Monday, January 14, 2019


I'm available for readings and reports check out this link new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart
A new store for items and phone covers of Hindu Gods

A bit of mix energy going on with the moon in Taurus. You can be feeling like certain things are a bit unfair when it comes to career or negotiations. This can be a situation that you thought, you were getting a deal but than the more, you think about it. The more your realizing maybe not so much. This is receiving information now that you can use to your advantage. For some of you, this is revamping your website, or updating yourself with your career

Careful with this energy, you act possessive towards a relationship or you can come off as very intense when it comes to your relationships or just how you interact with others can be intense. Communications with others can come to a resolution or a better understanding of what's going on with the other person.  

You can feel stuck in certain situations or you can be reevaluating your relationship, because you are more about your freedom, or you need your space with this energy. You can be at a cross roads at this time and something has to give.You can be more about reevaluation and deep contemplation of your situation    

You have a wedge happening in your chart today. A wedge is potential energy you can tap into . At this time the wedge energy is asking you to be more assertive, and to not give in to other people's whims. If you want to do something else or not do what is asking of you, say no. The only person you are obligated too is yourself. 

.♌ #LEO
The focus can be more towards home, property matters or dealing with the men in your life. Family or home can be a bit demanding or may require more of your attention or time today. This is common sense kicking or you can feel more grounded with this energy. For others of you, you have the energy to get things done or you can feel like getting your office or home a bit more organized 
   ♍ #VIRGO
Keep away from your feelers, because you can feel things intensely. OR you can feel more connected to source energy and you can be in a very good headspace, the choice is yours.You can be a bit of a social butterfly today. Or you can have childlike wonder when it comes to new place, or learning about someone else's culture  

Some people can catch you off guard today, but in a pleasant way and do something special for you. Or you can hear from someone you haven't spoken to in a while.You need to focus on your goals, and be more about yourself today, and don't be intimidated about others and don't be a people pleaser today. You have this beautiful time to feel empowered when you are open about your feelings, and when your doing what makes you feel happy 
Careful with that Scorpio Stinger, words effect people for better or for worst, so choose them wisely. You tend to get to the bottom of things today. .You are being ask too make quick decisions with barely little to no information. For some of you, you may not do it because you need to know it's a sure thing, and your not trusting the information. So you may do your fact checking before you jump on board.      
Remember everything is cause and effect. You may not be getting along with certain people in your life especially with love relationship. Careful how you speak to others, or what you post on the internet because others may disapprove of what your saying or what your doing in your reality. You tend to be more about your freedom at this time . This can be whoever has to leave your life let them leave your life.

This is change happening today. You can either feel overwhelmed because you can't multitask today, or you need to make quick decisions that you don't want to make because you want to mull it over. This can be starting over in certain areas of your life, or this represent endings and new beginnings coming up. The old ways of doing things no longer applies      
Time to make some necessary changes in your life or the universe may go ahead and make them for you. You'll see changes either in yourself or areas of your life where the energy been stagnant and nothing going on in that sector. That's were the activity is going to start to pick up and start moving forward or be removed from your life, because your not doing anything with that energy or that chapter of your life is done with 
     ♓ PISCES
Your way of looking at things or your way of thinking is going to be change, so expect some lessons about reacting too  quickly. Try to be patient with this energy and allow what ever needs to come too come in. This is a great time for partnerships and people sticking to their word and showing their loyalty to you, or helping you grow. Love relationships can be getting a bit more serious or moving to the next level.   

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