You need to watch your emotional self, because you feel things a bit intensely, or you can get into fights with others, because you expect a certain amount loyalty. Pick and choose your battles because sometimes it's ego, and are emotional hang ups creating the problems with our present
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