Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 25,2013 Daily Scope

The  full moon in virgo in your sixth house  you  could try or think about changing  old habits, or leaving bad situations behind

The full moon in virgo is in your fifth house  this is  a great energy to be creative and  having fun , and  for some of  you , you could be in the mood for love 
The full moon in virgo in  your fourth house of  home and family , the focus  is  more  on  your  home life, and taking care of  business in that  area and  getting your priority straighten out 
The full moon in virgo in your thrid house of  communication  you could  find yourself playing catch up  with your to do list today
The full moon in virgo in your  second house joint finances may be the focus today ,  sharing issues as well become the focus, compromise,  kitties
The  full moon in your  first house today  you  want the attention to be on you, and less on someone else  that has been getting allot of attention 
The full moon in virgo in your  12th house of  your subconscious  karma  oooh some deep emotions could  arise to the surface giving you a chance to acknowledge and make the corrections you need to make with in yourself 
The full moon in virgo in your 11th house  of hopes and wishes, and friends  today  you  are interacting with others , and helping those in your life that  are dealing with their own drama

The full moon in virgo in your 10th house of career, popularity, and fame  all eyes are on you today , as  you are made to put your best foot forward and impress the higher up 

The full moon in virgo in your 9th house  of  morals, higher learning and  religion  you are feeling  very   adventurous so  you  could be  feeling antsy to do something 

The full moon in virgo in your 8th house of sex, mysticism, investment and other people's money . Today  you  are  going to be focus  on  paying off your debts  

The full moon in virgo in your seventh house  you need to find balance in your love relationship, it could be   a one sided relationship express that to your partner but in a nice way 

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