Thursday, September 8, 2016

09th and 10th of September 2016 Daily Horoscopes by Marie Moore


FOR THE 9TH:  Moon is conjunct with Mars , watch your emotional self with this energy. It's best to channel this energy into something constructive or productive in your life. I feel with this energy , you might be up and down with your emotional self. You take things that other say way to personally. So try to be self aware of your reactive self, and learn to count to 10

FOR THE 10TH :Moon moves into the sign of Capricorn in your 10th house. I feel with this energy you need to slow down and acknowledge other people's feelings. Because you may come off as distant or cold to others. Slow the train down and acknowledge others.


FOR THE 9TH: I feel with this energy you are very creative when it comes to thinking outside the box. You are able to come up with problem solving solutions with this energy. I feel for some of you. Being more open minded to new situations and experiences. Or even a new way of doing things

FOR THE 10TH : At this time for some of you making plans to travel. For others of you talking about travelling or watching  the travel channel with this energy. Thoughts of being somewhere else and have adventures are coming up . For others of you delving more into metaphysics with this energy


FOR THE 9TH: The moon is afflicted conjunct  with Mars in the seventh house. Careful with the social media pages. You might be harassed by some weirdos online. Also you might be challenged by others, or you may have a difficult time with dominating women or men.It seems like you are being used as an emotional punching. At this time, I would simply ignore because it's like a gift, and you don't always have to accept it.
FOR THE 10TH : You need to watch your emotional self. Because some of you , may not be doing the right thing at this time. Try to be honest with your situation and be honest with others. Because all the drama your trying to create is going to come back to you and make you look ugly. So try to play nice with this energy because you are very sensitive.


FOR THE 9TH: Watch your emotional self with this energy. You are bottling up your feelings because you don't want to speak up about what you are going through. Or you don't want to say what you want at this time. But others may not know that you want something so say something.  With the Moon conjunct with Mars, this is a great day to start creating good habits, changing your or starting your diet, or even working on your emotional well being.

FOR THE 10TH : Moon in your seventh house in the sign of Capricorn. I feel for some of you , you want to get out and being seen.I feel with this energy you are all about the socializing or wanting to socialize, so try to make this happen. Again you have to be the one to take the initiative in your life instead of assuming others will do .


FOR THE 9TH: Your allowing your insecurities and emotional hang ups to get the best of you. The only person you can control is you, so work on being more in the present and less in your feelings about everything. Look at your situation from an objective point of  view , and try to see big picture. Than what you are feeling and how you feel because I feel the lesson here is to not make things about you .    
FOR THE 10TH : Moon in your sixth house conjunct with Pluto in retrograde in the sixth house. Watch your emotional self because you want to control certain situations. Also your health maybe an issues today with this energy. For some of you , you might be accident prone today so try to be self aware and in the present


  FOR THE 9TH:  Change is happening today for better or worst, so try to go more with the flow. I feel possibility of a move coming up for some of you. Or issues with roommate coming up or with family members. Watch how you treat and speak to others. You might be taking things way to personally. You might feel personally attacked which was not the case.

FOR THE 10TH : You have a difficulty opening or being affectionate towards your sweetheart.  Making emotional connections with others is something you are going to have to relearn.I feel with this energy , you might be teaching or mentoring someone in your life. You might be hanging out with others who are younger than you or spending time with your children with this energy


FOR THE 9TH:  I feel health issues may come up with this energy, also you might be accident prone with this energy. You need to watch your emotional self  because you are a bit to honest about how you feel. Also careful with gossip with this energy.  

FOR THE 10TH :The moon moves into the sign of Capricorn. The focus is on your family and issues going on  with them are being brought to your attention. I feel with this energy you get along with everyone, but you stay very connected to one or two friends and than spend the rest the time with your family


FOR THE 9TH: I feel with this energy , you may be learning something new , or changing up your routine today. For some of you getting out and socializing tonight . I feel with this energy, you may have to be careful when communicating your feelings. I feel there can be mix signals or mix messages going with this energy. Don't blow your top off it , just say what did you mean by that

FOR THE 10TH : Trust your intuition today because it's leading you to right action. You are very competitive with this energy. Whether it be at work or getting someone you like there attention, you are in it to win it. Sounds like some of you are going to have a good ole gaming night


FOR THE 9TH: Watch your emotional self because you are very stuck in your way of thinking. You are being asked to bend or to make adjustment at this time. Try to come more in a place of "Yes". Than trying to control everybody situations. Try to be more about others needs and desire than your own . Careful how you speak to others because sometimes people aren't ready to change. So just be the person that plants the seeds

 FOR THE 10TH : I feel with this energy, possibly seeing someone from your past. You are able to get to the truth , or find the answers you have been looking for.I feel with this energy you are able to find solutions to problems. Also you might be apologizing to others.


FOR THE 9TH: Watch your emotional self today. You are in your feelings and thats not the best place for you. Try to be more in the present, and let go of your anxieties with this energy. You tend to want to be alone and be to yourself with this energy.  You also might be supersensitive with this energy and take things to personally, or treat them like a personal attack on you. Which is not the case.

FOR THE 10TH : Moon moves into the first house. Careful with your emotional self because you are all in your feelings. I feel also with this energy new people can come into your life, changes with relationships can happen or the ex can come back with this energy


FOR THE 9TH: Remember everything is cause and effect. I see you making decisions at this time that are immoral or not in your best decisions. Use good judgement at this time.  Try not to make promises you can't keep with this energy. You tend to be more in your head and can change your mind quite frequently today, stay in the present

FOR THE 10TH : I feel with this energy you are more curious about things that are taboo, or even delving more into spirituality with this energy. You are more eager to learn with this energy. I feel with this energy you are more of a creature of comfort.


FOR THE 9TH: This is a great energy to receive recognition and a pat on the back for you work. I feel with this energy , you are very creative and people appreciate your talent. Also you have knack for thinking outside the box. I feel opportunities to collaborate with others present themselves today.  
FOR THE 10TH : I feel with this energy, your friendships with women improves.Your not about big groups just your little circle of friends and doing something quiet with them. Great time for growth , for those of you in social media. Also you learn more from your friends and from others about yourself.    

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