Thursday, March 14, 2019



This can be a fun time for flirting but keep your feet planted because we are still going through the mercury retrograde energy. TGIF, so you might not get much done today, and you can be more about your play or your fantasy life. Or preparing to go out later tonight. Relationships in your life can be challenge because the dynamic of the relationship is changing. When you two start fighting, remember you can always have a different conversation. The old ways of doing things no longer apply for now. 
You can have some difficult choices to make, or you can be at crossroads with certain situations. You need closure when it comes to certain situations, and you may have to pick between confronting the elephant in the room, or just accepting certain situations. You see the big picture now, but be careful that it is not at the expense of critical details. Details may be glossed over, and you may tend towards over-optimism at this time. This transit presents an excellent opportunity to grow mentally and intellectually. Learn everything you can. Your ideas may be appreciated more than ever, so be sure to get your ideas across and put them “out there”. You might receive some great news, or deliver it.

You can be very giving with this energy, and treating other people out, so watch your spending. Try to have a different conversation with your partner because this can temporary separation, does it have to be, no. The challenges that are presenting themselves in the relationship. Things need to change because the other person or you aren't happy , how things are going , so try to communicate these needs and wants, or have your partner communicate more of their needs and wants to you. See if you two can come to compromise. 

This a popular energy time for you. You can be going out of your way for others, or you can feel more connected with the people you work with. You're a hard, dedicated worker who prefers doing things the tried and true way and you're able to inspire others through your dedication. You find life difficult and lack self-confidence, tending to get depressed or feel sorry for yourself.

♌ #LEO
You have some new situations coming up, and with those come some lessons that you will not forget. You may be required to take on more responsibility, which you easily handle, and will seem more mature to other people. You may enjoy talking with someone older or gain insight from a business mentor. A welcome piece of news may assist you at this time, and short trips can brighten your day. Have fun.

You may want to give other people their space today because not many people will tolerate your pushy energy. You can feel more of a purpose-driven journey.You may suddenly develop very different tastes than you had before, and your sensitivity is sometimes unusually strong, although what impresses you is subject to change. You may have strange mood swings that can lead you down some peculiar paths as this period tends to attract situations that are different from the norm.    

You do have a wedge happening with the moon in Cancer which is potential energy. You may have to be the catalyst for change in certain areas of your life. This is not the easiest thing for you to do, because you have to speak and say something, or you may feel like you'll hurt other people's feelings.   Stronger than usual, you show resolve. Use this time to revitalize what is languishing in your life or to release what already is finished. It is an opportunity to eliminate the nonessential and the outdated.

Unexpected occurrences may highlight your vulnerabilities as your liabilities can become visible.Blind spots tend to stand out as circumstances or other people may make you acutely conscious of what you ordinarily disregard or don't know. If you are willing to accept the sometimes startling revelations, you can reach a new level of awareness. Others may be feeling the pressure of work, and taking things a bit more seriously than you. Try not to take what they say at this time so personal. Be in the moment but take things with more of a grain of salt. 

You can have a difficult time figuring out certain people in your life, or you can be curious if they have a motive or an agenda because something is not sitting right with you at this time. Try to be more about the facts rather than assuming. You are very impatient, energetic,  and self-willed during this time period.

When it comes to relationships in general, you need to learn to bend like the palm tree , I know you can be. Surprise or unexpected news from your partner, can come up at this time, and may require you to be the bigger person, or a bit more understanding today.  You have a stellium ( 4 or more planets) , in the sign of Pisces. You can be absent-minded, you can have problems with cell phone services or wires can be down, so there can be difficulties in regards to communications
Remember what time it is. You can be aggressive when it comes to love, or even sexual encounters can happen. You tend to follow your heart. You can find yourself being spontaneous. If you feel like you're in a rut . You tend to shake things up a bit and step out of your routine. Or plan get togethers with friends, or form a group so you guys can go out tonight. Avoid making promises you don't attend to keep      

You have a beautiful Kite energy happening today, so this can be positive turn of events happenings, or certain things going your way. This is a great time for career, or even contracts and negotiations going your way. There will definitely be changes: you may change jobs, receive additional training or education that will help you reach your goals, or develop a fresh, new approach to your work. You are likely to receive some benefits, raises, promotions, or increased stature and recognition in your work.

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