Monday, May 6, 2013


Be patient with your love relationships as you forge ahead on to new and better things , and they continue to think what may or may not go wrong. Also today all eyes are on you, good or bad attention may come your way so try to keep your cool , remember your fabulous
Today may seem a bit overwhelming to you so try to stay out of your ahead, also  for some of  you this is a great time to take your hobbies and make them into money making ideas

Today is a good to see your fantasy  become reality and for others you may have trouble with your feelings or coping as you are leaving a good time in life, and making a transition into something new
Keep your energy positive because you may find that your positive or negative thoughts may come to fruition, also  for some of you , you could find new situations are coming at you all at once, could be to much to  soon don't think just let it happen
Many changes are coming to you all at once it seems go with the flow, also today  the focus for some are on your children's well being, have faith  as the planets shift the energy around with the world around is starting to make a transition

Today  could be a mental so stay grounded as the energies are more focus on the dramiticals going on around , if you can avoided try not to get involve , if your already involve try to forgive, and move on

Today is also a mental day for the carebears as you may feel a bit restrain when it comes to time, and play, and work , ugh so depressing :) , don't worry  stay positive you'll get your play time in
Busy busy busy scorpio today when all eyes are on you especially those important all knowning eyes, it could get a bit overwhelming today but  so can the lessons that are going

The focus today is on money, and for some you maybe thinking about moving to  better things, but for now your just thinking about it

Fears and mental worries may cause you to feel a bit alone, like your doing everything on your own today,  as many things are going on all at once for some of your mentally  and physcially  know that your feeling the pluto retrograde energy , the feeling of being stuck, try to change your way of thinking today

Things are looking hopeful for you as the attention around you especially at work looks promising and thoughts of the future and what  you could do with that money rings through your head , try to stay grounded as your thoughts may get carried away

You have this vision in your head and are able to  bring a few people on board with this thought process of yours. Also today the little things in life are what bring you joy today 

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