Thursday, October 12, 2017


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You need to watch your emotional life because you are not communicating your feelings and your allowing things that others are doing to bother you.For some of you, you could be more about your play, or this can be entertaining at the home with this energy. For others of you this can be getting along better with certain people or new love coming in , happy hunting 
You can be anxious or restless with this energy. For some of you, you could be avoiding certain people  because they maybe asking you to make certain commitments or favors. For some of you this is not the best time for negotiations and you could have an outburst because you feel like you got the short end of the stick 
For some of you , you could be having powerstruggles with those in authority, or those who are older than you because you could feeling some kind of injustice, or you can feel like the other person is too bossy with you or even feel like this person is throwing their weight around. 
For some of you, you could be feeling some kind of way in regards to work, or not getting along with certain family members. For others of you, you need to create boundaries and stick for what you want, or don't want. For some of you, you could be intimidate by others or over thinking certain situations. This can be missed opportunities because you waited to long 
You can be a bit eccentric in your way of thinking, or your ideas are five years ahead of everyone else. Not allot of people are going to understand your way of thinking. For some of you this is getting to know someone new , or this is thinking about hanging out with this person 
For some of you, this can be having trust issues with certain people  in your life, or the reality of certain situations could hit you today.  For some of you, you need to watch your emotional life because your allowing what you don't want to manifest in your life 

You could be more about your emotional security or even more about your happiness. Your not in the giving mood at this time, because your more about your money situation. Somethings you have to do or being ask to do is pushing your financial security at this time 

Who ever has to you leave your life at this time, let them ;this can be not getting along with the men in your life.  For some of you this can be having a fun time socializing or you can be more in a playful mood. You may not have time nor want to deal with the Debbie Downer's in your life 
You are more about your happiness, and you could have a problem with being told what to do . You may be doing your own thing despite what other people tell you. For some of you , your not about change with this energy, so you can be fighting to keep things the same 
You can be receiving some unexpected news, and this could be news that you didn't want to hear, or are surprised to hear about. For some of you, you need to go more with the flow with this energy. OR this can be you needing to follow or trust your own instincts and not people please others. 

You might not be getting along with certain people because you want respect or think you deserve respect or you want a certain amount of loyalty. Sometimes. you need to let things slide, or you need to think more towards the future, and big picture. Not because they do something you don't like 

You have the ability to put certain things into perspective, and this can also be trusting your intuition. For some of you, you can be very creative with energy. You could be more open minded to a new way of doing things or a new way of thinking. For some of you , you are more in a place of yes.  

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