Lots of communications going on especially online. For others of you can be very inspired with this energy. I feel at this time who ever has to leave your life let them. Also with this energy for others of you, you can be removing yourself from a situation. This week despite some downs looks like a fabulous week. For others of you, finding or figuring your way out of certain situations. For some of you moving into a different direction or just thinking about. At this time no change is going to be made by your hand. This is all about planning and thinking about your next move
Trying to create new beginnings for yourself. For some of you this could be ending a relationship, or quitting your job. I feel at this time careful with gossip because the walls talk.With this energy, you can be a bit obsessed about certain things going on in your life . Or maybe focusing too much on the negative which will cause problems with other parts of your life. Try to focus on the things that bring you happiness, so you can attract more of what you want. Money worries are more in your head than a reality so try to let go of the feelings of lack
Lot of on line communications going on or communications with others in general. For some of you, you might be feeling like changing direction because you are in a routine, and routine tend to bore you very easily. For others of you this could be thinking about quitting your job. Because of better opportunities coming up this week. For some of you, you might teach someone in your life a valuable lesson. For some of you starting a second source of income through on line businesses. For others of you following your passion with this energy. Your allowing your intuition to guide with creative ideas
For some of you, you tend to be set in your ways of thinking or doing things with this energy. That you could be reevaluating certain relationships in your life. For some of you , you need to communicate these concerns going with you. For some of you, you may want to think about allowing others into your world. Especially into your feelings so they can understand your way of thinking. For others of you, you need to communicate your feelings because I do see miss opportunities, or fights can even start up because your not saying whats on your mind, speak up is the theme of this week
I feel you are involved in other people's drama this week, and you could be making their problems your problem.Which can cause you unnecessary stress or worst depression. So try to separate yourself or give your self opportunities to recharge from the problems of others. For others of you, I see a second source of income coming in. For some of you, you are benefiting through others. This is a great time for career and career growth. I do see you focus on a particular situation in your life. For others of you travel is happening this week, and for others of you good new is coming in with this energy .
Good news are in the cards for you. Life altering experiences can happen this week. For some of you can't change others or their way of thinking , you just have to lead by example. Some people aren't ready to change so you have to let them go on their own journey. Because it's their lesson not yours. An authority figure in your life is being cruel. This person is just best dealt with in silence. Because they could be looking for a fight. For some of you major changes are going to be made because this could be the straw that broke the camels back
With this energy, you can be inspired by other people in your life with this energy. You are your own muse with this energy. Love is coming up with this energy a new love relationship. But this person can be a bad boy or girl is what the cards are telling me. I see tons of online communications or communication in general with others. For some of you finishing projects and feeling accomplished with this energy. I see career recognition good news in regards to work or business with this energy.
You need to watch your way of thinking because it can be a tad bit immature. I do see you wanting to take your ball and go home with this energy, but it can be more of thought than an action. For some of you there could be loss or a break up with this energy. Or you could be thinking about quitting your job or even ending a relationship with this energy. For some of you, you could be using a different approach to a situation or towards a person in your life. For others of you changing your way of doing things.
For some of you court is coming up but your not making any decision because you are looking for a better deal. Or your trying to get your way with someone. Your money situation is looking better. I see money coming when you at least expected for others of you getting money from court.For some of you the world works in your favor and helps you create the reality that you want or put you on your path. For others of you, you could be more focus on your career, and not focus or paying attention to whats going on with others around you . For some of you, you are doing your own thing at this time and don't or are not thinking about others involve
Lots of online communications or hanging out on the internet with this energy. Seeing what other people are up too. I see some of you creeping on other people's pages. Especially those that you are thinking about and wondering whats up with them. For others of you trying to remove yourself from certain people or situation. I feel you need to watch your emotional self because you could be feeling anxious with this energy. Try to keep it positive with this energy. I do see second chances coming up either with miss opportunities or the ex coming back into the picture. For others of you, I see you struggling with a situation that is almost over so hang in there
I feel at this time for some of you, you could be more to yourself or stay home this week. You can be a bit of hermit with this energy. For some of you this is a great time for career or business. I see you receiving recognition for your work with this energy. For others of you, you are stuck in your way of thinking or your not ready for change with this energy. For others of you, you can't make other change just plant seeds and be an example.I feel for some of you, you could be guided by your intuition. For others of you some big opportunities can come up with this energy
This is a fun energy time for you. For some of you new love relationships are coming but you need to learn to create boundaries with this new person. Or else this relationship can fizzle out real quick. For others of you this can be a fun week for you, you can be more about your inner child with this energy. For others of you , I see a second source of income or a new money opportunity becoming available to you. But I feel at this time you aren't going to make any changes in regards to that. I feel at this time you are more about going with the flow with this energy and being a bit in your feelings. For some of you difficulties with current love relationships are showing up , so careful with love relationships because they can be abit fragile. OR with certain relationships in general can be a bit fragile
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