Thursday, March 14, 2013


You could be receiving some news or advice that you might not be wanting to share with others, because you are unsure of others reaction to the news, or  may not want to be talked out of it

You could be feeling a bit overwhelmed with ideas  you are throwing about and playing around with ; wether it be with others or yourself don't allow theses brillant ideas or creative flow overwhelm you
TGIF, you could be  feeling a bit unorganized or out of  your routine which will cause some tension especially  with the higher up, try to have a cool head with things start to get out whack or not making sense today 

You if you want something to happen sometimes you have to go out there and do it yourself, watch your hard work pay off today, and if doesn't know that someone was watchng and liked what they say

Careful with the spending you might get a little carried aways especially if  your trying to save money that idea could go out the door today
Your mind is  diffently focus on  money  today especially money making opportunities may present themselves but it may not be something your looking or really passionate about

A very action day for you as you are trying new things or situations that could change your way of seeing things or thinking

Follow your head today instead of your emotions, so you can get a clear view especially with your intuintion , and peace of mind
Your best bet today is to watch a situation unfold rather than getting involved you could be emotionally attached to the situation or  you are not choosing to see both sides of the picture, for now just let the cards fall where they may
Expect plans to change or try not to expect to much out of  a situation or person today because they could or the situation maybe disappointing, don't put all your eggs in one basket

Try to reach a compromise with your partnership or  love relationship especially when it comes to things you want to do or are passionate about

This is  a fun day  for you  especially when trying to cram so much on to your funlist or to do list you  could  find yourself the center of attention

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