With this energy, you can be a parent to others who are younger than you. Or you can have more a family kind of relationship at work. For some of you the focus is more on your children and their needs.For some of you this energy can bring a turn of events. That can change your direction in your life that you are in
Moon in Virgo is forming a beautiful earth trine today. This is a good day to start over.I feel this energy is good for any kind of rebuilding or starting over. You can be very passionate about supporting and pushing others. Even others time they may not listen to you. But your passion today is pushing them in a forward direction. You make a great cheederleader
Today you need to get a second opinion because you are to involved in a situation, or too deep into a situation to see. The best advise is free advise and we don't listen to free advise. So you might not be ready to change your way of thinking, or make changes in regards to the situation. You may also do your own thing because you don't like to be told what to do
I feel with this energy this is a great time to get organize or talk to the right person. For some of you , you could be at the right place at the right time. For some of you, you benefit through others with this energy. I feel with this energy, you are getting along with others. This is a time where others want you to grow .For some of you , you may be dealing with making some major decisions , because its emotions versus security so watch your emotional self. And don't make choices based on the emotional self.
In order to create peace for you and others around you. You have to be adaptable to the situations that come at you today, and don't be so quick to react.Slow your way of thinking and pay attention to what you are doing, because you might lose something or you can be accident for others. For others of you, there can be misunderstandings. Don't be so quick to pounce ask to repeat
For some of you this would be a great time to release and let go of deep hurts, because they could be causing blockages with what you want. It's time for you to let go of old hurts and unresolved issues. In order for you to get what you want, and to manifest the things and situations you want. Mars is not in the best aspect today, some of you could have weird experience with men or dominating women. At this time I would just ignore what others say to you, because you tend to read into what other say to you
I feel with this energy you get results when you put your needs first.It's okay to be selfish because the majority of the time you are about others. This would be a good day to go for yours. For others of you, you have the energy to get things done today or to work on your goals. For others of you, you are putting your foot down today , and your not taking other people crap. You know what you want and it's hard to change your mind
With this energy, you need to learn to create boundaries with others. For some of you, you need to learn to pick and choose who you want in your life. With this energy, you have a difficult time with new intimate relationships in general. So you may start pushing away those people. Try to keep those relationships because you need to learn to stay even when you revealed whats under your amor . Some of you just need to learn to choose better people to socialize with
With this energy you can come off as cruel. Try to be empathetic to others and their situation. You are very matter of fact about things. Others at this time don't want you to fix their situation they want to emotionally dump on. And they may not like the response your going to give them. At this time the energy works best if you , focus on you and your career. Not on other people's drama
For some of you this brings an opportunity to change your way of doing things. Maybe even open minded to other people's ideas or ways of doing thing. Even though you are slow to change, you are taking baby steps into the right direction. For some of you today may bring around a positive turn of events. You could even feel empowered today
Watch your emotional self today. Try to find things to do to give your mind something to do. Try to focus on things that bring meaning to your life. Watch your emotional self today because you can be impulsive with your actions, also try to get a second opinion. Watch your emotional self because your energy is low. Try to do something to break up your routine
This energy either bring emotional growth for you in the way of lessons with others, or this can be a financial growth with career. You may experience less restrictions with what you want or where you are going with this energy. I feel if your not focus on a goal or anything in particular in your life , you can feel confused or overwhelmed by this energy
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