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The focus is on your relationships. You could have one foot in the door and one foot out the door. For some of you try not to be pushy with others. For others of you there could be control issues with money. Or this can be trigger words or thoughts about the past. That your not done dealing with so try to disconnect from past situations that come up today
Watch your emotional self, you could be bottling up allot of feelings, and eventually all that is going to come out. So try to talk out your feelings to a friend today. For some of you this can be a smooth transition into a new chapter of your life. You could feel stuck in your relationship, or you can feel that certain people in your life are trying to put you down
For some of you, you may need to remind those in authority that you are still interested in growing. OR you haven't forgotten what was promise to you. For some of you, who ever has to leave your life at this time let them. For some of you this is working smarter not harder. Or this can be you trying to get your hours switch so you can have a day off
For some of you this is a dealing with a move or property matters. For others of you, you might not be getting along with family today. Or you can be more about your needs and what makes you happy . For some of you, you can be very creative or this can be flirty energy, or you could find out how to control certain situations or people .
For some of you, you could be taking your job very seriously. You can be more about your needs.For some of you, you could feel frustrated with career, or your allowing your emotional self to get the best of you. Be more about facts not how you feel today.
For some of you, other people in your life or groups on the social media, show you a new way of thinking or a new way of doing things. For some of you this can be moving forward with certain projects or making certain changes today. It may seem spontaneous to others, but this is something that you've been plotting and planning
The focus is towards your relationships. For some of you, you could be jumping into a new love relationship. Just make sure you are cautious of the red flags. For others of you, you need more information just because it sounds good doesn't make it good , be about facts today , not what you want to see
You need to watch how you treat others, what ever your expecting in your mind is not the reality of the situation. On the plus this is creating your own reality, and thoughts becoming things. You benefit through this energy when you start looking at big picture
When you go more with the flow especially with specific goals ; they tend to just appear on your lap or this is you getting what you want with out much effort. For others of you, cock those brains before you shoot that mouth. For others of you, you may need to put a timer on that friend that just wants to dump on you
You may want to look before you leap today. I feel at this time your not understanding certain things,or you could be looking at certain situations through your emotional eyes. Instead of seeing big picture. You may not feel like your getting your fair share in something right now, but I feel that your getting the best end of the stick
For some of you, you could be fighting over ways of doing things , or over new technology. You could be feeling you have to have new because it's the best way of doing things. Be open minded to the old way of doing things, or even the natural way of doing things. For some of you this is unexpected good news, or this can be a great time for the media or social media to be more in your favor, POPULARITY , & GROWTH
Really listen today in regards whats being asked from you. Because sometimes you are more concern about the retaliation part of the other person. That you forget to put yourself first, and end up regretting your decision. For some of you this is a great time for career growth, getting a job or being in a leadership position with your career field.
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