You have an easier time getting to the bottom of things. You can help friends put certain situations into perspective so that they can move on. You tend to know what people want, and you give it to them. Try to give your partner space today, because you can be possessive or you can come off as jealous.
Venus in Aquarius is forming a beautiful Kite energy today. You are being noticed by the right people today. A great time for career, and moving forward slowly but surely with career. You can find yourself making plans with others for the weekend. With Venus now in your eleventh house, the rose colors are on, and life doesn't seem all that bad.
For some of you, this can be thoughts of going back to school with this energy, or you can be curious about certain philosophies or subjects or even a particular culture. You need to be on the right side of the law because you can be testing the rules or you can be a bit rebellious with those in authority. Try to be about the bigger picture; no one wants to spend time in jail.
You need to stay away from bossy people, or you can find yourself getting into power struggles with certain people in your life. Your love can be trying to give you rules, and that's not going to work for you. There can be power struggles with love as well. You may have to put your foot down with certain relationships or start to create boundaries with other people.
♌ #LEO
Health issues can come up or be more of the focus today. Regulus the brightest star is now opposing your sixth house today. You can get into powerstruggles with those in authority. You need to focus on you today, and not focus on anyone else. Someone can be sharing the spotlight with you today, let them. Heavy lies the crown, don't allow others to see you sweat or react.
Certain people in your life can be emotional dumping on you, or you can find them continually asking you for help, but when you need it; it's a different story. You can be reconnecting with an ex today, but careful with those pretty words, talk is super cheap. You are determined to get your way at any cost, try to be more about the bigger picture.
Either you or certain people in your life can catch you off guard or vice versa. You can feel like others are taking advantage of you because your not receiving your thank you. Make sure to give for the sake of giving. You may not be in any mood to take certain risk with your money, but others can be putting the pressure on you today.
When you speak the group listens today. You can be a bit more of a social butterfly today. You enjoy bantering with others and being playful. You benefit through the new people you meet today. Meetings can go well today, and these people are coming into your life too help you go to the next level with your career.
You have a kite energy happening with Venus in the sign of Aquarius. You can find this to be a favorable time for meetings or conversations to go your way. You can find yourself jumping on to new projects, or this can be receiving good news when it comes to getting a job today.
You can have some unexpected good news in regards to money or good news in regards to career growth, or even getting a job. Expect the unexpected today when it comes to career. Those in authority are listening to you today, and making some much-needed changes.
You can seem a bit stubborn or stuck in your way of think. At this time you're not ready to change or someone else may have to come along and soe the seed. You can feel things very intensely at this time, and you're not over a falling out. You may hear something about this person, and it will trigger a response. What would drive the other person crazy if you didn't give an answer-back
You have too many trines going back and forth with these planets in the sign of Scorpio, Cancer and your sun sign. You can feel things intensely at this time. You need to watch your emotional self because you can be feeling sorry for yourself, or you can feel accomplish with your career, or with your goals.
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