Thursday, May 25, 2017



FRIDAY:There could be power struggles with relationships especially with the women in your life. At this time you want to do what you want to do, and the other person maybe putting a stop to your fun or restricting you in someway. You can be going through unusual events at this time, it may not be a dull moment today
SATURDAY :Not the best energy at this time, it's best to stay off the comment bar, you might not be getting along with siblings ,friends or neighbors with this energy. You could feel like other people in your life are taking advantage of your kindness or crossing boundaries with you

SUNDAY :You have a stellium in your first house. For some of you this energy brings endings and new beginnings . What ever is bothering at this time you take care of right away. So if the house is messy, you might not be able to take the clutter anymore. For others of you, this can be ending a relationship because its the straw that broke the camels back

MONDAY:For some of you, you don't take "No", very easily  and continue to prod till you get a really answer besides, "NO". For others of you this can be working on putting something together or problem solving at this time. You could be working on this project till you figure out how it works


FRIDAY:For some of you this is not getting along with parents at this time. For others of you trigger words can come up , and issues from childhood that you haven't gotten over can resurface today. Acknowledge this part of you and let it go because it is no longer service you, or is a part of you

SATURDAY :For some of you this energy can be an intense time for you emotionally. I feel for some of you, you can have emotional breakdowns or breakthrough with this energy. For others of you this can be fighting with friends in order to make sense or to make your feelings known. This energy will help you to get to the bottom of things or understand the situation or others better

SUNDAY :You can be initiating creative projects at this time, or coming up with money making ideas. For some of you this can be inspired about ways to update yourself with career, or inspire to share your ideas on the internet. You can have a difficult time dealing with siblings or friends today.

MONDAY:You have a stellium in your second house of money. Careful with this energy because you can be pretty forgetful at this time or even a bit absent minded. It can be hard to say "No ", to you at this time. Because once you have an idea in your head you are determine to make it work, and determine or aka hell bent on getting your way


FRIDAY:For some of you this can be a social time for you, this can be getting your birthday week or month on. For others of you this can be your luck day with this energy. For some of you, you could be exploring your love relationship. Meaning talking out your difference or discovering something you didn't know about your partner.
SATURDAY :Not the best energy today. Who ever needs to leave your life let them leave. For others of you some people can take advantage of your kindness. Or you may not like how others make it about themselves and treat you like your chop liver. For others of you this energy can be more about your emotional life. So watch your emotional self today

SUNDAY: An idol mind is the devil time, I would be careful with this energy. Even though you may not want to do nothing at this time. You could be bossing other people in your life, or picking fights with others at this time. For some of you, you can be  a bit to much in your head today
MONDAY:Don't expect nothing never be disappointed. Today you could be expecting a  Thank you or some thing but you might not get it. This can make you feel some kind of way. So help for the sake of helping. Careful with loaning out money because you might not get that back. You need to change the conversation that you are having with your emotional life


FRIDAY:Situations are changing with work or this can be beginnings coming up with certain areas of your life. For others of you this can be second chances with certain relationships. This can be a popular energy time for with media or social media. For others of you this can be a great energy to get along with the people at work. Or you can be very creative at this time or collaborating with someone on a project

SATURDAY : For some of you, you have a difficult time seeing the reality of a situation. You could be making mountains out of moles at this time . For others of you situations in your life just don't make any sense. You have a difficult time making heads or tails of the issue at hand. Try to be more about your facts than your emotional life

SUNDAY :Not the best time when dealing with others. But at the sametime people in your life may not realize that they are offending or stepping on your toes. You need to communicate what is bothering so others wont do it again. For others of you can be dealing with someone who has a suck it up butter cup mentally . But do try to communicate your feelings to someone

MONDAY:This can be a great day at work, or you can find yourself making plans for the weekend. For some of you, you attract new people into your life or making new friends with this energy. This can be a great time for business or career , if your doing what you love to do , success will start to come to you. You can see already positive talks about moving up or taking on more responsibility

FRIDAY:Your not committing yourself to any plans at this time because you don't feel like it . You may want to be to yourself at this time because of Saturn in retrograde. Or this can be doing something that you don't want to do . Or going some place that you don't feel like going too.

SATURDAY :For some of you, you can  be a spiritual warrior. For others of you, you enjoy a challenge.  For others of you, you can have socializing with friends or family members. For others of you this is coming up with money making ideas. For others of you doing something that you enjoy

SUNDAY :For some of you, you can find deep insight when you delve into your art or creative side. For some of you , you could be taking a walk down memory lane. You can be romanticizing the past while others try to help you see what really happen.For others of you this can be mending certain relationships
MONDAY:For some of you, you may not realize the work load you said you can take on. What ever your thinking in your head it's not what the situation is, it can require more people or even a longer time frame. Be honest with yourself and others what you can and cannot do

FRIDAY:For some of  you can be receiving money incentive, or some kind of reward for your hard work. For others of you this can be a positive turn of events. For others of you , you can be put in a leadership position in your field. For others of you, you have a better control of what others think of you.

SATURDAY :For some of you , you can be creeping on other people's pages with this energy. You tend to stay behind the scenes and avoid all the troubles with socializing .For others of you this can be helping someone going through relationship problems and telling them what to say to the other person.

SUNDAY :For some of you , you can be receiving recognition at work. For coming through for others or picking up someone schedule . For others of you this is people in your life showing their appreciation.If your heart is in the right place , it will create greater certainty and faith.

MONDAY:For some of you, your emotional life can dictate what you do . For others of you, you have the opportunity to see what is really going on in a situation or even figuring out a person. For some of you , you are able to figure out others. You make a good teacher or counselor today


FRIDAY:You have a beautiful air trine going on . So you can  start projects with this energy or even revisit old projects at this time. For some of you, this can be an empowering time and looking back and seeing how far you have come. For others of you, this is a time to go after what you want

SATURDAY :For some of you, you need to be more adaptable to others and what they want. You need to learn to respect other people's decisions and not be pushy. For others of you, you can lose friendships at this time, because you don't know when to stop on others.

SUNDAY :Who ever has to leave your life at this time let them leave. For some of people in your life , you haven't spoken to you in a while can show up out of no where. But your not ready to make nice. Even though your right , you have to allow others to go through their own experience because they need to get it out of their system.

MONDAY:This is a great time for money coming in or career. But try to keep this energy humble because others can find you a bit snobby or like your preachy. Just because you have your stuff in order don't rub it in other people's face. At this time let other see your good don't talk about your good .


FRIDAY:For some of you mommy and daddy issues can come up at this time. Give you an opportunity for emotional transformation with this energy. For some of you this is not getting along with your parents at this time. For some of you this is having problems with those authority or those who are older than you

SATURDAY :You are very sensitive to others and your surroundings. You can be emotional reactive to what you hear in the news, or seeing things on social media tend to make you react at this time. For others of you, you are very empathetic to other people's plight

SUNDAY :You need to compromise with others and allow your needs to be met and the needs of others to be met. At this time you tend to bottle up your feelings and not express them to others. Try to let go of this feelings so it doesn't fester and come out in a different way. For others of you, your trying to get along for the sake of getting along

MONDAY:You need to be careful with this energy, because everything is cause and effect,you can regret your actions today. For some of you, you can be maternal or paternal with certain relationships. You look out for others at this time, or take care of them at this time


FRIDAY:For some of you, family at this time can be a bit of a struggle to get along with. I feel at this time, it's you trying to fix their problems and their not ready to change. For others of you this can be someone in your life spitting on you and you not being appreciative of all you done for them

SATURDAY:For some of you, you have a difficult time emotionally connecting with others. You could find yourself pushing away this person instead of learning to stay and allowing them in.For some of you, you don't like deep conversation because there to deep and to real for you
SUNDAY:For some of you this is  a great energy to work on the self , or start a new work out routine. For others of you, you have the energy to get things done . For others of you this is decluttering your life. For some of you, you have a creative way to get your ideas across

MONDAY:Your values or wants can be changing at this time. You may not be happy with career or you may not be happy with certain areas of your life. Now that you have them it wasn't what is expected. OR this can be a time where a new goal or a new path is taking shape

FRIDAY:For some of you, you could be testing your boundaries with others to see what you can and can't get away with. For others of you don't make promises with this energy especially when you don't feel like doing them. I feel a lesson learned is going to be learn today

SATURDAY:For some of you this energy brings about change. Don't make plans at this time let the day take you. For some of you friends can surprise you and invite you out. For others of you  , you can be more intune with your creative life

SUNDAY:Change is happening at this time either with the women in your life. Or you can feel a bit restless with this energy.  Watch your emotional self at this time for some of you, you can be accident prone or you can be sick with this energy . For others of you, you can be forgetful  

MONDAY:You have an easier time getting along with others. For some of you this is a great time for partnerships. For some of you, you benefit through partnerships. Good news can come up at this time. For some of you this could be good news with negotiations or with court. For some of you can find this day just flows  


FRIDAY:For some of you, you need to walk the walk and be an example to others. For others of you, you tend to have a difficult emotionally connecting with your love relationship. For others of you tend to want to fix rather than lesson with this energy. For others of you, you tend to over thinking things and get to much in your head
SATURDAY:For some of you, you have lessons with others. If it involves money it was karmic lesson. For others of you, you could feel taken advantage of by others. So don't be so quick to say "Yes". For some of you,not everyone is going to see your point of view today, you may need receipts

SUNDAY:For some of you at this time, you are ask to watch your spending. You can  feel frustrated because of money or even not having a ride or a car to get you where you want to be. For some of you this is your business and growth with business can be slow. At this time there is a reason for everything. And sometimes we have to appreciate the moment and create that balance with our emotional self

MONDAY:You need to watch your emotional self. You could take what other people are saying or not saying to you personal with this energy. For others of you this can be making changes with your diet or your routine . This is changing your mindset and putting all your focus on your goals.


FRIDAY:You need to watch your emotional life because you can be erratic in your way of thinking or even create drama where there is none. Self control is needed at this time. For some of you, you need to be more about facts and try not to get talk into things you don't want to do  

SATURDAY:For some of you, its difficult to change your way of thinking or you might not be trusting of other people's decisions. For others of you, can be a traditional and not open mind to a new way of doing things or thinking.

SUNDAY:For some of you, you can be questioning your life purpose or even feeling like you have to do something about certain areas of your life. You can be more in your head with this energy so this can create restlessness with this energy

MONDAY:For some of you , you can be an excellent manifestor because you are able to feel being at the end result of what you want. What does it feel like and sustain that feeling. For others of you, you are being more in your feelings about what you don't have so try to be more appreciative about what you do have  

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