Sunday, September 18, 2016



Watch what you say to others the walls have ears, and keep those RECEIPTS, all of them. I feel also with this energy. You are still dwelling on arguments and disagreements that you are allowing to affect you. Love seems to be the focus this week or even thoughts of an ex or dealing with loneliness at this time.I do see love opportunities but still it's not the best energy for love opportunities. I do see people from your past coming back , and other people warning you about this person. I feel that you might be stuck when it comes to moving on . On one hand you want to change but on the other hand your not ready too.


You need to stop playing victim and own your part in a sticky situation. I feel also life changes are happening and these can be permanent changes. Like pregnancy, so be careful this week if you don't want to be pregnant, get your rain coat. I do see positive changes happening and a sense of fulfillment. So you are getting your way with certain situations. Smooth changes are happening with certain areas of your life so you might not notice the change. This can be something very natural . I see at this time , major changes you want to make but you are being overly cautious, or over thinking the situation. If you choose to do the cards are giving a green light to these changes, but for some of you these are more up in the air than reality


I feel with this energy opportunities for love are coming up but remember this is mercury retrograde weather so this isn't the best time. I do see your love life picking up or for some of you. A love interest getting a bit more serious. I do see that for some of you thoughts of the ex is coming up, or even thoughts of people from your past are coming up. For some of you , this is a time of the world working in your favor and leading you on your path. So others are coming into your life, or people in your life are planting seeds at this time. Because your direction or path is going to change soon maybe not this week . But it's going to change, and right now you are more in your head and feelings with this energy. But others are pushing you into future while you are dragging your feet .


Major decisions are coming up at this time you have the green light. So don't just dream it do it but even then you may still think about it. I feel this week people are coming back into your life . Because it 's asking you what is your true value , what is it that you really want. Do you want love or do you want the person? Did your true desire aka your values change. So this week for some of you , you may be giving up one thing to get another, is it worth it. For others of you , change is happening this week, but you may not like how fast everything is going. Or you may feel like you have no control or say in the situation. I feel people may change on you, especially if they owe you something. They may get a bit nasty with you. No one likes it when the bill collector calls them , so this may change your relationship with some people in your life. Also with this energy, in regards to love trust your intuition and recognize the red flags coming up


With this energy you have major changes that are coming. Endings and new beginnings with this energy.I feel for some of you, you may need to get out and about a bit more especially connecting with family and friends. Because you might be a bit to much in your head and picking fights with certain people. Because your mind needs  something new or you need to focus more on socializing. I feel for some of you closing a chapter in your life and starting new. I feel for some of you change might be to much for you emotionally. Because you never gave yourself time to mourn a specific loss. So everything may seem like its moving to fast for you, so you may emotionally react to all the changes going on . At this time give yourself a time to mourn your loss, and to allow yourself to emotionally process everything thats has gone on


Great energy for career and business , you may feel more emotional stable because your money situation is looking better. Or things at work are going to be running smoothly. I feel this is a forward moving energy leading towards positive changes with career or business. I feel the focus can be on love this week, either the ex coming back or a new love opportunity may present themselves. For some of you sparks of miracles happening and things just seem to work in your favor. Also with this energy , you need to follow your hunches or intuition. For others of you , you are being led by your intuition into some chance opportunities with career.    


At this time for some of you , your internal traffic light is red. I see somethings that you want to pursue and changes that you want to make but your not going to pursue these at this time , so the light is red. For others of you the light is yellow , and you are still playing with ideas not pursuing these ideas just playing with them. I feel at this time you may be receiving signs, or people telling you what you need to do . The cards are saying you need to listen in regards about making some changes or bettering your self. I feel whats going to happen hear, it's going to be someone else who puts the fire under your butt to make changes. I feel with this energy , even though you don't want too. I feel you are being put in a position to pick sides with others. Even though you don't want too. You need to make some quick decisions at this time


With this energy you can quickly shift the energies once you make the necessary changes either in yourself or with a situation that is not working for you. This would be a good time to take chance with this energy. The cards are giving a green light when it comes to taking risk this week. I feel for some of you are coming up on a second childhood. Situations or people that you want to come back maybe paying you a visit this week. For some of you second chances and do overs are coming up. I feel changes are happening but for the better this week. I feel situations are turning around for you. Especially in regards to money or even situations with family


Watch your emotional self this week because you might be doing things out of spite. Because others don't see eye to eye with you or worst telling you "NO".I feel also with this energy, major changes are happening. For some of you this relocation and adjusting to the new location, or to the locals . For others of you starting over in a certain area of your life. The events coming up , you have no control over so becareful this week. Remember everything is cause and effect. I do see opportunities  coming up with social media or via the internet. I also see love opportunities coming up but you might be a bit more cautious with new love coming in.I feel for others of you , that you have things you want to do but you know they are going to change your life or your going to create more problems you don't need


Watch your emotional self this week, because your not looking at the bigger picture or being logical in your thinking. You are seeing with your emotional eyes instead of all the good you already or can have. I feel love opportunities present themselves to some of you this week. I feel with this energy, this new love or opportunity coming in is going to change your world around for the better so it seems. It's going to start off hot and awesome than loose it's fizzle, so be consistent with this energy.  Anything done under the mercury retrograde may lose its fizzle or you may loose interest three months from now. I do see this being a great week for you if you allow it to be . I do see temporary separations or even quitting your job or leaving a group at this time. But maybe not now nor tomorrow. You'll eventually kiss and make up and go back to it .


I feel that experience makes you a better and wiser person. I feel your play or even conversations with others can bring about money making ideas, or potential new projects with this energy. This is a great time for those of you thinking about: advertising , publishing, pr agents , social media or media. Because you might be come popular or trendy or you may find the methods above to be very helpful for your business. I feel with this energy that love can be the focus for some of you. This energy brings about some endings but it's not anytime soon but I do see situations in your life that are going to come to an end. I feel with this energy , you need to have faith and patience the energies are going to get better. You may have to carry your weight a bit longer but I do see things working themselves out in the end.  


Major decisions can come up in regards to love.  I feel that you might be questioning certain relationships at this time. I feel that for some of  you , the ex is coming back into the picture, and you might be playing with the idea of you two getting back together. I feel for some of you second chances with career opportunities can present themselves. I feel this is  a very good for those of you in business. I feel with this energy for some of you, your life has more of purpose, or you might feel good about what you are doing. I see love energy coming from family and family showing that nurturing energy. I see you are either being very generous or giving with this energy. Or others are being giving and nurturing energy.  I feel also with this energy, something life altering happening like a pregnancy, or this can be something life altering with career.  

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