Wednesday, December 26, 2018


I'm available for readings and reports check out this link new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart new store for items and phone covers of Hindu Gods

you’re more about your happiness today and taking more initiative. For some of you can be working on those New Year’s resolutions today. You can feel more in a good headspace or you can be getting along with the men in your life especially those who are older than you ,you can be getting along better with this energy. You have more of an awareness of what you want now and you go for your goals during this time.

you can feel very intense at this time especially if you’re not over certain situations. Or you can be very impatient with other people in your life, especially with love relationships. You may not get a lot done today with this energy and you can be more about relaxing discipline is needed if you’re trying to work on your diet or if you’re trying to see things all the way through today and get things done it may not happen

 I feel today can be a beautiful day for you, you have water trying going on and you have an earth trine happening so you benefit through the people in your life today. You can feel things very intensely with all this water going on so try to keep the thoughts positive at this time and just like close pick and choose your thoughts today because you can really benefit through this energy by thinking of the things you want or things that make you happy.

this could be a great time for recognition or even receiving a lot of positive feedback and attention from those in management. You can be getting along with them a lot better or you benefit through them now. For some of you, this can be common sense kicking in or you can impress others with your knowledge or how you handle crisis situations today

.♌ #LEO
expect the unexpected today I feel like some people in your life may pleasantly surprise you. Or They can stop by and visit you today. For others of you, you benefit through those in authority. I feel this can be emotional validation of things that you may be worried about and now you’re mine can be put at ease

     ♍ #VIRGO
expect the unexpected today especially with your friends they can have some plans already for you today and can be taking you out of your routine. Or this could be some new things coming up at work and you and having to go out of your routine for that. Challenges that come up at this time are making you acknowledge what is behind the meaning or what is the lesson to be learned so as painful as this lesson maybe try to quickly learn from it so you can quickly move on from it

 you’re a very good talker and people tend to go along with what you want at this time. For some of you this can be a great time for popularity, especially with the social media or media and this, does bring about financial opportunities along the way. For others of you, you can have your whole week planned and especially New Year’s plans to go out and socialize with friends.

 for some of you could be revisiting old projects at this time or even putting them on social media or even promoting those old ideas and having a beautiful response. For others of you, you feel things very intensely today for some of you this could be thoughts of the X coming up for others of you could be very intuitive and trusting your intuition a bit more or you could be very original with your ideas

 trust your intuition today because you can be at the right place at the right time. This can be a time for prayers being answered or thoughts can become things with this energy. You can be a bit curious about certain subjects even though it’s kind of hard for you to stick to one particular subject. For others of you, you benefit through traveling and you learn new things from your new surroundings.

,for some of you,you can appreciate the finer things in life today. For others of you ,this can be changing certain projects at this time. And for others of you, you can be a bit more open and honest about your likes and dislikes. This is going to catch some people in your life off gaurd

 you can have the energy to get things done today. This can be common sense kicking in and you see things as black-and-white. This is a great time for work because you take things very seriously and you’re more motivated to do work. You do feel things very intensely today and this could be a good thing or a bad thing so it’s up to you what you want the energy to be this could be a fabulous day today or this day can ride you like a bronco on a Tuesday.

you need to be open and honest about your feelings because you tend to go along with what other people want or you’re too quick to jump into things that you know nothing about. This is a beautiful time for communications happening especially in regards to career and money. Careful with love relationships today because you can be very critical of your partner or you can be very nitpicky with them

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