Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I'm available for readings and reports check out this link
A new feature on here beginner's guide to astrology. This is my way of doing astrology, and you can follow along with your natal chart, Check it out. It's a two-hour video about how to read a natal chart
A new store for items and phone covers of Hindu Gods


This can be unexpected turn of events or maybe you meant for it too happen that way. For some of you, you are focusing more on what you can control than what you can't which is bringing about some different, if not better results. You can be more about what's fair to everyone 

This can be starting over in certain areas of your life, or this is endings and new beginnings coming up. You are in a better headspace because plans are working out exactly as planned.You need to let go of the past , because the person in your reality is not the person from your past. For others of you, the focus is on love today  

You start seeing your sense of purpose in life unfold or certain situations and events are going to put you exactly where you need to be. You can be receiving thank you or recognition at work or from people in your life. You can be receiving a confidence boost when it comes to your career
Pat yourself on the back, you can be impressing important people in your life, or you can feel like you have stuff together. For others of you, you can be thinking your helping when really your not, because your super competitive at this time, so you can unknowingly sabotaging someone else 
.♌ #LEO 
You can be more about your quiet time, and you prefer to be alone or doing your own thing . As way to recharge your energy. Quiet introspection helps you put certain situations into perspective, and to gain more wisdom. 

You can feel a need to recharge and connect more to your inner world. You can be more focus on your creativity or thoughts of the future happening. There can be lots of miscomunications, or even losing your cell phones or important paper work

♎ #LIBRA  
You can impressing important people , this is a great time for networking or making important connections to help you grow. For others of you, this is receiving recognition or even a thank you for your hard work. For others of you, you can feel stifle by this energy, because you can feel that other people are not helping you grow, or other people in your life can be holding you back from your true potential 

When opportunities knock you jump right on. For some of you, this is taking initiative and making things happen. Your very creative with this energy. For some of you, you can be more of an activist for certain causes, or you can be very inventive or innovative with your thoughts  
This is change happening today especially with career, joint accounts or with court. Not the best time for negotiations, because you can feel like your losing or certain things, seem a bit unfair, You are not giving any time, and you need to make quick decisions. 

This energy can be endings and new beginnings coming up today.This is change happening today. For some of you, you need to put things into perspective and not intrigue so much your emotional self. Jupiter is your 12th house at this time, so careful with seeing things as unfair or being jealous of others. This is a beautiful time to plant positive seeds for yourself and for the New Year  

You need to be careful with the roller coaster ride of emotions with this energy. And work on not being so quick to react to what other people say or not saying. This is a popular energy time for you with the media or social media. For others of you, this can be enlightening others or sharing your wisdom or advice with others  

You can allow other people to get the best of you, or at this time your ideas can get shot down which is a blow to the ego. You have more good than bad going on so don't sweat the small stuff. It's just more confirmation that your on the right path, and this is the opponent trying to get you off course now 

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