I'm available for readings and reports check out this link
A new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart
A new store for items and phone covers of Hindu Gods
A new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart
A new store for items and phone covers of Hindu Gods
You benefit through others or through business partnerships. This is someone promoting at this time, or you can be growing your company. You can be proving other people in your life wrong today, and doing your own thing. You have an easier time getting to the bottom of things. For others of you, you can be more about your spirituality, or making a deeper connection with your relationships.
This can be a reconciliation happening. This can be someone in your life proving themselves to you, or showing that they have your back. You can see other people's point of view but still, make your argument valid by using their argument. You are able to see the current trends happening and calling it before anyone else does
You can understand or relate better to someone's situation especially when it comes to dealing with loss. For some of you, this can be thoughts of mother coming up, or you may not be getting along with mother at this time. You see right through people and get right to the heart of the matter of their pain.
You take care of difficult customers with ease, or you can handle any crisis situation that comes your way. You have a good sense of business, and this can be coming up with money-making ideas, or this can be business opportunities presenting themselves to you. You understand your job better than most
.♌ #LEO
You can be coming up with money making ideas. Your listening to what people are saying to you but you are not so quick to jump on to anything new. You may not like the changes going on at work, or this can be plans changing on you last minute. You can feel things a bit more intensely or feel that the person did on person . More likely they didn't
You may not feel like doing anything today, you can feel a bit anxious or restless with this energy. You may have to tell people what you want instead of assuming that they know. Try to be about facts and don't go assuming today. Whatever your thinking is going on is actually not going on .
Health issues can flair up or be more of the focus today. You can be looking for more of a purpose today. Or this can be situations in your life can be a bit confusing and you may not know how to handle certain situations. You may need more information before you go making a decision.
This is reclaiming your personal power. When you speak others tend to listen and go along with what you want. This is a great time for those of you in the social media. You may be working more with other people during this time and will be cooperative when working toward a common goal. For some of you this can be truth being revealed
You can be very creative with this energy. Or you can be a bit more bubblier than usual. This can be a popular energy time for those of you in media or social media. This can be all eyes are on you today. For others this is a great energy to meet the movers and shakers in your life or even bump into someone famous today
This is a time of rebuilding certain areas of your life and forming a stronger foundation. You can be more prompted to do something that you've been thinking about doing for a while, well today could be the day. This is taking a break from your routine.
You may want to becareful about what you are posting on the social media some people may not agree with your way of thinking or understand your humor. For others of you, you have a difficult time focusing on the task at hand. Careful with your spending because you may have some money come up missing in your account. Because you forgot what you spent it on, or even lose the item that you purchase today
Expect the unexpect today. You can feel overwhelem with work or with deadlines, or you can be pushing yourself. You may have to take breaks with this energy. Or focus your energy more on what you can control or do. Stop watching what other people are doing because you can feel some kind of way about it.
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