Sunday, July 30, 2017


For some of you, this is the past revisited or this can be you thinking about revisiting past or even old projects. For some of you this can be thoughts of moving. This week brings about endings and new beginnings coming up. For some of you this is a second childhood coming up. So this is good news coming your way and this can be with a move. For others of you, I see love but tread carefully with new love because they may create boundaries with you.  Someone in your life could be putting you into crisis energy when there is really no crisis. For others of you, your dealing with manipulative individual

For some of you, I see plans for travelling . For others of you , I see allot of ideas going on but no action at this time. For others of you , I see success on it's way. I feel you may need to go more with the flow at work, or people at work can be inflexible or stuck in their ways of doing things. So they aren't open minded to anything new or doing things differently. I feel for others of you, you could be feeling regret over a past relationship. For others of you this can be reevaluating certain relationships or even career direction
For some of you,this can be growth with career. I feel that you can benefit through partnerships. For others , I see fulfillment as situations seem to go your way or certain things going on in your life seem to work themselves out. For some of you, you are mastering a specific area of your life, or you can have things under control at this time. For others of you this is the world working in order to make things happen for you.
For some of you, you can make real deep connections with certain relationships in your life. You can be more vulnerable at this time and more revealing about your deeper thoughts and desire that you don't dare tell anyone in your life, not even your MAMA. Lots of socializing going on this week . For some of you it's guilty by association . Careful who you hang out with .  For some of you , you are reconnecting with old friends or past love relationship.  For some of you, you can have a difficult time with others because of a generation gap or your on a different level than the other people in your life

For some of you this is creating your own reality. I feel for some of you this is time of growth with career, or getting a job. For some of you this is new beginnings coming up.For some this can be a fabulous week ahead. I feel that relationships especially love can be taking a turn for the better. And you and your partner could be getting really serious about each other. For others of you this is not knowing what you want in love and reaching out to past relationships. I see you teaching someone in your life valuable and even creating boundaries with this person .

For some of you this is good news coming your way , and this can be looking for an apartment, or even a roommate. For some of you this can be new love coming into your life or your current relationship going to the next level. For some of you this is dealing with court. For some of you this is seeing a light at the end of your tunnel .For some of you, you have wisdom and knowledge to share, because you've been there and done that. For some of you, a situation in your life can be come very clear to you

You take your relationships in your life very seriously. To you everyone is like family to you. For some of you there could be thoughts about reaching out to people from your past. For some of you this is travelling for work, but you could be thinking about. Or this can be a career opening but it's not close to where you live at this time your going to mull over it . For some of you , this can be a good time for business with this energy. For others of you, you are moving ahead in line for love or this can be a promotion. This week can get very busy so hold on
Stay positive good news coming your way.Make sure you keep your receipts , text messages , emails everything someone can be trying to throw you under the bus. I see confrontation happening .  Don't do anything at this time, that may cause you to regret that decision later. Who ever has to leave your life let them. For some of you, you can be seeing  certain situations or even your faith in things start to change, or give you a greater perspective on certain situations . For others of you, I see dating coming up for you
You need to trust your intuition this week. For some of you this is good news coming your way with certain situations in your life. Or certain things resolving themselves. For others of you this can be good news with career or business. For some of you this can be getting a job. You have allot of good coming to you so try to keep the energy humble. For others of you , your life is taking a turn and this can be for some of you doing more adult things, moving to the next chapter in your life, or this can be getting married. For some of you , I do see love but I feel this can be with an on again off again relationship.
You can be a bit quiet , and keeping your cards close and not opening up to anyone at this time. You can be more in your thoughts so careful because you don't like to be distracted when in deep thought. For some of you, you could be ask to do more for your career. I feel that this week that the focus is more towards career, or business. I feel that business or career can be very busy . For some of you this is your money situation turning around for the better. For others of you this is revisiting the past
You need to stay the hell outta your head and be more in your present. Try to be on the right side of the law with this energy. You can be giving your emotional life to much life. You can at anytime get a grasp of your reality and start to take back control. For some of you this is good news coming in or this can be traveling coming up.  For some of you, love relationships can be a bit fragile think big picture. Sometimes it's not always best to be right but better to try to understand the other. For some of you this can be different ways of thinking or doing things so try to be adaptable
You need to relax fishies , you can take yourself way to seriously or you may take your life a bit to seriously so try to relax a bit more . Not everything is crisis or so intense. I see the world working in your favor so keep it positive. I feel this is good time for negotiations or litigation . I see things that you want to happen working out in your favor. Your hard work and perseverance is paying off and you can be receiving signs or seeing positive changes happening this week

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