Sunday, August 27, 2017



The focus is more towards money , making and money worries with this energy. For some of you this is misunderstandings or miscommunications going on this week. For others of you this is information coming to light with this energy. So who ever has to leave your life let them leave. For some of you , you benefit through partnerships and people working behind the scenes making things happen . For some of you, you could be hearing good news with loans. I feel if your tired with certain things or the way things are going in your life friends and family can provide some assistance to you 
 I see powerstruggles with relationships careful when trying to prove your point; you could shoot your own foot off. I see some of you, thinking about moving into a different career direction ; you do have the green light to move if you want . It's probably more of a thought than an action with this energy. Your words are very powerful and people this week wont forget what you said to them. Try not to make promises you can't keep with this energy. For some of you this can be a good time for business or career, or  this is things resolving in your favor. Try to keep the energy humble  

I see travelling going on with this energy. Also I see success on it's way . I feel for some of you could be thinking about quitting your job or ending a certain relationship. Because this person is being to critical of you, or people at your job can be a bit picking on . Or you may need to be on top of your game with work. Or not think about the stresses that are going on in your life and just focus on your present and your goals. For some of you, you can be sentimental of the past or the focus being on children . I feel that you need to be honest about what you know because if you don't know certain information admit it. 
I feel things are happening but the process of getting is not how you expect it , or it may be what you want but not where you want  or how you want it. Don't be nit picky about how things come along be appreciative and be accepting and come in a place of gratitude. I do see you thinking about something at this time. The answer is Yes but your still going to mull over it. Because you may not know how your going to get there , or your allowing everything else in your life is complicating things. Which you shouldn't allow everything to complicate what you want. For some of you this can be a move but this can be more of a thought than an actual thing. 
This can be a difficult time dealing with the men in your life , you may have to assert yourself, or speak up once and for all. For some of you, you may need to get out there and socialize with this energy because you are too much in those dam feelings. Get the hell outta your dam head before you drive yourself crazy.For some of you, you can be receiving some surprise bills or unexpected news that you didn't want to here. If your going to help , help for the sake of helping. At this time , you have an opportunity to have a different conversation especially with those you haven't been getting along with . So instead of getting reactive be more proactive 
Try to be more about other people's feelings or try to see things their way. For others of you, this is a great time for collaborations as others want the same thing as you and are willing to help you accomplish your goals. Careful with texting and reading too much into what other people are saying. I feel you can be overthinking conversation with this energy. I do see trust issues coming or feeling some kind about certain relationships. I see allot of online communications going on. I also see this being a good time for your creativity being at an all time high 
For some of you this is multitasking and this can be a busy time for you, or for others of you this is starting a fund raiser.For others of you, you can be helping other grow, or helping someone in your life and being more present in there life. For others of you, you can be dealing with an on again off again relationship. For some of you, your looking like your back on with this person. For some of you this is being in a leadership position or this can be the ball in your court with certain situations , like custody battles, or people siding with you.    

Very special energy coming at you. People in your life and strangers even want to see your dreams come true. They want to help you , so let them help you . For some of you, don't believe in promise watch other people's actions because that's says allot more than their words. For others of you, this is creating your own reality so keep it positive. For some of you this is a great time for school to receive recognition or attention for your work. For others of you this can be with career. I see an unlikely victor happening this week 
Major decisions coming up but no change will be made at this time by your hand. For others of you there's travelling coming up. For some of you this can be a good time for relationships , or this can be an awesome week. For some of you, your going to take your next relationship a bit more seriously. For some of you, you need to pay attention to the signs that maybe it's time for a change, or signs about moving in a different career direction. For some of you, I see miss opportunities because you took your time to think about it 
I see an age difference with love relationships and you might have a certain way of dating or you might not be moving so fast with the relationship. For others of you, I see you being more in control of  the pace of the relationship. For some of you, you can be more focus on your career, and may not notice all the tension or drama around you. For others of you, you are creating your own reality with this energy. I do see you being more of a perfectionist with career.
For some of you, you benefit through partnerships with this energy, so try to trust those who want to help for the sake of helping . For others of you, listen to your own wisdom advice. For some of you , this can be an awesome week this week. I see prayers getting answer or you can be wanting signs to see if any one up there is listening. You could be getting response this week. For some of you, you can be more about big picture with this energy.

For some of you this can be reuniting with old friends or an old flame with this energy. For others of you, I see something life altering like baby , or this can be a positive life altering experience. For others of you, you can be a bit gullible so try to be about facts not just pretty words.  I do see a positive turn of events happening this week. For some of you, you can be more about your spirituality with this energy. For others of you this can be good news with money . For some of you, you could be proud of yourself and feel like you accomplish something, this could be your master piece    

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