Sunday, October 21, 2018


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A new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart

You can be rehashing old fights that your still not over. For others of you, you may not be getting along with the men in your life or those in authority. You need to pick and choose your battles today. You may be bored and can be critical of others, or you may want other people in your life to change but they may not be ready to make any changes. Not the best day for negotiations because you may not feel like your getting your fair share. 

 This can be you finally paying your dues with career, and getting the recognition or attention you need. This can be a time of career growth or this can be business picking up for you. People in your life can rely on you a bit more, so this can be more responsibility on your plate, or you can be left in charge at work.
You may not be getting along with those who are older than you. You may need to keep your receipts or be careful with the gossip because it may get back to this person. You can be bored with certain situations, or your not seeing any kind of growth, so this can be you changing things around. Or you can be very aggressive when it comes to business

Discipline may be needed today, or you may have to create yourself a routine because you can be more about your play with this energy, or you can be way to much in your head. Or you can feel things a bit more intensely which makes you want to shut down a bit. Watch the conversation in your head today because its setting you up for the rest of the week    
♌ #LEO
For some of you, you may not be getting along with mother, because she can be telling you how to live your life, or this power struggles happening at home or with your personal life. For some of you, you need to be adaptable to others, because you can come off as bossy or scare others away. Love relationships can be difficult at this time, and may need compromise or communications of the feelings   

This is a fun energy time to get your flirt on. You may meet a new love interest today. For others of you this can be sentimental about the past , or even reconnecting with people from your past. Trust your intuition because you can be at the right place the right time. This is getting over certain fears or seeing past certain illusions  

You may need to be adaptable , you can be stuck in your way of thinking,or your not open to anything new or certain changes that you may need to make. You can be your own worst enemy because of your emotional attachments. You can be very possessive of people in your life, or even situations and have a difficult time moving forward. Moving on and forward is never easy or else we would all do it.Try to see this as big picture and you are feeling these feelings because you are making a great leap into a new existence.    

You benefit through those who are older than you, or this can be new love who is older than you. For others of you, you are being introduced to new ideas or a new way of doing things.This is a great time for communications because you make allot of sense or people tend to agree with your way of thinking.   
You are very good at problem-solving. I feel this can be miscommunications or misunderstandings happening today. So don't be so quick to get offended or react, slow down and get a second opinion or ask what they meant. You may be asked to step out of comfort zone, for others of this can be deal breakers happening.   
You have emotional tar coming up that is asking you to put things into perspective and move on. This can be dealing with situations were you didn't get your closure or your peace, and subconsciously your not at peace with the situation. You need to help your subconscious to let go of past hurts, in order for you to move forward  

This energy brings about healing and your able to put certain situations into perspective and work on moving on. The challenge today is to focus on the facts and the reality of the situation. Don't read so much into what others are saying and not saying. You need to take it easy or give the brain something productive to do today

This is a  good time for career or business. For some of you this can be a popular energy time for you, and the positive feedback that you receive from others will help you with your confidence. For some of you, you need to think before you speak today , because you can come off a bit insensitive when it comes to other people's feelings  

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