Thursday, April 20, 2017




FRIDAY: You are not to quick to jump on to new projects and you tend to slow down your thought process a bit. This is a great time for career, and business with this energy. This is a great time to show your leadership abilities with this energy. You make a great problem solver

SATURDAY : Your creative side comes out more with this energy. You have the energy to physically pay attention to the home. When your being generous to others or helping out others for the sake of helping, your luck becomes activated. You are also more patient with children or even spending more time around children or those who are younger than you
SUNDAY : You can be a bit curious about certain subjects or even rules. And pushing boundaries with others to see how much you can get away , today you are pushing the taboos and asking , why? You could also get involve with a scandal that has nothing to do with you but you are there for that person

MONDAY:Not the best energy you have a stellium in the first house so you could be restless or moody with this energy. You could have a bit of insight or an epiphany on certain situations or matters.With this energy you may be caught between doing what's right for others and doing what you want.

FRIDAY:At this time you initiate change but you make sure everyone else is on board before you start this change. You are more about cause and effect with this energy. With this energy you benefit through your relationships. Your love relationship brings security and comfort to you

SATURDAY : Not the easiest time with love relationships. You could be more to your thoughts and to yourself with this energy. Your lover could be out and about this can make you jealous or possessive of the relationship. Allot of this is you internalizing so at this time let them do what they are going to be and try to be okay with it. And don't get reactive later on, this sounds like a new relationship a year old relationship. Give others their freedom to be whom they want to be with even with friends

SUNDAY :With this energy you come more from a place of "Yes", You tend to believe what others say to you as fact and truth. So careful with that there are two sides to every story. You tend to mix will with others and be more of a group participant. You want every one to like you today  

MONDAY:You need to watch your emotional self because what ever is bothering can come out. You could be receiving or reading into what another person is doing. You are more about how you want things to do, so have a difficult time giving up certain people or changing in general. At this time go through your emotional process and process what you are going through. So you can label  it and move on


FRIDAY:This can be a fun energy time planning for get togethers or planning events with this energy. This is a good energy for getting along better with people at work. Watch your emotional self with relationships. Because you tend to want to control or micromanage certain relationships, make sure not to do this and give other people their space.

SATURDAY : You might not getting along with mother or a sister in your life. You could be feel the responsibility of your personal life. Or you could be over thinking things. Because you are more in your head than action orientated. So when you are not taking care of things physically it can feel overwhelming or even your emotions could feel heavy, so try to be more action orientated in your life .
SUNDAY : You could be there for certain family members in your life, or you could be worried about certain friends or family members who are going through it. You are a bit more active with your social life or doing things with your children. But you can't micromanage these moments , you have to enjoy and be present in the moment.

MONDAY:There could be friends or exs revisiting you . You can be starting over with career, or this energy can bring about growth with career. This energy is about endings and new beginnings. You have lessons to learn about that control side of you.  Try not to give into ego , because everything is cause and effect

FRIDAY:You could be receiving some unexpected news. For some of you situations turn for the better. For some of you this is taking initiative with your goals and making changes for yourself for the better. Your hard work and perseverance is paying off . This is a good time for career, and business

SATURDAY :You could be experience some thing that is out the ordinary but you don't want to acknowledge being a blessing from  God. OR being about spirituality, some reason the logical side of you doesn't want to acknowledge this itty bit minute of your life as something sent by spirit. You try to explain away things rather than acknowledging it for what it is. So try to acknowledge the sparks of miracles be it so small that happen today .God is everywhere

SUNDAY :Don't commit yourself to anything you don't want to do . Because  going into it , you are going to feel restricted or you have no control in the situation. You benefit or communicate more with the women in your life.You need to communicate and be open about your feelings because you have clutter that you need to let go of, once and for all

MONDAY: You need to watch your spending with this energy because you can be impulsive with your spending or even reckless with your decisions. You have a difficult time delving into or being patient. You need to watch your emotional self and not allow your emotions to get carried away


FRIDAY:You can be more focus on projects, hobbies or focus on your career. For others of you, you could be a bit of a Debbie Downer with this energy. So try to enjoy yourself, or go more with the flow. This is a good time for business or career with this energy. You could be making friends with the right people to help you with your career.

SATURDAY : You need to be careful with pushing certain energies or forcing things to come into your reality. If you can't have it your way today , take it as a blessing ; don't get upset about it. There is a reason for everything , you push the energy and get what you want. It will have disastrous consequences and you wont have fun. After all is said and done.

SUNDAY : You have a water trine today so this can be a blessed way to end the weekend or this can be an like a bronco riding you on a Tuesday , like a rhinestone cowboy. So it's up to you how you want today to be. This is a great time to feel like you accomplish something or to feel empowered
MONDAY:Health could flair up with this energy. You could be having issues with the people you work with. You may expect a bit more respect or loyalty out of them. Who ever needs to leave your life at this time let them go. You can have power struggles with certain relationships today .


FRIDAY:Don't make promises you can't keep with this energy. You're always in the wrong place at the wrong time or say the wrong thing to the wrong people. You can't count on others' cooperation and must constantly use your own resources. Make sure to have plan B  

SATURDAY :Today you could be obsessed about people or how situations ended for others. Maybe you felt your feelings weren't validated or your looking for the validation from that person. For others of you, you could be trolling on an exs page or that person that hurt you.

SUNDAY :This is a great energy time to communicate your needs , this is a great energy for those of you in media or social media because you understand the needs of others.You can be more about your family or your spirituality with this energy. You feel  a sense of connection to spirit when you are spending time nurturing your relationships.

MONDAY:You could be doing your own thing today, and following your own little drummer. This is a great time to emotionally connect with certain relationships. For some of you, through sharing your experiences with others , you help others to grow.


FRIDAY:You can make sense of certain situations for others, or explain why certain things happen to them.For others of you, you make a great mediator, and people want to listen about your ways of doing things.

SATURDAY :For some of you ego could be in the way . You have a difficult time seeing your reality because it's clouded by ego.You can be a bit more in your head and feeling a bit sorry for yourself today. Try to be on facts and other people's actions, and make sure to ask for help if you feel you need it.
SUNDAY :You can be very indulgent and also giving with this energy. You need to be careful with this energy because you can be making yourself sick, or you can be a bit of  a hypochondriac. You can be cleaning your house because your worry about germs and getting sick .
MONDAY:Lots of energy in your seventh house. Expect the unexpected from people. You could be hearing from people you haven't spoken to in a while . For others of you this is receiving unexpected news. Watch your emotional  self because you kind of a bit sensitive . There could be powerstruggles with relationships.


FRIDAY:You could be starting a new chapter in your life. For some of you this adulting and doing adult things that your parents have done for you. For others of you with age comes wisdom. And experience may teach you some valuable lessons.

SATURDAY :This can be a fun energy time visiting others. You may find that others follow every word your saying like a puppy. For some of you, you could be applying your parents values and incorporating to your life , or a situation, or you could be bestowing these words of wisdom on to others  

SUNDAY :You tend to want to be more to yourself today. So you can seem to be brooding or difficult to deal with . Or you can find others asking you, are you okay ? Did I do something wrong? Because you want to be more to yourself or with your thoughts. Try to communicate that you want your quiet time today  

MONDAY:Try to be open and honest as possible with this energy because truth will be revealed, or it will come out eventually, because Mercury in retrograde isn't allowing you to keep your story straight. For others of  keep your schedule open and allow yourself to have an adventure or to do something different.


FRIDAY:Family or personal life can be demanding . You can be arguing or fighting with family members or lover. Because they want you to be about them and their needs. That could be emotionally to much for you. At this time communicate your boundaries and let them know they are draining to you.

SATURDAY :Focus is towards home and family with this energy. You could be making plans to go see family members or getting involve in family drama. You could be reevaluating or questioning your relationship. Develop patience and calmness with relationships, because you want to fix and they want you to leave them be

SUNDAY :You need to be more about your present, irrational fears or past destructive situations are coming up. And want to be acknowledge so you can let go of them. Try to be based off of facts and what's going on in the now.

MONDAY:You can be action orientated or taking charge in other people's lives and putting things in their life in order. There could be lots of communications with friends or this could be lots of communication going on in general. You can get allot accomplish today


FRIDAY:You can be breaking routine , this could be taking the long way home or having a bit of an adventure. You could be receiving some surprises or some good news today. This is a great time for job interviews, or meeting new people. First impressions are everything

SATURDAY :Not the best day for getting your way or trying too. Let your work speak for you at this time. You need to be flexible, you could be fighting with neighbors or siblings with this energy. For others

SUNDAY :You can be very eccentric or you could be having an adventure or doing some exploring today. For others of you , you can be very good with coming up with money making ideas or working on your business.You can be a bit volatile and more about your needs with this energy. So if others aren't following along you tend to snap    

MONDAY:You benefit through the women in your life. You could be receiving good news today. You can be lazy with this energy and not ready for Monday. You can be self indulgent with this energy so watch your spending. You are more about your play today.


FRIDAY:This can be a social time for you, you could be speaking to people , you haven't spoken to in a while. For others of you reconnecting with others online. You are more playful with this energy, or even relax and going more with the flow today
SATURDAY :You need to be careful with how you treat others or rehashing past fights. Because it's to little too late. No matter what you do or say the damage has already done in that person eyes. So now a good answer would be , "I would like to know how we can move forward, from here on out."

SUNDAY : This is a good time for thoughts to become things or a good time for  business. This is a time of working on your relationships, or even acknowledging your actions. This is a time of emotional growth or letting go of old emotional wounds.

MONDAY:Change is happening but it's happening a slow pace so these changes may not be noticeable . Or this can be with health or career, and you know something take time, Rome was not built in a day. You could be creating boundaries with others or asserting your feelings. Don't expect everyone to be excited for you


FRIDAY:Not the easiest day with others. You could be wanting to fix someone when they just want to emotionally dump on. You may have to create boundaries with certain relationships and it may not be so easy. At this time don't stress yourself out , your not good multitasking at this time. Just try to do one thing at a time. Creating a schedule would be best for you  

SATURDAY :I feel if people in your life needs you , you are there for them. You are great in crisis situation or helping others get through a difficult moment. You really show your loyalty to your friends, and they appreciate your loyalty to them . For others of you this is loyalty for you job and being there for them when they need you to come in.

SUNDAY :I feel it's difficult to stick to routine or this could be your cheat day. For others of you, try to go more with the flow with relationships. You can be a perfectionist with relationships and wanting it to work. A relationship shouldn't be difficult. Try not to control others or try to tell others what to do . Especially when it something you could do as well.  

MONDAY:Watch your emotional self. You could be putting off putting off certain things and expecting others to do it for you. Unfortunately you have to take responsibility and not rely on others. This can cause problems with relationships. You could feel like a  mule and everyone keeps putting more weight and responsibility on your shoulder. Not true you have to acknowledge this part of you. Your correction and start being action orientated.

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