Thursday, August 17, 2017


Your making necessary changes today. If it's confusing to you or doesn't make sense in your life , you don't want nothing to do with it or you'll get rid of it. For some of you, this could be a clash between future and the past. This can be going back to the old ways or the ex, and it's going to be same old same old.So you have this opportunity to stick to what it is comfortable, the same or step out of your comfort zone and venture to the future, unknown. It's scary but it can be better than the hamster wheel you've been on

For some of you, this can be a great time for people to see your way of thinking. This is a great time for business or with career. Because you feel more secure like your valuable asset to them. Or this is great time to receive recognition at work with this energy. People tend to go to you for advice and guidance. For some of you, who ever has to leave your life at this time let them, also careful with love relationship they can be fragile. So if you have an opportunity to do things differently what would you do different today

You need to keep your feet planted because there could be lots of talk of future, or banking on certain things. For some of you don't make promises you can't keep or you don't want to keep. At this time slow down and research or look into money making opportunities. Today you just jump into things and you don't even know what you said Yes too. It's best today that you get a second opinion.
This can be some endings coming up . This can be a move, property matters getting resolved, or this can be custody battles . For others of you this can be not talking to certain family members for now. You need to communicate your feelings instead of bottling things up at this time. For some of you, you don't want to commit yourself into anything.Because in your head you want everything to be done a certain way.

You be withdrawn or more to yourself with this energy. I feel at this time what ever bone your chewing you, you need to learn to let go because it creates blockages with what you want and sometimes causes problems with health. For some of you this is an opportunity to change your way of thinking. People in your life can be yelling or fighting with you. At this time listen more because they are telling you things about you that you need to stop doing or work on.
For some of you, you can be forming deep emotional connections with your mother or your children. For others of you, you can open yourself up more to a friend learn to stay after revealing yourself. For some of you, you have a difficult time or don't want to see the reality of your situation. Or you want to avoid rehashing certain fights with certain people in your life. This can be with an on again off again relationship that can have you walking on egg shells
You have a stellium in your tenth house at this time ground yourself. Through meditation or don't focus so much on your feelings. You are more concern about what's not happening in your life , or how other people are bossing you around. If you focus on that than your day is going to be heavy and stressful. For others of you, you can be stepping off your hamster wheel and trying something different and it will go really well today

Not the best day to make decisions , you might not feel love or appreciated  today. For some of you, you can making some impulsive decisions that you will regret. For some of you this is too much water in your chart causing a bit of depression. For others of you , you can use this water to help manifest what you want or work on the law of attraction today

For some of you, you are going to know who your friends and who aren't . You can be dealing with gossip at this time. It's up to you what you want to to do, you could be kicking out certain people from your life be it temporarily. Or you have a difficult time taking constructive criticism and want to up and quick your job. Somethings you have to put into a different perspective. The energy is very temporary and this too shall pass

For some of you, you could be accident prone or this can be health problems coming up. For some of you, you can be against certain ways of doing things, or you can be fighting against certain changes at this time. Not the best day for compromise or negotiations . You have to be more self aware of change and the less you fight the better off you'll be. And on top of that it's temporary change so it's not a further thing . Put certain situations into perspective not the best energy so everything is temporary and tentative plans
Your money situation is dictated by your emotional self watch out. For some of you, you can be very much up in those feelings. For some of you, it's best to keep what your doing to yourself. Because others in your life can't envision or see what it is that your trying to create. For others of you, pay attention to your dreams, because you can have vivid dreams or insight into what's to come
Lots of energy in that sixth house, cock those brains before you shoot that mouth. You tend to be honest or straightforward when speaking to others. For others of you this can be more focus on career, or this can be starting a new routine or focusing more diet and health. For others of you, you have a beautiful water so this day can be fabulous or this day can ride you like a bronco on a Tuesday, Like a Rhinestone Cowboy. Be the deliberate creator in your life and choose happiness and choose peace

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