Sunday, May 22, 2016



This week change is happening. For some of you, your journey resume and fate comes to lend its hand . Some major decisions are coming with certain situations. Because these situations are fragile or unusual circumstances. At this time , you feel a need that something needs to be done. But maybe a bit cautious and want to make sure you make the right decision.There is hope the cards want you to know in your situation that you are in. You can always tap into faith consciousness and give your problems to God.  Also with this energy enjoy the good that comes your way this week.


For some of you the ex is coming back. For others you feel a deep emotional connection with someone new maybe a potential love relationship? This week brings about positive changes for you. Also with this try not to put so much on your plate. I do see you helping others this week and taking on their responsibility. You love them and thats why you are going out of your way to help them. You have some major decisions coming up in regards to career, or job opportunities that are coming. I feel money maybe the issue


 A calamity will be averted when someone shows up to purchase something you need to sell in order to pay the bills.The cards show, you will find the money to pay for an extended educational opportunity. Not the best energy time for you, but make sure you have that one friend or friends. You can go to, and talk about your problems. Your relationships with others is coming into focus and may have you making some self realizations, or maybe you need to change the way you treat this person.Does show at this time for some of you. You are feeling alone or lonely . For others you are more focus on working at this time and maybe feeling the lonely aspect of this energy.


For some of you thoughts of moving to a different state is coming up or country. I feel that for some of you this could be through your job. There is a reason for everything. This week the situations you are going through. Are there to make you a better and wiser person. Money worries or lack of money may have you feeling sorry for yourself. The knowledge you are taking in these days is possibly the most transformative of your lifetime.  Shows that you may be more dependent on others.  If you are litigating or seeking an insurance settlement. Look for the financial side of things to improve greatly in your favor. Not only will your situation soon be clarified, there will be an absolute and finite outcome related to your discovery of the truth. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


You are dealing with allot of people this week, especially men. You may have some trust issues or concerns with these men. Have faith that everything will work out and they aren't trying to rip you off or cheat you. Watch your money situation because you maybe going on a bit of spending spree.You are suffering under the weight of what was said publicly; either by yourself or by someone about you.Emotions will be the reason you are in a state of alienation.At this time you want to prove others wrong out of spite.


This indicates that you are willing to work hard at saving your relationship, partnership or marriage. Also with this energy shows a reconciliation in regards to love or a relationship in your life. Money matters are emphasized this week. The arguments in  you have been or will be about money or personal property at their core. Also shows love relationships coming up and having a bit stronger feelings for someone instead of your partner. Or you may still have feelings for an ex and thoughts of him or her are coming up. With this energy I do see some good news coming your way which will have you thinking about the future


I see people in your life offering you help and emotional support with decisions you may make this week. You have people in your corner who are their for you. For some of you , I see second source of income. For those of you , who can take financially risk  or make small investment. The cards are giving you the green light with business endeavors. Also the cards indicate that things will go your way, and this can be a very good week.I see good news coming your way. I feel this would be a good time to align your thoughts with the things you want because you might get it.


Some opportunities or school may come along and you may have to leave your love relationship. For opportunities that are happening else where. For some of you, you have mastered a creative process. You have the knowledge and the wisdom in that field to know what to do and what not to do. You might be educating a few souls this week on the art of your craft. Your playtime is actually valuable in bringing about creative solutions to projects on which you could make money and gain acclaim. This week you need to learn to trust yourself. There is a reason your feeling a certain way because it maybe the right decision for you.


Thoughts of the ex are coming up and for some of you an ex is coming back from your past. This week brings some major events or turn events around you. There are some major changes coming that are out of your control. A point in life may be reached where you are so emotionally disrupted that you need to make radical changes in your world. The cards show , you'll get your way in a situation but it maybe a long time fighting before you get it. As long as your vision is about the greater good than it should do well. If it's about you and your needs it wont do well.


This is an awesome time for money. This is a great energy time for career and receiving recognition for your work. Also with this energy this is a great time for business partnerships. This is a great time for online business or creative endeavors. If you 've been waiting for your big break or your big chance. It may come this week.  Money solutions are imminent this week. You are very good at talking your way in and out of anything. This is a great energy to see yourself making money on what you are passionate about. A scandal with accusations of cheating and fraud. Your good name is at stake


Relationships are the focus and dealing with the others controlling ways. Sometimes we can't change others but we can be the example for others. Or we are just there to plant the seed while someone else sows it. Don't try to change the other person's mind because it's not going to work and it will cause fight. At this time patience is a virtue. Also the cards want you to know that you can succeed on your own terms.You did very little to cause all of the endings in your world. You do not have to take responsibility for the weather nor for acts of a divine nature. Look for an unexpected windfall to have more disastrous consequences than benefits.      


Watch your emotional self because you may just up and quit or leave a relationship. Because your being to sensitive about a situation or what some said to you.You are not making any decisions at this time to see if you can get more out of a situation or maybe your way. I do see confrontation and angry words being used but know that the best weapon is silence. Also with this energy for some of you. You maybe leaving a relationship and it's going to seem like a divorce. This can be a separation with a parent or even a your job or love relationship. 

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