Friday, August 25, 2017



This is a great energy to focus on your career, you could feel like your getting allot done with this energy. For some of you this is starting a new project to add to your business and being excited about that. You are putting your best foot forward now because there could be talks about opportunities to grow. For others of you this can be having a fun night out . Or your day can take you to unique events happening in your city or town, or for some of you, having a bit of an adventure with the weather 
Get the hell outta your head. For some of you, you can have your plans cancelled on you last minute. Or people at work could be making you feel guilty and wanting you to work over time. For some of you this can be having a difficult time getting your shift cover. Than thinking about all the favors you done for others and this is how they repay. Just remember that for next time 
For some of you, you could get right to the heart of the matter. For some of you, you can be making things happen for others, or sticking up for their cause. For some of you, go more with the flow don't micromanage others because you want something to be exactly how you envision. Allow the flaws and things to go wrong to happen ; everything has it's reason to happen 
For some of you this can be unexpected turn of events happening , who ever has to leave your life let them leave. For others of you watch your emotional self. Because you may not be in control of your group of friends, and your going to have to go along with what everyone else wants to do. For some of you, you tend to rebel with those in authority or this can be fighting with the women in your life.  

This is a fun time for the art of courting, ooh get your flirt on with energy . For some of you this can be an awesome date. For some of you, you can be unusually playful and enjoying yourself today.  For some of you, who ever has to leave your life let them leave. For some of you, you could be dealing with loss or separation today .       

Unexpected events can be out of your control today. For some of you this can be dealing with the men in your life may need your help or support today. For some of you this can be dealing with certain realities or bad news. For some of you, you could become inspired by unusual events or experiences. 

For those of you from the age of 39-46 this can be a time of reflection and reevaluation with your life direction, or the course you are on with others. For some of you, this is creating more stability in your life. For some of you, who ever has to leave your life at this time let them leave. For some of you, you could just take your ball and go home because you can feel restrictive at work or with certain relationship. Its the energy all this moment to pass 
Don't micromanage certain situations allow everything to flow in as they should. I think I'm preparing you for  things not to go right today. Just simply go with it. We can't control people, dam it I wish I knew, share and subscribe but no I don't know how to do that yet. Anywho, relax more and go more with the flow. Don't be mad if others don't want to go with your plan . As long as you get to do something with them or talk to them , thats all that matters 
This is change happening today. So who ever has to leave your life let them leave. I feel you need to speak instead of assuming others know how you feel. You don't do well in crisis situations. You may have to learn to live and let live with certain relationships, or to have some uncomfortable talks with certain people. You need to be honest and clear with your feelings 

This can be a fun time with the dating scene go with the flow, and see were the night or day takes you. For others of you, do something different receive positive results or sparks of miracles that you are on the right track. You can take things today way to personally. You have so much good going on today allow somethings to just slide 

Today you could be privy to certain information that others are not. You don't do well keeping secret , for others of you this is people calling you out on things that you've said about them, or things that you told them, you've been warned get your story straight. This is a great energy to trust your intuition or listen to your dreams. Try to be break apart your vision and see what you can do now at this time towards your goal or dream 
For some of you, your social life is very exciting today. For some of you, you are more in the forgiving mood when it comes to certain relationships. For some of you, you have a difficult time trusting certain people's word. For some of you, you can feel like the hero in your life , a great time to receive recognition. For others of you this is popular energy time for you with the social media, and for some of you having the right friends can make you feel good.  

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