Wednesday, February 28, 2018


You can be very creative with this energy, or coming up with money making ideas. Or finding unusual ways to get your way. You can be creative on ways to save money or even help your money situation grow. You can be awfully bashful around your crush, or you can be more concern about what others think of you

You need to allow others to come to their own conclusion, or you may have to be open to a new way of thinking or doing things. You can be receiving great advice from those who have been there and don't that. It's advice that you listen to what they say. So you don't repeat their mistakes

You may want to keep your nose clean today or watch what you say to others, because you can be involved in some kind of scandal today. This can be also things going your way and things being to good, don't be your own worst enemy and start destroying, your good.

You can be going out of your way for others. You love taking care of the people you love especially those new friends. Remember those silver ones. You might not be getting along with family and ending certain relationships, or not talking to them at the moment

You can be creative and original , if not innovative when it comes to the social media, or your creative genre. For others of you, you are hungry for success and carving  yourself a path to get what you want. For others of you, expect the unexpected try to go more with the flow and try not to make plans
Try to be straightforward with others, because people don't like to get the runaround. You can be adding a new website to your business, or you can find ways to get yourself seen on the social media. This can be common sense  kicking and dealing with situations that you've been avoiding

You may have to stay in the present and be more about facts. You can take what others say to literally or you can be over thinking , or worrying about situations that haven't happen yet. This can also be over coming or acknowledging the deeper issues with in your subconscious

You can be feeling some kind of way about certain relationships or people. Careful with your stinger because you can chase certain relationships aways. Sometimes some people aren't ready to hear the truth, and you need to know when to wait until they ask for their truth

You can be working on improving your working conditions, or improving certain situations. Or helping others to get their lives back on track. You can be more about the bigger picture, and what's the best interest for the group or for humanity

You can be making yourself sick, because your not helping for the sake of helping, and you can feel like your being taking advantage or being servant to another. Which isn't the case at all, ego is talking to you , and you have to learn to have a different conversation with the self

Others can shock you today, or this can be some surprise turn of events happening that you didn't see coming . This can be you being affected by the rules or certain government service could be changing their requirements for certain services

This can be some unexpected good news coming your way. Or this can be support or help coming to you from an unlikely source. For others ,you can find that your own worst enemy is sticking up for you and helping you fight certain battles. Or this can be second chances with certain relationships.

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