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For some of you, you can see the reality of certain situations, or you can be emotionally balanced today. For some of you this can be meeting someone who is your total and exact opposite and having a strong attraction to that person. For others of you friends offer a unique approach or different ways of handling certain situations
For some of you, this can be new love coming in, or this can be having a difficult time seeing the reality of certain relationships. For others of you this can be promises being made to you but actions speak louder than words. Also careful how you speak to others because some people in your life could be to sensitive or may not be able or wanting to hear the truth
Change is happening and this is around you not towards you for some. For some this can be changes happening in your life. You may need to learn to pick and choose your battles with people. For some of you , you can feel a bit insecure about your capabilities at work, or you may need extra help at school
For some of you, your not getting along with mother, or the women in your life. For some of you, your about moving forward and not allowing certain relationships in your life. Once bitten twice as shy . For some of you, you could be getting a bit of reality check when it comes to that new friend that you put on a pedestal
For some of you the focus is on health . For some of you, you could feel like your being manipulated by the opposite sex. For others of you , this is past coming up because people in your past are reaching out too you. Or trigger words are reminding you of that person. At this work on not giving life to something that is long over with
For some of you this can be dealing with court, or dealing with money matters today. For others of you this is having power struggles with your relationship, and you can be fighting over money .For others of you, you can be very restless with this energy, and even picking fights with others. Give the brain something to do
For some of you, who ever has to leave your life at this time , let them leave. This can be some unexpected turn of events with your relationships. For some of you this is new people coming into your life. Or this can being attracted to someone who is your total and exact opposite
Be open minded to what other people say or want to do . Some times you have to give other people the reins and let them be in control. For others of you this is who ever has to leave your life let them leave. Because your feeling some kind of way about them, or your not liking how they are treating you or not treating you .
You need to watch the conversation in your head today. You can be feeling frustrated because your spying on the ex or creeping on freenemenies page and realize that they are happy in their life, so you think. For others of you this is not getting along with those in authority. They maybe expecting more from you with this energy.
You might not be getting along with family or the women in your life. For some of you , who ever has to leave your life let them. You could be resenting certain people in your life, because they may not be listening to what you said. For some of you, you need to be more adaptable to others and their needs.
You can feel restless with this energy. For some of you this is not getting along with parents or those in authority. Because you are very much stuck in your way of thinking or doing things. Whats that saying ,"We can't have it our way all the time." Today be about big picture or come in as an observer in your life, because your not seeing things clearly today.
You have a beautiful water trine happening your 169, so this can be getting things done with this energy. This can be thoughts becoming things with this energy.For some of you, you have advice others are willing to pay for. You can see where you may need to correct certain situations in order for them to run better.
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